Why are people so shitty?

Lately I have been noticing how rude people are in the general public. Earlier today I went to the store to get some things and while going in I held the door open for a couple and they both gave me an uncofortable look, while in the store I went down an isle and a guy was just standing there taking up the most of the isle and when I said excuss me he just looked at me and then kept standing in the way. This shit seems to be common almost everywhere I go, the only times when people have actually been decent human beings that I have seen is when I have been to higher end meetings with people or just hanging out in wealthier communities.

What the fuck is wrong with the general society being such shit?


maybe they gave you a shitty look because youre a nigger

Stop shopping at Walmart.

This is normal of a society in decline. It's not the fault of Americans but instead of the (((chosen people))) for spending the last several decades fighting for this while whites remained optimistic centrists which is where they naturally want to be.
Left to their own devices with no outside influence, all white people will be moderates. This is problematic for the Jew though. The Jew only knows how to live as a parasite. They've been doing it since as far back as written history can tell and in all probability were doing it long before then. They live not to build their societies, but to destroy yours, and the easiest way to do that when you lack a large standing army is to do it culturally.

I mentioned this before but I'll mention it again: I wanted to get something to eat, little did I know that the place I went to eat was in a majority Latrino neighborhood. I walk by these Latrino kids and they stared at me with dirty looks and I heard one of them say "white". In the end this is probably a result of me needing to grow thicker skin and not visit majority bean neighborhoods anymore (like I said, I didn't know at the time), but I've never been snarled at just because of my race before. I'm what they call "literally shaking".

Sounds like autism

Nobody had respect for anyone or anything.

It's getting worse each generation that comes

Maybe the general society is just becoming more autistic and can't handle random human interactions in public.

Change yourself. Those reactions clearly aren't normal- You must live in the city... Ask yourself WWTD. What Would Trump Do? Stern confidence perhaps? Definitely, fix whatever's wrong with your face.

everybody poops

>free smells

Like I said shit is fine if im in the richer part of town but the second I go to a poorer part or a more diverse area people are shitty.

Psychology and science

Poor people are entitled and put chains around their neck so the government can fuck thier assholes raw.

Plus poor people eat like shit hence having worse diets in turn give them unhealthier living styles and attitudes.

That is why when I shop I do it online, and when I go into a store I make sure there are no niggers or spics.

Stop being so nice. Be assertive and serious.

Smart Phones seem to be the problem. Don't be a cuck tied to the (((Internet))) all the time. They are turning people into robots. People google stuff instead of thinking. This leads to a lack of discernment, and poor critical thinking skills. Brainwashed zombies.

You sound like a baby booming cucold

does she think it's more acceptable since she's near a trash can?

>has access to raw data, information and a mix of opinionated knowledge
>"ye you shouldn't use that"

>suddenly in the middle of a spic neighbourhood and didn't notice

fuck of did this happen.

I was on my phone throughout most of my shopping excusion, still managed to be respectful of others space and aware of my surroundings, I dont think smart phones are an issue.

That trashcan is strong as fuck

I'm in Palm Beach, so clearly I can relate. A deep follower of psychology, the deepest correlation is the poor work for the world where as the better off are other way around. With the afluent, they aren't jaded by things that aren't on the news, crippling bills, annoying kids, no friends. It seems you just caught them on a bad day; usually every day.

Screw my typos btw...