What are Sup Forums's thoughts on mgtow?

What are Sup Forums's thoughts on mgtow?

More like Men Sent Their Own Way.

Why else would you reject relationships a priori, no matter who with? It reeks of emotional coping.

>Don't get married
>Save your money
>Only pump and dump
>Focus on your career
>You will have no drama in your life
>If a bitch is giving you a hard time, kick her to the curb with no regrets of financial ties
>Don't have kids

Seems like the life I should have Chosen.

Because most wymynz are fucking worthless and no where near marriage material. Go your own way and pump and dump.

>be 90% white with Native American filling the rest in
>just want to fuck as many women as possible and make money
>don't have plans to settle down/make kids

Yeah, most. And I ain't all that great myself desu. Why would I decide in advance that I couldn't ever find a nice one though? I probably won't but who knows.
Yeah why not. But you could still stay open minded. MGTOWs are so categorical.

What does being Native American have to do with anything?

another (((plan))) to depopulate the world
not a bad idea though, too many of us anyways

this is an /r/SRS thread by made feminist from reddit. when kikes, tradcucks, and feminist hate it you know it's good

get fucked. no more betabux providers for you ever. the loser larping on Sup Forums against mgtow won't do anything against it either. even jordan peterson had to apologize and admit it's absolutely true

I can't decide how I feel about MGTOW.
On one hand it's ugly manlets voluntarily removing themselves from the gene pool. On the other it's more white men giving up on fighting for Western Civilization.

Who here literally forced MGTOW?

>autism spectrum disorder
>schizoid personality disorder
>learning disability
>low IQ

No women wants to be with a grown man on disability who can't function in society that doesn't ever want to leave the house that doesn't socialise and can't get a job let alone a well paying job.

I've been lifting for 6 years to try make up for it to attract a woman but once they see how fucked up I am mentally and that I'm on disability it makes them go running instantly.

Nothing about my life will ever be normal, I'll never have a girlfriend let a lone a wife and kids. I just have too much issues for me to ever function in society.

In a way I guess it's comforting knowing I have literally nothing to lose.

Damn that's fucked up. If you're personally MGTOW for whatever reason then OK, whatever you think is right for you.
But those trying to convince others to be MGTOW are doing it because they hate women and they don't want them to have their "betabux".
The marriage rates are already dropping for a lot of different reasons (like the economy and a shortage of high status men). I don't know what kind of impact people like you have, but you're probably just imagining most of it. And you are just convincing some guys to blame others for their personal problems and generalize all women. I mean, it's OK to red pilled on this stuff, but you're pushing it a bit far and you clearly have ulterior motives.

>Yes Goy, just accept your eventual collapse and destruction of your people! Go your own way!

>shortage of high status men
One of the point of MGTOW is to become a high status man. MGTOW states that the uglier the man is, the more money he will need. wymynz like money and power over anything else. Just ask Henry Kissinger. That's why MGTOW focus on career and saving money and working out.

>inb4 white nats saying it's your duty to marry a wife who you're sure to get if you're alpha enough, all the while not having done any of that themselves

Ever think of going to graduate school? You could rack up degrees and make bux. Not with the purpose of getting women necessarily, just make bux for fun.

The beta male's response to feminism. Every guy that identifies with this shit is bound to die a virgin anyways, just like these Wailords on tumblr who tout feminism day in and day out.

>That's why MGTOW focus on career and saving money and working out.
Normies do the same shit, except they fuck bitches and you don't.

Its a jewish ploy to increase the white ethnocide rate

Damn dude, that's harsh.

>autism spectrum disorder
>schizoid personality disorder
>learning disability
>low IQ
Me too except my IQ's fine. I'm a programmer. You could do it too. You don't need to be smart to be a programmer. Some of my coworkers are retarded kek. You have to learn new things every few years anyway. You can start anytime.

But guess what, it didn't help much. I have to wake up and spend most of my day on this and I'm preoccupied with it during the rest of the day. Still autistic and schizoid. And I spend my weekends with neoreactionaries and nazi LARPers online because I like memes and conspiracy theories. This doesn't help.

I socialize a bit sometimes but I hate it. Yeah I'm not getting married. It wouldn't be right anyway. It wouldn't work out. My genes probably aren't that great either. I'm not even trying to get a gf because it would be too much to deal with tbqdesu. Maybe I could change that whole situation but it's daunting.

And the will isn't there anyway. I don't worry about it. I pretty much never think about it. I can spend my time reading, working on my opensource projects, playing vidyas, walking my dogs, shitposting, helping out people from time to time, etc.

If a family is truly what you want and you have the will maybe you could do better than me. Some of my coworkers are really cool and try to make me socialize more and tried to help me meet women. But I'm not trying and I'm happy with my life going nowhere I guess. THE KIKES GOT TO ME.

Quitters never win.

Same thread every time. There's 2 distinct groups that are against mgtow:

Feminists: Marriage is incredibly useful to women. Allows them to put the states gun up to the husband's head and demands them to bankroll their whore of a wife. If she gets bored, she can leave with half his shit and the kids. This is great for women, and MGTOW is undermining that.

Tradcucks: They don't care about how much men enjoy their lives or what risk marriage is, they just want men to be slaves to their women/ government in order to "save the white race". They believe women are the epitome of life, and serving one will bring them happiness. They can't fathom a man not wanting to marry, because they're so brainwashed into thinking their life's purpose is to bend their knee to a woman for sex.

Not only are most women these days not worthy of marriage (sluts with no homemaking skills), the laws surrounding marriage and divorce are so cucked a woman is incentivized to leave you. You can say "just find a nice girl, beta", but I mean with a 50% divorce rate(90% initiated by women) you're always going to be taking a huge risk for your wealth and livelihood. Mgtow's just say "hey man, the juice isn't worth the squeeze". Sex is easy to get nowadays without marriage, so you're really only missing out on having kids. In the economy kids are a huge financial drain, plus there will be technologies in the future the could allow men to have kids without needing a partner.

Quitters never lose

A signal of young men's growing apathy/antipathy towards society. It's clear to see the root of it in the education system's scathing hatred of all things white and male leading to their alienation.

Society sends young white men the message "you're not welcome here, fuck off" and they do, but society is somehow angry about getting what it wants.

>Quitters never win.

It's never the womens fault, is it?

Nothing ever is, is it?

Its a jew trick to keep the already disgruntled white race from reproducing. If they push "having kids and being married sucks! Just be single forever and never settled down" to weak willed white people while Jamal, Juan, and Rafiq are marrying white women and having 4-7 kids per family, its only a short amount of time before whites no longer exist.


Humans are designed to seek companionship. Only the pathetic losers who cant get women think that men shouldnt have wives by """choice"""

>ignores laws preventing a fair marriage
>implying the jews don't want wageslaves taxing away for a woman

>Only the pathetic losers who cant get women think that men shouldnt have wives by """choice"""
Hahaha only a beta who need to get married to get laid would say that