Prove to me gender is not a spectrum

Prove to me gender is not a spectrum
Gender not sex

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Fuck off and die.

>Gender not sex
true dat
gender is jewish made mind sickness

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from this article



Spectrums exist
Gender do not exist
So gender can not be a spectrum

Gender is what your sex is.

Why else do trannies want to change their physical self to match their mental self?

Because Gender is just the behavior characteristic of each sex. If you claim it is a spectrum, then it is useless and meaningless. You can claim a man to be female all you want, or whatever really, but it just loses all useful value to society at large, to any scientific endeavor on "gender", and all real meaning, since leftists aren't just happy with it being a spectrum, because you can be "out of the spectrum", "questioning", "the whole spectrum", "another spectrum", etc. So your definition is not wrong inherently, its just that it is completely useless, which is why people who aren't mentally ill resent it. You are taking something entirely normal and with actual basis in reality, twisting it to feel special, and then complaining when we point out you are missing the point and acting retarded.

Gender is a made up thing. You are male or female, that is your sex and you gender. Anything else is hormonal Imbalance or mental illness.. it's really not that difficult to understand.


So feminine men (not transitioning) or masculine women don't exist? Buzz off you know that's a lie.

I litterally don't care, and I don't know why anyone else does.

It really just hurts to bother with the details in an endless attempt of futile persuasion.

You're never gonna change how they feel, and they aren't really harming anyone by feeling more comfortable with themselves, so just let them exist, you don't have to like it.

A feminine man is still a man genius

>not understanding the debate yet still acting all smug

Gender used to be a word which defined the mental and psychological characteristics of either a male or female.

The word has now been twisted into a subjective social construct and abused so badly that it means essentially nothing. If you want to beleive that your make believe 'gender' is on a make believe spectrum then be my guest but dont try and pretend it has and real scientific foundation.

>Prove to me gender is not a spectrum

It's plastic. Prove to me it's reasonable to enforce that torture upon someone.

A feminine man is still a man you mongel

There are either 2 genders or no genders. These are the only tenable stances.

>missing the point
>being retarded

The idea that gender is a societal construct has no historical or scientific basis and contrary to what snowflakes believe is a very recent idea perpetrated by the mentally ill. Gender has always been synonymous with sex when referring to living creatures, and this is proven by seahorses. Male seahorses give birth, they carry the children to term and care for them whilst female seahorses 'sleep around', despite the fact in every other creature it's the opposite (females carry the children, men go around fucking as much as they can); the reason for this is female seahorses produce the eggs and inject the eggs into males, and the males fertilise them whilst carrying them. This is all it has ever come down to, those who produce eggs and those who fertilise the eggs, and if gender was ever different from sex then the entire world wouldn't be in total agreement over seahorses.

Mentally ill liberal gender is defined solely by society meaning a man can become a woman (and vice-versa, and whatever in between) by simply moving to a different society, wholly separate to the biological or mental characteristics of an individual, and this alone proves it's entirely arbitrary. Women produce eggs, men fertilise eggs, those who do both or neither are mutants or defective, everything else is irrelevant. Being masculine doesn't make a woman a man and being feminine doesn't make a man a woman, in the same sense that having a tan and dreadlocks doesn't make a white woman black and wearing a kimono and watching anime doesn't make Ken-sama Japanese.

Gender IS a spectrum. But a three dimensional spectrum.

Only women can do this. It's sexist.

you are who should probe that gender is an spectrum, asshole

Gender is determined by chromosones. If you have XX you are female. If you have XY you are male.

Females have vaginas and ovaries. They are the ones who get pregnant and give birth to their offspring.

Males have penises and testicles. They are the ones who impregnate women to then make their offspring.

It doesn't matter what you look like. If your DNA and chromosones say you are male or female then that is what you are.

Gender is not mental, it's physical.

Some people have mental issues with what gender they are but that is psychological and it doesn't change their chromosones.

I'm not bashing trannies here I'm just sticking to the facts. Trannies are Ok as long as they are not SJWs.

Anyone that believes that gender is not a spectrum, is on the spectrum.

How are people this dense.

Woman - Vagina
Man - Dick
Thing - Genetic mutation/ birth defects


healthy people dont suddenly switch hormones

Gender is such a idiotic concept that we don't even have a word for it.

gender does not exist, there-fore it can have no spectrum. You are male or female.

That is all.

K, if you have one or more Y chromosomes, you are the gender known as male.

If you lack a Y chromosome, you are female.

It's that simple.

The only spectrum I'm on is the autism spectrum.

That's sex not gender fham

>Anyone that believes that gender is not a spectrum, is on the spectrum.

Can't have 56 genders then March for women's rights. Only a woman can identify as a woman and a woman might mean something different to each one.

Prove it

Just admit you are gay OP.

I see no difference between the two.

boys are born with a penis.
girls are born with a vagina.
there are 2 genders.
intersectionality is a genetic mutation.
i will not participate in your toxic self image.

>Sup Forums vehemently opposing something they simply refuse to understand

well lets see
when you are born is there another option than having a penis or a vagina?
then i guess there isn't a spectrum.

>Can't have 56 genders then March for women's rights
Why not?

>Only a woman can identify as a woman

You didn't present a counter argument, why is that?

> Females that can't have periods

Because Gods only true son, Jesus Christ, beholder and witness to the true light, says so. Just like with everything, god gives us the option to make our own choices and decisions but he cannot choose to give it a different consequence. Only he is pure in his righteousness.

I did though. 4 times this thread already.

if gender was a spectrum why would being transgender be an issue that calls for altering one's sex

Prove that a dildo isn't a fucking spectrum you faggot

It's blurring-the-lines bullshit like half of the other crap you believe I'm sure

Grow the fuck up

Prove to me there isn't a giant invisible etheral monster standing right behind you that is not only sexually attracted to both genders, but can impregnate them, it chooses not to because it would birth the 2nd coming of christ and end the world.

Exactly, you can't prove it. That doesn't mean its not fucking stupid and absurd, GTFO

Literally not one argument

Because we are humans. We are meant to be what we were born with. Men and women have synergy with eachother. It makes us stronger and happier. Without that traditional value, there is no foundation to our lives and society. The fact that you have to ask this question is the real problem.

99.97% of people experience gender and sex as the same thing. They identify as their sex and do not see their gender separate from their sex.
.3% of people experience gender and sex separately, both in themselves and in others. This rare set of people suffer from a mental health syndrome clinically diagnosed as Gender Dysphoria.

Gender Dysphoria (known popularly as transgenderism) is a rare egosyntonic mental health syndrome that is characterized by the following symptoms: experiencing sex and gender separately, depression, anxiety, distress, acute discomfort, suicidal thoughts, and body dysmorphia. 41% of people who suffer from the syndrome commit suicide compared to 2% of normal population.

Current treatment for Gender dysphoria is psychiatric counseling as the foundation, coupled with reinforcing therapies which allow the sufferer to take on the appearance of the opposite sex in order to relieve their symptoms.
Gender Dysphoria patients must be clinically diagnosed by a psychiatrist before 'transitioning' treatments can be prescribed. Psychiatric counseling takes place concurrently and is ongoing through and after transitioning. 'Transitioning' helps patients short term by providing them some relief from their symptoms of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and body dysmorphia. However, after transitioning, suicide rates climb back up to pre-transitioning levels. Many hospitals and doctors will no longer perform sexual reassignment surgery for the reason it is not effective long term.

Some studies have shown that if the patient is given psychiatric counseling but not the reinforcing cosmetic therapies, that the dysphoria may resolve on its own. The American College of Pediatricians has shown that when Gender Dysphoria occurs in pre-pubescent children, that the syndrome resolves in the vast majority of patients by late adolescence. Their work is summarized at

Because transgender and transsexual aren't synonyms and you're just in error

Even if OP is gay he wasn't born that way. He can overcome and fulfill his destiny as a man. Nobody is born gay.


i'm aware of that

you're just avoiding a valid question

The concept of gender is a concept of helplessnes when you introduce gender into your ideology it isn't something for you to determine anymore.
If you are a born man and choose out of your free will to live as a woman you are a man that out of his own volition chosen in what sexual identity he wants to live.
The concept of gender eliminates the choice because it introduces the possibility that something other than yourself is responsible for your sexual identity.

Like I said, the concept of gender is so stupid that germans don't even have a word for it.
And it was devised by a man whose scientific studies were ultimately proven wrong.

Stop being a victim and just let it be your own choice how you want to live your life.


You're basically saying anorexia is a gender

>Men and women have synergy with eachother. It makes us stronger and happier. Without that traditional value, there is no foundation to our lives and society. The fact that you have to ask this question is the real problem.
Oh fuck off. Men and men have synergy together too it's called friendship. You just want to intellectualize your contrariannism. What is wrong with people not conforming to stereotypical gender roles if they still fullfill their societal duties?

Open a dictionary and turn to gender. Use a paper book. The internet dictionaries have been politicized.

Alternatively look at the etymology of the word. It's original form is genus. This has yet to be politicized so you can accurately use online definitions of this word to gain further insight.

Gender as genus has always been in reference to biological traits until it was turned into a baseless and useless argument about people's choices of clothing and hair style.


I'm not. You're plain wrong. Transgenderism does not call for a sex change.

an individual is entitled to do as he or she wishes with their outward appearance, is entitled to do as he or she wishes as far as requesting certain speech, and an individual is certainly free to call him or herself any number of descriptors in any number of areas, including gender

an individual has absolutely no right to impose regulated speech or action on another individual, though

the problem is largely that individuals subscribing heavily to this post-modern sort of thinking and behavior are rather likely to attempt to impose regulated/mandated speech, recognition, status, etc.

you do understand that in claiming that "gender is a social construct", the best you can hope for in terms of support for your beliefs is a certain society or segment of society to adhere to THAT social construct. others will not, and it is beyond foolish to claim that your socially constructed non-binary gender classifications are "fact", as it is foolish to claim that binary gender classifications are "fact"

you can have your society or sub-society that enshrines several or even countless different genders, and others will have theirs that codifies two genders. and i suppose we'll see which one is more efficient and more dominant, huh?

boy the social sciences sure are fun


pseudoscience student

Gender is on a spectrum.
The problem with gender, however, is that it's a made-up social construct that does not exist outside of the human conscience. The human mind invented gender, not nature.
Gender is only on a spectrum because that's how it's defined. Proving it's not is simply impossible. You basically just asked me, "Prove that gold is not valuable." Why is gold valuable? Because somebody said it is. Same for why gender exists, and why it exists on a spectrum. It's not because of some scientific reason, therefore proofs cannot exist to describe it.

This slug isn't worth a real argument.

Just call it a faggot and be on your way, good sir.

Yeah, just hormone treatment until you die. Sounds natural.

Masculine / Feminine is a spectrum, Man / Woman is not. A guy can be a little bitch, and a woman can be a huge WNBA dike.

A man can identify as feminine all he wants, that actually is subjective -- but hes not a fucking woman, that's objective fact, and going against that is retarded willful ignorance of a basic fact that should have never become controversial in the first place.

Everyone knows it DEEP DOWN, even the SJWs. You know something is deeply fucked when some people are outraged by extremely basic truth.

>What is wrong with people not conforming to stereotypical gender roles if they still fullfill their societal duties?
See that second part? They don't do that.

Gender and sex are the same thing. Everything is is newthink Jewry and redefinition of terms.

they're the same thing, and you're either male or female or you have a rare disease. if you're a tranny or attracted to the opposite sex, you have a mental disease. nothing wrong with that. there is however something wrong with your line of logic, and your kind will hang when we decide to fix this.

fuck off with the slide threads


If you stop smoking weed long enough you'll be able to see the difference.

XX and XY chromosomes determine your gender, if you have too many chromosomes like you that's called down syndrome


These faggots have nothing to actually fight for, so they draw lines in the sand and pretend to be fighting borders.

It's a giant fucking game. None of it would still exist if we all had our memories erased. It's LITERALLY a social construct.

You don't think that gender is a spectrum Klaus? Be a good goy and re-educate yourself.

What i was trying to say is that you're a retard with down syndrome

Sex: the physical state
Gender: the mental state
If sex and gender do not match than the person has a disorder whether it be physical (intersex) or mental (tranny). Don't tell me that injecting hormones because your mind does not fit the body is healthy.
As for the masculinity/femininity thing, that is not gender, but gender expression. A feminine man may not have a mental disorder severe as transgenderism, but he is pathetic. One is expected to behave like their gender stereotype and if their gender does not match their sex than they have a mental disorder.
tl;dr They are different words but only abnormal people have them unmatched.

They're the same thing. Gender-Sex is a false dichtomy created by leftists to make people think trannies aren't mentally ill.

Gender IS a spectrum. There are two sides to the spectrum called male and female. Theres a VERY thin inbetween and its called hermaphrodite

Gender and sex are the same thing.

I'm not talking about friendship. I'm talking about how it's unnatural to be gay or trans. A man and a woman being together are the only companionship that works. It's the only way to find full human happiness. A man's end game should be a family and providing for it. A woman's end game should be a wife and a mother. It's how we are born. It's how we reproduce. It's how we find meaning. It's how we function and find happiness.

Oh, and the reason gender is not a spectrum is because it is the true mental state. A male tranny has a female brain, not some weirdass in between of male and female.

no single statement like that can be stated with 100% accuracy.

You're assuming everyone is the same, yes for the most part men and women are synergistic. But ya ever met a lesbian ya fuckin mook?

Seriously consider never sharing one ofyour ill informed opinions again, cuckboy.

gender is a made up SJW word

Look up the meaning of the word gender and it's histories.

If you can't change how old your chromosomes are (age), you can't change their makeup either. Fuck off fgt.

Boys have penis girls have Vigina.
Boys who like Boys are gay
Girls who like girls are dykes
Those who dress as the
opposite sex are Trannies

Lesbians are gay and live unnatural lives. They are truly not happy and will never fulfill the void of a man. Also there is nothing attractive about them.

That's the whole point of trannies. None of them admit they are gay. Its an elaborate way of denying being gay and inherently homophobic and should be fought on those grounds. They are largely autistic gay males who want the easier treatment and access to the larger dating pool/straight men that women get.