I voted for Obama and Hillary. Ask me anything.
Other urls found in this thread:
when is the last time a nigger was in your house for a social visit?
What's your favorite hair dye brand?
Have you ever seen a man naked?
Do you know who killed Seth Rich?
Are you in Seattle or Portland
How many times did you get fucked in the ass before you caught the AIDs?
Why would you think that a woman like Hillary would be a strong leader? She didn't have the lady balls to kick Bill to the curb (fucks around on her for 30 years w/all sorts of ugly bitches), so how could we (America) believe that she would stick up for us?
Given the prolonged periods of artificially low(0%) interest rates after multiple rounds of Quantitative Easing, coupled with American companies leaving the US for better tax climates, how do you feel Obama 2.0 Clinton would be better suited for our economy? How would her proposed plan for higher taxation
1) Improve real GDP
2) Raise the LFPR around maximum output
3) Lower the U-6 unemployment rate
4) Lower the National Debt to manageable levels
5) Create new employment and increase capital expenditure
Have you told your parents you're gay yet?
Does your wife's boyfriend know you post here?
Just bringing more spics to artificially pro the housing market and keep the bubble going like duuuh!
Now you have a fucking idiot who is planning to close the border with out dealing with the bubble
I'm in Texas. I'd like to be in Seattle or Portland.
How many windows on your short bus have you licked?
I told my mom that I'm transgender.
Austin isn't Texas you cuck
How do you get internet at your cuck shed?
It isn't Earth either depending who you ask.
What kind of leftie are you? Union tradesman, hippie, antifa, old party person, or other?
Have you ever been to Seattle or Portland?
Just asking because Longhorn grad here, and I visit Sea-Tac (port of Seattle) about twice a year. Downtown is literal shithole (there is shit in the streets from homeless people pooping, really) always overcast, you just see people milling around asking for change (think a gas station in the black part of town x 1000), taxes are stupid crazy (state income tax is a bitch) and government regulations are stifling (you dont even get the title to your car, it stays with the state to give you an idea).
Whats so bad about Texas?
And how did they react to your illness?
I wanted a leader to be empathetic like Merkel. I felt like we needed a female president. I still do. I also think she was very strong on foreign policy and I liked that. I felt like she would be tougher on Russia than Obama was. Bill made mistakes. If Hillary can forgive him so can I.
I think it was just a random shooting. You guys should stop.
A friend of mine came to visit a month ago. She's black.
I have.
>state income tax
>in WA
also you get your car title in WA... the only problem that WA has, really, is king county nigger
also a shill is running this thread to slide better ones
I don't have HIV or AIDS.
Why do you hate yourself?
What did you have for dinner?
I'm not in Austin. How is Canada? It's looking pretty based from down here these days.
Do you like Beaners like me?
We had an extremely robust economy with the Clinton rates in the 90's and she said her plan would not have added a dime to the debt or deficit.
I do like mexicans.
Why do you feel gender matters when choosing someone for a job?
>I felt like she would be tougher on Russia than Obama was
Well the only thing left would've been to declare war.
i gues you wasted your vote since obama ran with biden and your write in was invalid
I've never been but I here it's nice. I have family in the portland area. I have to imagine it is a more inclusive place. It's better for trans individuals like myself.
Texas isn't so bad per se. I've always lived here (born in Connecticut). I think austin would be pretty cool. I just live in a backwards part of the state. Our governor is horrible and so is the state legislature.
When were you first diagnosed with schizophrenia?
Are you willing to recognize how evil Hillary is as a person? Upon recognizing that.... do you accept that people like /us/ could in no way, vote for someone like that?
It's just time. Just like it was time for Obama. I hope we elect a woman president one day. I really hope it's in 2020.
Name one non-white country that must receive immigration.
She is not evil but Trump is. I don't know how you guys voted for him. So is pence.
Can you relate to pic related?
>South Korea
>Saudi Arabia
You are seriously deluded, which is exactly why you voted for Hillary and Obongo.
I didn't vote for Trump, btw. Trump is just a buffoon, Hillary is fucking evil and corruption personified.
maybe a little
What's your take on Islam?
>It's just time.
This is not an argument.
What would you say to someone who voted for Trump b/c he's a white male?
Her support has waxed and waned over a few weeks. She's supporting me but not as much as I would like. It could have been much worse though and she was the easy one.
You are confusing a black person and a nigger.
never dyed my hair before.
>le difference between niggers and black men.
You'll grow up one day, hopefully.
Name one of Hilary's foreign policy achievements
very conservative religion being distorted by barbaric fringe lunatics
What do you think about jews?
That is not an argument. 'Its time' for a 50% Italian, 25% Irish, 25% Scottish President so I can feel represented!
Why are you retarded?
Does your wife let you watch her fuck her boyfriend?
If it weren't for Jesus, I couldn't forgive you.
I live right in between
I never liked Netanyahu but I support Israel's right to exist. I believe the holocaust happened in the numbers they say it did. They were also persecuted in Russia. They have done quite well for themselves here. It is so terrifying to see a rise in anti-semitism here and in Europe again.
Have you ever wondered why you're not allowed to criticize jews, and that if you do, you will be branded and your life as you know it will be ruined?
Have you been taught about pic related in history class?
Good goy.
salmon cakes, scalloped potatoes, and steamed veggies
You see, I too support Israel's right to exist - if they want to have their own little ethnostate, that's fine.
The problem is that (((they))) don't support our right to exist.
And here's some funny bullshit just to lighten the mood.
Yeah I learned about the Russian civil war at uni.
Mel Gibson seems to be doing just fine now.
Well I think the Palestinians deserve a state of their own too. I don't believe Jews are out to get all of humanity.
Seek psychiatric help. Faggot.
And the German revolution?
If you knew the whole complete truth, you would know that
(a): the 6 goyrillion number is a lie and it's actually much smaller
(b): the kikes had it coming to them
Not necessarily in that order.
Well they are.
How dare you say that?
Random, are you kidding,why didn't (from what i couldn't find) a single Democrat come out and condemn guns,like they always do ? Seth was a member of the DNC and not a single Democrat came out.
Those hyenas always use a shooting to push for more gun control and Seth's "random" murder would of been a perfect to push gun control narrative.
What's it like choosing to be ignorant?
What are your wife's kids names?
Do you wet the bed and pee in your belly button for giggles too?
What criteria do a people's have to meet to deserve a state?
Actually I was going to say that his death is a symptom of the gun violence problem that plagues America. Seth Rich is fake news to distract from #RussiaGate. It's very tragic what happened to him but his parents want everyone to stop pushing the false narrative.
Welcome to Sup Forums. Sooner or later you will be red-pilled whether you like it or not.
Enjoy the ride.
Are union tradesmen the good lefties?
Where do you get these ideas from? Do you just parrot what you see your friends say on facebook? Honestly, where do you get this information? Obviously you haven't looked into the seth rich case, or saw what his relatives first said, etc. So where do you get your info?
YOU were going to say that, problem is a DEMOCRAT didn't.
His murder proves HE was the leaker not Russians.
But whateves,reading through your responses tells me you don't care.
It's going to be a long 8 years for you boy-0.
They should probably be a large ethnic group that's been located in a region for some time. Palestinians, Kurds, and Tibetans deserve a state. Chechneya clearly cannot handle self governance.
I bet you like taking it in the ass from a black guy
It won't be eight years but yes this is an awful time for me.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
I get my news from cnn, msnbc, abc, cbs, bbc, npr, nytimes, wapost, vox, dailykos, mother jones, RawStory, the Huffington Post, politico, TIME, and my personal favorite the Hill. I'll check out right wing media outlets just to see what they are saying but I never buy it.
I remember, one year ago, I was a blue-pilled normie Republican; "I care so much about the black community that has been downtrodden by Democrats! Leftists are the real fascists!"
I'm not even the same person anymore.
If you continue to lurk here, one year from now, you will realize that Hitler was right on 90% of things.
What about being able to defend self determined boarders ? Or, amongst themselves being able to ratify a founding document? Run an economy and a judicial system ?
>your personal favorite, the Hill
Jesus Christ man, you're hopeless.
That's unfortunate. All proven fake news outlets. Oh well... good luck to you. Hope you recover.
Why you stupid tranny with a stinky brown dick in your ass?
why didn't you do the right thing and vote for aleppo?
What specific policies did Hillary did offer that you thought would benefit you?
Do you like gladiators?
I'd like to ask you to go kill yourself, so fucking do it you stupid faggot.
knowing that homosexuality can be influenced by hormones, why is it immoral to say we should heal them?
Obama violated the 4A on an institutional level and you faggots aren't trending it.