AUSPOL shitty saturday edition

>Freebies offered with Brisbane rental properties amid apartment boom

> Peter Dutton: 'I'm just not impacted by that hatred'


>‘Good’ debt, ‘bad’ debt, robo-debt and the decision that erased Bob Day’s debt

>Victoria apologises to Chinese community for racist policies during gold rush era

>Constitutional recognition still open for discussion, Aboriginal leader Pat Dodson says

>Manhunt underway for two violent prisoners who are serving time for assault after they escape from a Queensland jail
Yesterdays thread: Dickcord: gg/RgSvKQZ

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off ya chink cunt.

Nice typos ya silly mutant cunt

Got the new world of warcraft expansion.

G'day m8's
threw another one on the barbie last night.

Fuckin WHY? WoW has been dead for years now.

DID JCHA ME MATE? Made me doggie lick my diggoreedo I did ya cunt

reminder that we hold the ideological keys to realistic discussion of race
and reminder that the abo question (AQ) is the gateway to wider race realist discussion
in fact my view is that its the gateway to our political success - we have the most to offer them ideologically, and having them on board gives us unmatchable social credit vs the commies.
we've seen noongas side with the right (to the left's shock and dismay) over social conservative issues like fag marriage. and its only logical really - we know that they want patriarchal, ethnically homogeneous societies.

unfortunately we have not been doing enough, and the recent developments are sweeping past before we've had a chance to point out these obvious similarities and build an alliance.

bless your chink heart for making this thread OP
hopefully its doesn't prune
please make it anew without delayi f it does

Gonna leave sydney .... finshed my shittty business degree gonna go live in a cave out bush.

FUck sydney

>puts a space in the sundi morn herald link
the baka is learning

hey dumb cunts

Sydney might be a shitty city, but it's OUR shitty city.

I'm sick of that trivago bitch. Fuck off.

>literal jews selling us out to chinks
could hardly believe my eyes after reading that quote by that meriton kike

Hey man were cool right?

aye bois should we start archiving links here?
not just for denying them ad revenue - but more importantly they will see where the traffic is being directed from

they're getting nervous
concern-troll article "its ova! drumpfs finished!" style
unfortunately for them can't be completely biased and had to admit i conclusion that this wave is far from over
>Is the right-wing populist monster dying?


>Victoria apologises to Chinese community for racist policies during gold rush era

>Let chinks into country to mine gold in the first place
fucks sake they should be thanking us for getting the chance

Traitorous Jew of the Day: David Manne

David headed RILC’s legal teams in the recent successful High Court challenges in the cases of Plaintiff M61 (regarding the Government’s ‘offshore processing’ regime in Australia); Plaintiffs M70/M106 (the ‘Malaysia Solution’ case); Plaintiff M47 (challenging security assessment and indefinite detention of a refugee); Plaintiff M76 (regarding indefinite detention of a refugee on security grounds); Plaintiff M150 (challenge by a 15 year old unaccompanied refugee in relation to the Government’s attempt to bar permanent protection through a visa cap); and Plaintiff S89 (challenging a Government regulation designed to bar boat arrivals from permanent protection).

fucking onya for posting
top stuff - we need more of this intel work
hats off to the user who posted the info on this jew the other day:

>(((Triguboff))) was asked, "But might rents fall in Sydney and Brisbane when all the new apartments are completed in the next two years?"
>(((He))) responded, "Then (((I))) will bring in more migrants."

If aboriginal elders do get parliamentary recognition, what will they do with it? Do they understand the issues that affect modern society on top of their traditional aboriginal tribes still living in the middle of the bush?

Don't the aboriginal elders oppose gay marriage?

$75 on the spot

jesus what a fucking joke this nanny state is.

almost 5 hours between these two posts
>pass posters would be nothing without us


fucking hell, we're finally back

is the capchca fixed?

I still love you, son.

It's apparently common, I rarely catch the train but fuck.

bumping for anglo pride

>more apologies

>Victoria apologises to Chinese community for racist policies during gold rush era


Why does BC represent all of Canada?

>we are sorry people didn't like foreigners stealing our gold
Civil war when?

tfw i didn't fall for the 'buy a pass goy' scam

shouldn't Britbongs be apologising?

back then nobody was 'Australian'

Good day cunts

Didn't you guys get overrun by the Asian hordes decades ago? Take out those contacts and undye your hair, Nihaonon.

it's night, but g'day

t. ahmed ackmed

Afraid I don't share your optimism on the AQ. Reminder that most abos are already mixed race and dependent on gibs, so they have a stake in the continued existence of the welfare/managerial state and multi-ethic society. Reminder too that they have been programmed to think of themselves as victims, just like leftists and other assorted minorities. They will always identify with the coloured 'other' than with Aussies. The dregs of them are stuck in dysfuction in remote slums, while the most adept (light brown) are taking advantage of their status to enter the managerial and consultant elite class, so there's no way they'll advocate for ethnocentrism except as a pretext for more gibs and cushy salaries. See these cunts at the Ayers Rock gabfest this week for example.