Eric Clanton is busted

A.K.A. bike lock guy

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bump. thanks for the vid bro.
shit got real for him real fast.


It wasn't him



Based fat man. He just BTFO that kike attorney.

i love you autist

who is this lawyer who's doing this pro bono?

>If your client goes to jail will this be the first time he's moved out of his parents house

let me say that this is 4 chins finest hour. Pool's Closed, Raids, Best Korea leader as Time person of the year, iphone good times, HWNDU flag capture... all pales in comparison to the top work of anons unmasking this piece of shit

Press S to spit on this fucker.


>every idiot changing the discussion away from the bashing-a-guy-who-was-standing-there's-head-in-with-a-bike-lock when it was obvious the lawyer wanted nothing to do with that discussion as he kept going to "muh internet hate speech, 'n shieet"


>praise kek
>Sup Forums t-shirt

jesus christ

I'd fug that short girl though

the police believe it was him since they charged him, right?

Fucking normie retards have taken over Sup Forums.

>Actually advertising this board

Women fucking things up again.

Eric Clanton's lawyer @DanMSiegel is an admitted communist, instigated riot at People's Park, was arrested at Occupy Oakland, member of NLG

Dearest /poltards
I have to say that once in my life at least.
I REALLY LOVE YOU. I admire you and I respect you.
I know, I know, I´ve said mean things about autists, about tinfoilers, about your lack of socially edaquat behaviour, but deep down - I love you, period
ok, thats all

It's going to be interesting seeing what happens to him in prison. The blacks aren't going to give a fuck about his SJW pro black, anti white beliefs, and the whites will fucking despise him.

Maybe after he learns what monsters niggers can be, he'll take a giant handful of redpills and become accepted by a white group.

He's got an Iron Front tattoo on his left bicep. I am sure he will find lots of friends in prison!

He's represented pro bono by fucking leftist scumbag law firm that specialises in grievance mongering for gibs.

There's only one way to keep himself from getting beat up.
He has to be the prison bitch for the black guys, offer his boipucci to them and catch aids

Good, now the judge sees a piece of shit and a lawyer who agrees with the piece of shit representing the piece of shit.

supid bald goy thinks his doing anything by babbling.

These soldiers gets slaved around into the middle east and literally defend israel and fight for the expansion of the promised land.

Also how stereotypical is that hooked nose fucking kike, (((((((I own this town)))))) holly shit, ofcourse Eric, soros's puppet gets a lawyer.
>I'm a member of this (((((community)))))
>I've been part of the progressive political movement in berkley areas.
>Material ability by members of this (((((team)))))

Unless the just is also a price of shit.
>Liberal court so probably


>shrill fatfuck americunts screeching at the defence lawyer because they're not allowed to lynch people anymore
Your country is a dumpster fire.

I was waiting for this.

I hope he spends his lifetime rotting in prison and gets raped by BBCs. I bet that would teach him some perspective about life.

I doubt she wore that out of her own interests.

Most probably the bf wanted to showcase his edginess and told the gf to wear it for a pic.

You are assuming that anyone on this board has an actual living, breathing girlfriend.

>tfw american attention span and 30 minute video

100% will commit a prison murder as initiation into the Ayran Brotherhood to save his boipucci from the niggers, spics and sand monkeys

Reporter: "Why are you doing it for free?..."
Clanton's Lawyer: " represent people who are facing criminal charges because of their engagement in political activity."

According to Wikipedia: Under current United States law, set forth in the USA PATRIOT Act, acts of domestic terrorism are those which: "(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended – (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States."

>hey guys doesn't it suck that we've affected real change and have woken normies up? right?
>muh secret club that's one of the most popular forums in the world, reeeeeee guys, right?
Eat a dick you buttblasted shareblue nigger

we've hated you faggots since before this shilling shit started
go the fuck back

anyone got any screenshots of salt about his arrest?

>those low energy "lock him up"s

kinda amazing to see cali cops go for that

pretty fucking hilarious. the only way to survive prison is for him to join the nazis. given his history the nazis will pass him around in exchange for protection.

literally each racial group in prison will rape him. but it's only the nazis who'll provide protection in exchange for him whoring himself to them due to race affiliation.

also is it too soon to ask about the results of his trial?

June 14th is his hearing

Is it odd that it happens to be my Birthday?

Are you going to celebrate by shitting in the streets? least it's still pretty hilarious how there was just enough time for him to feel he'd gotten away with what he did and then have his arrest sprung on him

>arrest sprung on him


well "political activity" does not imply i) or ii), but yea by that definition its pretty clear he fits under domestic terrorism

>shitting in streets
>browsing Sup Forums with edgy smartphone
>not sure how to survive the next day without food
>forget that I wanna shitpost on Sup Forums because that's more important than everything else
Do you seriously believe a regular Indian Sup Forums poster shits in the streets? If yes, then you're that idiot that comes here and loses every argument only to come back to lose again.

We have had niggers in africa posting while their country is embroiled in bloody civil war.

Trust me Pajeet Sup Forums really have all types of people.

Yeah, but I doubt those kind people are literate and aware enough to post on Sup Forums with a purpose, given that I know my countrymen better a foreigner that most likely comes on Sup Forums to troll.

Can't handle the bantz, Pajeet.


The dumbass has an Iron Front tattoo on his left front bicep. The meaning is specifically against Facism/Nazism so I don't think they'd let him in. I'm hoping they just kick his ass on a repeated basis.

I'm glad Clanton is fucked. I just hope Sriracha guy is ok.


I think a lot of the crowd were saying pretty dumb stuff. Especially the fat guy. Will backfire, just wait and see.

So why aren't you idiots mobilizing and taking weaponized autism to the very streets currently being occupied by hormone-induced antifaggy marxist leftists cunts. oh that's right
>board filled with yuro cucked nations already conditioned by their islamic masters to bend backwards and receive black dick like good goys
>sneer and act highly opinionated when your secret board culture reaches traction with an America finally becoming self-aware by the literal jewing from progressives
>continue to post on Sup Forums and congregate in faggy discord chats giving your worthless two cents on a movement thats literally blowing antifa the fuck out of the water and treating this fringe group like the satirical joke that it's rightfully is
>BTFO the shills that continue to work day in and out dismantling the magnum opus we achieved november 8
ranting aside, i'm probably preaching to a bunch of commiecucks right now that makes up 60% of the boards population that they desperately try to harness weaponized autism and meme magic so that you all can vote for the next king nigress that will surely ruin the only great WHITE nation left in the world. America.

Hopefully his prison will have an aryan brotherhood gang and they will spot his antifa tattoo.

How common is this gang in US prisons?

Anyone who says this now is a shill.

This shit has to die. It's the most pathetic shit i've ever seen. Holy fuck any of you faggots that use pol memes irl need to go the fuck back. It's a shitty meme anyway.

>antifa soros backed radicalized defense team
>antifa soros mayor
>antifa soros judge
>hand picked antifa soros jury
>the police are ordered to stand down so masked commies can fuck shit up unabated
These are things people need to battle in California.

Friendly reminder that he has an "Iron front" tattoo, an anti Nazi militia.

Not only will the white gangs not accept him, they will likely be the ones to kill/rape him.


I read some of the official documents from the police. This guy have previously been arrested for participating in black lives matter protests.

You may oppose your government, but Clanton made enemies with the people in the end of the chain of command, the people that actually execute the power. Now they will spend extra time on his case to make sure that he's going to jail.

that fat autist should gtfo

Isn't iron front anti-commie too?
I wouldn't be surprised if this genius didn't know that.

Can any anons hook me up with our antifa data base? I want to join the hunt. Thanks in advance.

Let them know they committed a crime by organizing to use violence to suppress Political Views and Free Speech.

Meets the Definition of Treason And Sedition. Send in your evidence to the Police and Feds!

Follow the Money!

I would assume so since fascism/socialism/communism are all distinctions without difference to anyone that isn't an upper-middle class american dipshit.

"im giving eric the choice to give up the booty the easy way or the hard way."

I love seeing Indians getting triggerd by poo-in-loo

I want to personally bikelock some of the people in the crowd myself
Especially the kekistan fags

This nigger was scary as fuck.

>Correlation = Causation!

I love the dumb fuckers on this board.

Gee...what else happened in 2016? Something that really started to pick up in the middle and late months? Fuck, I can't think of A SINGLE IMPORTANT EVENT LAST YEAR. Duuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Fucking A, guys.

You also seem to forget that the news doesn't report on things the instant they happen ,and CTR didn't instantly get a million dumped in their lap and start their work right in April. They had already been in operation for months before that article hit. Fucking retard.


i thought for a sec there that the singer "Eric Clapton" was the one arrested here lol

Is he admitting that Eric clanton was at the protest?

You can also add these Fags to the Treason list plotting against the elected GOV.

They can also be named if the knew about and covered up info on Seth Rich or any of the other shenanigans committed by Pizza/Pedo Gaters.

"looks like christmas came early, thank you booty clause."

that nigger is deranged.


It took them a month to match the gps data from his phone.

>build anarchist communities in prison
Yeah, I'm sure the AB and MS-13 won't have a problem with that at all. Reddit is fucking delusional.

Let's see how much of an anarchist Eric is when a prison riot breaks out.

if clanton gets sentenced to prison time, pol should make it a priority to find out the whites, and vets, and the bikers hes imprisoned with and let them know

>siegel yee law firm

>partner alan yee

I wonder if this douchebag is related to leland "the rocketeer" yee?

Where was Eric CLANTON on the morning of July 10th, 2016?

For a distinguished professor with his credentials it seems awfully suspicious to me that he would be this foolish at leaving so much evidence connecting himself to these public assaults. It's almost as if he wanted to be caught.

An anonymous Sup Forums poster vowed that he would find out who the bike lock attacker was...And I am not taking away from the investigative power and genius of weaponized autism...

But this case seems a little bit to good to be true type scenario.

Was Eric CLANTON the poster that vowed to track down the attacker to have himself purposely caught and connected to another case to throw us off his involvement with the Seth Rich murder?

Did Eric CLANTON attempt to murder Seth Rich with a bike lock Sunday morning and some bystanders witnessed the struggle, tried to shoot Eric but missed and accidentally shot Seth which allowed Eric to get away.

Was Eric CLANTON involved with the Seth Rich murder?

eric will either be someones bitch ( more than likely) or come out a nazi skinhead. when I was in the punk rock scene years ago, I knew a guy like eric, he was those anarcho commie crust punks, he stabbed a guy at a show and went to prison, I saw him like 10 years later and he was a full blown 14/88 nigger stomping PEN1 member.


Fuck off, shill.

I can believe that someone knew, or suspected, his identity.
Matching up the photos is easier, if you already know who it is.
I think the police have more evidence placing him at the scene. Cell phone tracking for one.
Enjoy prison, shithead.

>mfw thought people were shitposting when they said Sup Forums had a good chunk of posters who were suburban moms but it's actually true


>being this new

Great video, you're doing God's work.

friendship with america ended
now norway is my best friend

I love that he took selfies whilst rioting.

got a link to wikileaks for that email?

Eric clanton is going to get tons of diversity in prison.

He's going to get off scott free.






They have mpre evidence then we did
The police has every text message he wrote his internet history every picture he sent they probally even have a few brown skin snitches.

Sometimes you need the milfs to sit on your face.