What's this guys deal? Every fucking youtube video runs his commercial
U niggas probably don't even have 19 acres and an 1830's cabin in Virginia
A book shelf...... in the garage......sure.
most people would have all those books on one e-reader or tablet
he's marketing marketing marketing
PT Barnum once said
"there's a sucker born every minute."
The video where he hops out of his car and gets ready to get into a helicopter with his "business associate" is especially humorous
> He thinks everyone reads on a tablet
I rather hold a physical book in my hand and this moron doesn't understad that by keeping his books in the garage, he's exposing them to humidity and other harmful elements.
Inception tier marketing pyramid scheme tbqh. h3h3 did a vid on his Malibu "house". He rents out shit, especially cars, planes, houses, etc... Usually the exact same thing (same plane, same house) over and over and plans these vids out. Because he's marketing a market within a market in a deeper market for shekels.
>not blocking ads
That's a ferrari not a lambo
How do we stop him?
Shits getting out of hand.
>19 acres
I thought you burgers could buy a 19 acre lot with a cabin for $50 K
i dont even want to own a ferrari fuck this asshole
>getting ads
Imagine how bad those books are degrading due to the car fumes, holy shit.
this, desu
>look how rich i am, imma tell you how to be rich just like me if you buy this thing and that thing and do this thing.
Internet Marketing honeypot for dummies. The dudes that bite and are commited to these things only find out in the end that they were duped and that the only money that dude makes is from you buying his shit.
there are commercials on YouTube now?
If it's in the middle of nowhere and the property was low value, yeah, maybe 50k for that much land and a cabin.
i thought it was
>theres an ass for every seat
Tai lopez is the 9gag of entrepreneurs.
many leatherbound books and smells of rich mahogany etc etc
>not using adblock
>19 acres and a cabin
Pfft, you could put that in my back yard and not even be in the way. Fuck this guy.
An exceptional conman. Just like your president.