How is the Alt right going to die
How is the Alt right going to die
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There's no such thing as the alt-right. Hillary Clinton is a lunatic.
Its a myth frogs jump out of boiling water
saged fag
Self-inflicted despotism and civil war (which they lose).
Smothered to death with soiled panties
>HRC coined "Alt-Right"
You are the lunatic.
PJW was never Alt-Right since he never touched the JQ.
Cernocuck was, but cucked out.
Alt-right died when Spencer draped the label around himself and then let himself get sicker punched like a little pussy.
Tried to take Pepe down with him too.
spice goes in email field
>Alt-right died
Daily Stormer has more support than ever.
TheRightStuff's readership and podcast network listenership is at an all time high.
Spencer exploded in popularity and notoriety.
Red Ice is more popular now than ever.
There have been at least 100 alt-right events across the country since Trump was elected.
Alt Right memes such as the (((echo))) are ubiquitously used.
>You're clearly these two faggots because I said so
But seriously, what you call nazis are generic rednecks.
Also about that "punch"
>white genocide
does maga mindset tell you how to marry the nearest ugly spic
>One used the term inappropriately, was called out, then dropped it
>The other used the term, and dropped it out of expedience
No, I only use the word "Nazi" when describing actual NatSocs. Neonazis are dumb hillbillies who hate everyone smarter than themselves and want despotism because it's easier to grasp.
>How is the Alt right going to die
in your dreams nigger
Libtards have made the "alt-right" pretty much the only logical position.
Love your people
Love your race
Love that your white
TRS is mad
This entire argument of neonazis trying to wiggle out of labels is like morons claiming shit "isn't techno, it's diapershitcore". The right is basically homogeneous. It's just racist capitalists with low IQs. Anything other than this is the exception which proves the rule. It's why the southern strategy works. There never was an alt-right because it's not "alt" at all. It's just young republican idiots attention whoring.
>Statements you provided
Pick neither
Silly Nigger there is no Alt right , Jew media democrats made that term for the 2016 .
now that makes sense
>It's just racist capitalists with low IQs
I don't think you understand the political shifts that have been occurring for the past two years
> It's why the southern strategy works.
Southern strategy requires more God talk than race talk. If Evangelicaland was so racially conscious, Nixon would have pushed on repealing Hart Celler in 69, Reagan and HW would not have both agreed on amnesty in the '80 primary debates, HW would have never proposed the '90 INA/Diversity Lottery, and W would have used his 3-branch, state-plurality mandate to repeal 14th Amendment Birthright Citizenship in early 2001.
You have the political analysis of a community college Sociology 101 professor.
>freelance autist
cute pic
>getting this triggered by the fact that Sup Forums wants nothing to do with your autistic "alt right"
shoo shoo shills
Walpurgisnacht shall never die
>I want nothing to do with Jews
>Jews don't exist
These two statements aren't the same
your arbitrary definition of alt right doesn't exist
>Readers, listeners, and contributors to Daily Stormer, TRS, Altright, Red Ice, Amerikablog, and Radio Aryan don't share an ideology of strengthening Whites, ousting Jews, disenfranchising faggots, and traditional gender roles
"With a thunderous applause"
I think the line between GG and alt-right is more clear than most want to admit. I was active in GG during the early days, on Sup Forums, and also stuff pre GG, and I didn't come around to identifying as a WN until late last year, after the election, but I'm basically "alt-right".
Tell us, shareblue
>I don't think you understand the political shifts that have been occurring for the past two years
I understand it perfectly. There has been no shift. The obnoxious, low-IQ plebs have just been encouraged to get louder and more opinionated, rather than shut the fuck up and let their intellectual betters take the wheel before they wreck the fucking car.
>Southern strategy requires more God talk than race talk
The thing is, a lot of GGers went straight to Reddit SJ board to complain about how "racist" and "sexist" it has all gotten, even though we know that Sup Forumsanguard and robots provided the main thrust behind it all.
We'll all die old, and playing grab ass with the care home nurses.
Till end with Trump
>I was active in GG
Congratulations, you're a worthless pile of literally retarded shit and the cancer that killed Sup Forums. It's YOU we have to blame for this walking corpse infested with literal redditors.
Stop embarrassing my fucking country you pathetic shrimp dicked indian cuck.
I also see Milo (and Breitbart 2014-2017) playing a kind of vanguard role in allowing people to make the leap from moderate anti-SJWism to the fringe right.
Obviously, the ideas all still existed then, but there was no momentum at all, left was much more ascendant compared to the badly stereotyped right-wing.
Maybe I'm fanboying too hard or giving too much credit, but I was pretty excited back then since it was the first time Sup Forums got mainstream attention, and looking at the effects, I think it was a productive relationship.
Stupid Sup Forumstard.
>There has been no shift
>8% of Democrats switched from Obama to Trump without skipping a beat for Clinton.
I call that a huge systemic shift.
>No one as Left as Sanders has been as close to the presidency for decades.
I call that a huge systemic shift.
>The mainstream news media is being hollowed out by their own ineptitude and inability to keep up with alternative news media and social media.
I call that a huge systemic shift.
>The mainstream news media are being called out on their lies and gaslighting more than ever before, especially more than the days when our parents would turn on the tv to "see that good ol' Cronkite".
I call that a huge systemic shift.
>All major players of this supposedly minor political group of the "Alt-Right" have received massive media coverage, whereas before it was easy to play similar groups off as dumb hicks or volatile terrorists
I call that a huge systemic shift
>A la Flight 93 Election, the mainstream Right has joined the mainstream Left in opposing globalism, and nation-building, and Old Labor in opposing immigration
I call that a huge systemic shift
You sound like a Leftist with dumb opinions. How is he wrong about southern strategy requiring much more God talk? Maybe I am just ignorant or misinformed, but it is not like Nixon ever went out their in a klan hood like the Dems basically imply.
When it transitions into just "The Right"
I already grew out of my right wing phase. I'm not a radical leftist either, but I realized the true path of happiness is in helping other people and giving up worldly attachments
>8% of Democrats switched from Obama to Trump without skipping a beat for Clinton.
Literally no proof of this. Fake news.
>No one as Left as Sanders has been as close to the presidency for decades.
Literally the most popular politician in America right now. The only shift is that America has abandoned all pretense of being a republic and is now a direct plutocracy.
>The mainstream news media is being hollowed out by their own ineptitude and inability to keep up with alternative news media and social media.
>I call that a huge systemic shift.
But this is because you're a fucking moron. It's not a huge shift. You just have a dissatisfyingly low IQ. Meanwhile, shitheads like you literally swallow actual fabricated fake news on a daily basis because it fits your agenda.
>All major players of this supposedly minor political group of the "Alt-Right" have received massive media coverage
Yeah, that's because it gets ratings, you fucking retard. It's "outrageous" (it's not), so they think it's good for their profits. Nobody gives a shit about you retards. Literally most of the country and the world is against you and hates your fat, retarded shit that the FBI and russia installed.
>How is he wrong about southern strategy requiring much more God talk?
Because that's not what's actually fucking happening in real life.
>Maybe I am just ignorant or misinformed
You are. Don't worry, you're in abundant company.
>Trying to be intellectual about plebshits like faglo
You still haven't provided any evidence that ray cizm was just as politically profitable in the 1970s as it is now.
GLR died the same decade as MLK, and only one got a holiday named after him.
>You still haven't provided any evidence that ray cizm was just as politically profitable in the 1970s as it is now.
Who gives a shit? I never claimed it.
Christ-chan approves.
>>I was active in Project Chanology
>Congratulations, you're a worthless pile of literally retarded shit and the cancer that killed Sup Forums. It's YOU we have to blame for this walking corpse infested with literal redditors.
I was never part of GG proper, but I shifted from general Left to general Right with (((Jonah Goldberg))) and (((Christopher Hitchens))) (the Luxembourgist Trotskites make the best Neocons for some reasons). Then I shifted to Right Libertarianism, then found race realism, then shifted more to Hoppe, then found Land, (((Moldbug))), Spengler, Yockey, Evola, etc. Basically, my views got less Jewy.
Noiiic tribs :DDD
>but it is not like Nixon ever went out their in a klan hood
Don't get me wrong- I think we should live in a country where he could have, and should have, but Nixon didn't even make any mention of slightly cutting immigration that was set the previous administration, and as for cutting Civil Rights legislation? He and his fellow congressional Republicans were trying to outcuck the Democrats for decades; he probably would have been harmed more by mentioning such a thing. The "Southern Strategy" has been pushed in all of my history textbooks since 5th grade. It smelled like bullshit then, and it's been confirmed to be bullshit now.
that's exactly what you claimed here unless you don't know what southern strategy means and just bought it up because you're a brainwashed marxdrone
Quote me.
In American politics, the southern strategy is the Republican Party's policy to gain political support in the South by appealing to the racism against African Americans harbored by many southern white voters.
There you go. Literally the first sentence. Now stop being an idiot and push propaganda. I don't care. I don't even consider you human.
You already linked to my post, you fucking moron. You're still without an argument.
>posts wikikedia
>stop pushing propaganda
When autism becomes the norm and autism becomes the norm.
>Is retarded
>Man these smug libbruls think they're smarter than us!
>Just watch me show them by knowing absolutely nothing, being retarded and pretending to be even more retarded than I am in a futile attempt to win an argument I'm wrong in!
I really wish you retards weren't so easy to fleece of money and weren't such plutocrat cocksuckers. If you weren't such useful idiots, the rich never would have used you to destroy society.
This is comically false. If the Right actually WERE homogeneously racist we wouldn't have any problems at all.
You're basically arguing that we already have everything we want--that is CLEARLY false, which is why we're still fighting for it.
>exception which proves the rule
These do not exist. The American Right is factional and deeply divided.
>Republican strategist Lee Atwater discussed the Southern strategy in a 1981 interview later published in Southern Politics in the 1990s by Alexander P. Lamis.
>You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968 you can't say "nigger" — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger."
Which part of that sounds like Sup Forums to you?
bodybuilding and fitness is in two spots. also,
>claims to be opposed to interventionism and neocons
>posts pictures of pretty building that were build by empires that pillaged the world
feeling special yet faggot KYS stupid fuck
FFS, "States rights" isn't code for anything; so stop reading-into shit. It literally means "states rights," which is anti-federalism.
morons listen up, when Sup Forums says
>alt-right doesn't exist
its not because "it literally doesn't exist" but rather because whenever the right-leaning people, or even the moderates of our generation come up with a movement or a label it instantly gets co-opted and destroyed by kikes and shills.
"alt-right" was started here, not on reddit, not on TRS, here. and thats why it was destroyed.
we don't get to have movements, we don't get to unify, we don't get to have leaders or heroes figures to look up to because they will ALWAYS be ruined and/or co-opted.
>Literally no proof of this. Fake news.
"North’s extremist views are the exception, and the number of former Obama voters who now support Trump is small. Though few polls have touched on this overlap, a March survey by the non-partisan RAND Corporation found that 7.9 percent of Trump supporters voted for Obama in 2012, while a May ABC News poll put the same group at 15 percent."
>Literally the most popular politician in America right now.
Why do you think that is?
>The only shift is that America has abandoned all pretense of being a republic and is now a direct plutocracy.
Now? I thought it was when powerful actors robbed the US of blood and treasure for the Spanish-American War, and most wars subsequent.
>But this is because [string of ad homs]
Brilliant argumentation, there.
>Yeah, that's because it gets ratings,
So did Klansmen getting blown up by their meth labs, and McVeigh blowing up the OK Federal Building. I noted the type of coverage has changed, since they can't dismiss the Alt-Right as either extreme.
>Because that's not what's actually fucking happening in real life.
Once again, if Nixon's, Reagan's, Bush's, Bush's, and Trump's "Southern Strategies" were more about race than patriotism and religiosity, how come none of them campaigned on repealing Hart Celler or Birthright Citizenship, Reagan and HW campaigned on amnesty, and Bush instituted the Diversity Lottery? Why did none of them campaign on smashing the EEOC and repealing the CRAs?
"The enemy of Occam's Razor is my enemy." Typically, the most convoluted explanation is the one to reject; esp. if it contains appeals to vagueness.
>Literally most of the country and the world is against you
>Obama did't sour relations with:
>the PIIGS for supporting lopsided "austerity" written by American bankers, >with Germany for the surveillance scandal,
>with Poland by going there, denouncing their new government for supposed rule-of-law violations, and telling them not to relax their gun laws
>with the UK for threatening to put them on the back of the trade line if they went through with BrExit
>with Honduras for the coup attempt
>with the Philippines- long time ally and a business gateway to the Pacific- for not taking Duterte under his wing and giving his forced the funding, arming, training, and oversight to do things "the right way"
>with Israel- whatever you think about Kike HQ- that actually gave Trump a stronger bargaining position with them
>with Jordan and Egypt- our sanest Arab allies- by funding, arming, and training unaccountable proxy fighters and coups in MENA
>with Japan when "vibrant" servicemembers sexually assaulted Japanese women (this was a huge scandal)
>with Russia/half of Ukraine with the Ukranian coup (even W had better relations, and his proxy war vis a vis Georgia had a greater chance of going hot)
You're either a troll, or you don't look to geopolitics beyond headlines. The only good things Obama did in foreign policy were open up Cuba and Vietnam.
>Never organize, goy. Just stay atomized.
Okay, I'll go tell TWP, League of the South, Identity Evropa, American Vanguard, and the Cascadia goys to pack it up and go back to fapping and playing vidya. It's all for naught.
Alt-right seems like a good umbrella term to me. Its plausible deniability is part of its utility.
NPI has a better claim over the term due to etymology and ideology, but it's obvious the way the media used the term was intended to be a broader catchall, mostly surrounding us. Considering there was already an "awoovement" taking place before the labelled us alt-right, it doesn't bother me that much to treat it as something that still exists.