Why should domestic abuse still be illegal?
What's wrong with tough love
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There's "tough love" and then there's physically and emotionally scarring a woman and treating her like trash. If you do the latter, no, you're not a good husband.
>domestic abuse
love =/= damaging your victim (whom you supposedly love) emotionally and physically to teach a lesson that is insignificant in comparison to the harm you've caused
I did the latter and I guess you could say it ruined my life. I don't think I des3rved two years behind bars though.
I just fuck her rough randomly when we're outside. She's my personal cumdumpster and knows her place.
>I don't think I des3rved two years behind bars though.
Would a nigger?
Tell me that after she breaks the washing machine. Awkward.
Also, she never showed me any respect. I demand respect. I'm an act now ask later type of badass dude. If you disrespect me, I'll rock your world baby, brace for impact, I wrestled in high school.
True feminism requires women to be free to enter any kind of domestic contract they choose to, whether that be heterosexual, polyamory, open or traditional marriage.
If a women choose to marry a man with traditional values it is not the place of the state to patronize her with their judgements on what is right or wrong within the marriage. If she signs up for a marriage that includes slaps on the face if dinner is not on the table and the kids have dirty fingernails, she should be free to do so. It's the height of misogyny to assume she doesn't have the agency to make that decision.
I suppose not
Why not spank or pinch her? Never had a wife, only kept pets most of my life. A soft spank or a pinch of fur let's the critter know not to do X. Do any Sup Forumsacks know how effective it is on women?
Sometimes you just gotta skip the ouer derv straight to the meat and potatoes. A right hook solves a world of problems. It's spectacular. Old Meat Hook hasn't failed me yet.
Go back to Hiddenlol with the other edgelords.
MODS ban this underage piece of shit
>Tell me that after she breaks the washing machine. Awkward.
You're as bad as a nigger if you think she'd deserve harm for breaking it by accident
>Also, she never showed me any respect. I demand respect. I'm an act now ask later type of badass dude. If you disrespect me, I'll rock your world baby, brace for impact, I wrestled in high school.
Typical douche. Why not embrace Islam?
When you're both in the mood you can do whatever kinky shit you want as long as it doesn't kill her. If she doesn't want it, don't do it. You'd be an abuser and a rapist, and I'm sure there's laws against both in Canada.
Also, you didn't refute what I said. I showed that your type of tough "love" is meaningless and you didn't refute it at all
I'm old enough to be your father.
I'm white. I hate sandniggers. I was with the AB inside prison.
Seriously, don't hit her in the face. She will report it to the authorities eventually and the only one fucked is you. Spanking is okay, but make sure she isn't bleeding or bruised afterward.
I already went to jail homie for this shit
It's not in Japan.
lol weebs BTFO
I have a kid but I don't have no relationship with him.
>I'm white. I hate sandniggers. I was with the AB inside prison.
Yet the only difference between you and sandniggers is the color of your skin and the God you worship, if you worship any god at all. Put a bullet in your fucking brain you cunt
>t. human garbage
I tried suicide once. I just ended up in hospital. Shit
Yo why the fuck are you grooving on my junk there homes
>I demand respect. I'm an act now ask later type of badass dude. If you disrespect me, I'll rock your world baby, brace for impact, I wrestled in high school.
You're a jackass.
Hopefully you weren't too old to learn your fucking lesson, gramps. You act out like that, you go to jail. The more damage you do, the longer you'll be in there. If you don't figure that out, you'll kill someone eventually and you'll drop the "badass" attitude so you can beg the judge to not put you away for good.
You walk the fuck away, if you feel like you're being disrespected. Anything else just makes everything worse for everyone.
>I tried suicide once. I just ended up in hospital. Shit
Then try again, and get it right this time
>Yo why the fuck are you grooving on my junk there homes
Because you're a stupid and irresponsible degenerate.
What a waste of trips
It should remain illegal and should be applied equally to men,women,straight,gay and any other type of relationship.
Remember folks! She premeditated it and only got life. Fucked him for hours until he was too weak to fight and then stabbed him 28 times,attempted to cut off his head then for no good reason shot him in the head with a small caliber pistol.
Let me go out on a limb here - is your skin the color of shit?
Girlfriends ex used to beat her daily, I took a shovel to his spine and now hes in a chair, if you hit women you're the beta male, its nigger behavior.
leafs are truly the best shitposters on pol
story time? Did you go to jail?
He didnt know me and never will, I did more justice than the courts ever would.
You shouldn't have to.
Yeah bullshit.
The cops would find you in less than day if you ever contacted her on the phone.
Maybe try larping one more time before you off yourself.
Depending on what you did, 2 years seems tough but fair.
>this shit again
Where's your flat earth thread?
Can't make us all look truly stupid without one of those.
If you think about it on a really stupid level that I doubt anyone else will step down with me on, life in prison and death row are the same thing.
>Why should domestic abuse still be illegal?
Because it's abuse you sick degenerate.