SGovs, mind control, manipulation, etc

Hey Sup Forums! I posted here a few months ago about the founding of shadow governments, mob control, and other manipulation tactics. Pic is from my first thread in case anyone recognizes me (Probably not).

Okay, well I'm posting some new stuff (and maybe some old stuff) now. I'll start off with mind control because it's fun.

Mind control can be achieved in many ways, but I want to start off with one I didn't talk about last time.

> Repeated (Compulsory) thoughts
If you've every wondered what causes people with OCD to check the oven five times, or clean everywhere, then here it is. They have repeating, unwanted thoughts that compel them to act and does not cease until they do. This effect can actually be recreated in a normal person too. If you've ever heard the phrase, "The more you do something, the better you get." you may be surprised to know that it applies to thoughts as well. If you overthink things now, you're more likely to do it in the future because those synapses are wired better. Humans have this thing called echoic memory, meaning that when they hear something, it is repeated back to them in their mind. Now what happens if you put repeating phrases in something like music? It gets stuck in your head. Political leaders use this all the time if you try to notice. It's the most common form of mind control.

Other urls found in this thread:

> Manipulation
> Pride manipulation

This one is pretty situational, but you can get the hang of when to use it after a little while. The name says it all, the goal is to use a person's pride against them, and you've likely done this at least once before too.

P1: "I'm not going to drink that."
P2: "Not man enough for it?"

Bump for interest

> Founding a SGov
> Bottom up approach

This is pretty straight forward. You gather enough people with a similar mindset and fill ALL or close to ALL the low ranking (most likely a volunteer job, or something that feels like a chore) political positions in your respective area. The point of this is to eliminate risk of opposition moving up the ranks and obtaining important positions. This is a very long method, but it works. This is what the liberals did in the USA if you're wondering. Another benefit is that it won't immediately tip off any of the, "big players" if the connection between the group is hidden. The best way to keep it hidden is to not tell anyone that is, "in on it", but to just encourage (prod) like minded people to take the position.

keep goin user

> Mind Control
> Subliminal messaging/ related imagery.

You probably already know about subliminal messages. I'll give you an example that you might have seen in a commercial before.

There is a mother in the background that is not being mentioned. She has children throwing tantrums everywhere and she is doing nothing.

In the forefront is a woman with well-behaved children. She is the one speaking positvily about the product.

This creates the message that, "I'm a good parent because I do such and such." and for the background mom, "I'm a bad parent because I don't."

I can give more examples of this if you want. I'm going to break this post in two for the second part though.

Part 2.

Related imagery is slightly different though. This is an INDIRECT form of subliminal messaging (Yes it get more indirect). This involves association and priming (more on priming latter). You display one image (ex: a woman holding a coke), then you display another with only one aspect of the first (A coke on the beach). You may start thinking of bikinis because of this. If you've ever wondered about those weird commercials that don't seem like they have anything to do with the product, this is why. Car companies do this a lot.

> Mind Control
> Priming

This is one from my second thread I think? Anyway, this is a really weird association effect. Have you ever gone into a grocery store and wondered why they have all the flowers that no one buys? It's because it makes you believe that their meat is fresher. Makes absolutely no sense right? This method is actually proven to work though. I suggest you look it up too, it's very interesting. I classify this as different from related imagery because it doesn't need imagery to work. Related imagery is a subcategory to priming essentially.

Bump for newfriends to get some redpills


is vaporwave mind control?

this is important

> Founding a SGov in a SGov

This is pretty great. You may do this on accident too. Most shadow governments run on secrecy (Some don't surprisingly.) and because of this, you can found them inside each other. Let's say you're an underling. You get paid to manage other underlings, but the benefactors are user. You can then decide to do what they say, but at the same time use your influence for your own means. They would find out you say? No, not really. You watch a child to make sure it's doing what it should and not what it shouldn't. Everything in between is essentially free game. As long as you don't step on their toes, you're good.

it makes me feel sad and i get a tingle in my dick


Music can be used to lessen awareness, just as a movie can. When you watch a movie you don't tend to notice the people around you. It makes for great subliminal messaging. I've never heard of this style of music till now, so I can't say much about it.

> Hiding a SGov
> Fact=Fiction Fiction=Fact, or shit mixing

This is my favorite part. I discussed this last time too. Most of you probably have a better understanding of this since my last thread because of the spread of fake news.

Let's start with the original example though:
> An event happens that doesn't cause a massive stir, but could (Or you know an event is coming).
> You hire an author and turn it into a book.
> Other people take inspiration from the book and make their own books.
> Then even more people take inspiration from the daughter books and so on.
> "What do you mean you saw an alien user? That's just a description from X's book! Lies!"


so which SGov are you not in user

> Hiding a SGov
> Altering history

Do you think it's harder to alter history in modern day? Wrong! You fools, it's the easiest it's ever been! How often does the previous generation look at the newer one's textbooks? How much do they remember from their own for comparison? See, the youngest generation was obviously not alive during the previous one, which means that events of the previous one can be displayed a slightly different light and they have no way of knowing. It's their reality. Change a little every generation, maybe lower parents interest in their child's education so 1. they don't care what their kid is learning, or 2. their kid isn't learning. Unknowing subservience, or complying ignorance.

lol, none that I know of. I chose that name because people thought I was in one last time. One person also thought I was in the FBI.

I can list some, but the ones I list won't be the shit mixed ones so it might put me on a list if I'm not already on one.

it just occured to me that there i was, listening to repetitive music, designed to make me feel nostalgia, while i was also doing drugs

just seemed like a great way to get something implanted

> Manipulation
> Flip it on them

Have fun with this one, but be careful. Since they're are a lot of trolls here, this one may seem a little obvious to them. When in an argument, you can learn a lot about a person. You can learn what they value, their lvl of tolerance, whether or not they know what they're talking about, but my favorite is the first one. What I'm trying to say will be conveyed best via example.

P1: "Animals don't belong in captivity."
P2: "You are a monster for wanting them to suffer in the wild, where they live shorter lives, live in unsanitary conditions, risk starvation and poaching! You probably never thought of that though."

In this example they clearly care about animals. Use this against them.

The basic formula is this:
P1: I care about X!
P2: You don't really care about X!

That's a little over simplified though.

Sex culture is a lot bigger now, yes? What's the ratio of sad songs to happy songs released since 2010? Drug culture is larger for that matter too.

It's mid night where I live so I'm going to end this by listing a few of SGovs

Chicago 7 (USA)
Teacher's union (USA)

> Companies
Coca Cola (Specifically in several African countries, they control the water trade)
ALL major tabbaco companies, they bought major food companies and brought their talent for creating addiction with them.

> Political figures involved
The Clinton's (Dear God, their roots run deep).
The Bushes (Shallow roots now a days).

The list is small because these are the ones that I know for a FACT have connections.

I'll stay for a few to answer questions, if you even have any.

If you ever want to interact with them, Black Ops is the sure fire way. Someone I used to know had to deal with them as part of the job. He roomed with one of the leaders in the first major mars project and they both died mysteriously.

More info plox

Does Trump have his own shadow government?

While, the leader in the Mars project developed a high fever, went to the ER (really high), and he died that night. The doctors ran every single test they had, and they all came up blank. They never found out what was wrong with him, even though they tried for a while after he died. You also have to remember that this man was far from poor, so they tried EVERY test.

The member of black ops got cancer. He died when I was younger, but if I remember correctly there was something strange about it, like that it's rarely lethal and appearance I'm told that there were some apparent shenanigans going on.

I apologize for the vagueness, but this person achieved a lot before getting into Black Ops and he stood out enough that you could use him to find me.

As far as I can tell he's making one right now. Get ready for that because he'll probably let it loose when he doesn't want to deal with it anymore.

I'm going to give this another six minutes before I leave.

add a tripcode, faggot. Forums+how+to+tripcode
don't use anything near your real pw.

I don't think so. I just listened to a few random tracks. One started with a metronome as a beat and I thought "A ha!" but then it turned in a heavy, driving digital beat.

what made you ask this, user?

What is sgov and why aren't you talking about remote electronic mind control