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back the heck up buddy

Stop larping

Stop worshipping dead religions

Another anti-white Christian shill thread.

Wotan Aesthetics in the 3rd Reich and today:

Start having gay orgies

You first.

The reason paganism is gone is because Christianity specifically existed to invalidate it. You no longer deal with powerful gods, they are nothing compared to the infinitely powerful god of the universe. You don't need to sacrifice anymore because God himself has offered his blood up for you to use. There is literally no reason to leave Christianity for reconstructed primitive beliefs.


Have you seen these neo-pagans?
Most of them are aging hippies, cat ladies and vegetarian failures that reek of cat piss and marijuana, trying to sell pottery and homemade clothing.
The rest is clinically insane.
Then there is no consistency, no agreed uppon scipture that at lays out the most basic foundations of ritual and belief.

Thanks. I'll pass.

Have you seen most Christians? Biggest enablers of immigration to Europe.

Worst political party in Europe, Merkel's Christcuck party

They probably go to church once, maybe twice, a year.

Tryggvason would have and should have smacked you across the face.

A traitor and a rat

>my spiritual leader.

fuck that guy

>They probably go to church once, maybe twice, a year.

Nigga the more involved with the Church they are the more likely they are to be involved in pro refugee work.


Wow, you really got us there pagans.

Saying we should abandon Christianity and become pagans is like saying we should stop using guns and start using swords again.

A pagan society would just be conquered again by a monotheistic religion.

>Don't listen to those naughty Europeans! Just keep worshiping stick kike and reading my fantasy novels. God forbid the goyem actually start thinking for themselves.

Wow some random people, that really is comparable to the very head of your Church.

>probably go to church once twice a year

And imagine how cucked they'd be if they actually went. Seriously, here's the attitude of the average practicing Christian:

"Gays suck and all that but we need to let in all the refugees!!!" Not even joking, ask ANY Christian who isn't some heretical Sup Forumsack who has never been inside a church in his life this question: "Would you rather your white daughter marry a white non-Christian, or a black Christian?" The answer will be unquestioning support of the black Christian. Now you understand why the boomers sold us out for Jewish overlords and Afrocoon migrants, they have absolutely no conceptions of race. It is a prerequisite for those entering Christianity to become bluepilled. You worship a Jew as either the literal or figurative son of god for Christ's sake.

Exactly, one bad leader compared to the entire group consisting of the deranged dregs of society.

wtf I love the refugees welcome organisation that is the Church now

>implying pope is a Christian and not a jewish shill

btfo pagan cuck

>Implying anyone is Christian and not a jewish shill

>It is a prerequisite for those entering Christianity to become bluepilled. You worship a Jew as either the literal or figurative son of god for Christ's sake.
Entering a Church, certainly. Although a church consists of members and a leader, so I guess it depends on who they are.

>Majority of Christians voted for banning kebab immigration and building an anti-beaner wall in the most recent US election.

Yeah, I'm just going to ignore you now.

>implying varg shitkernes is not a kike who tries to divede Europeans

Please detail to me a form of Christianity other than Hitler's "positive Christianity" where Christ is not simultaneously noted to be an ethnic Jew and the literal or figurative son of god.

stop posting uneducated nihilistic shills

varg "i was wrong" vikernes

>The pope isn't actually doing what is written in the bible
The current Pope is the most Christ-like of all. Realize that and you will drop your Semitic religion once and for all.


>want to argue against reasonable argument based on principles
>instead argue against fallible human being that is supposed to guard those principles

t. Luther


>The current Pope is the most Christ-like of all


Can not.

>Literally got v8 by the French police for talking about the (((JQ))).
>Literally got taken to court over questioning the holocaust.
Haha he clearly must be a Jewish shill. You are so right based Christian bro xddddddd

Top kek how? You haven't even read the bible, damn.

Also I like how much Varg triggers you christcucks. You are literally advocating in favour of a literal Semitic religion. You can't deny that it is a Semtic religion.

And damn, I never thought I would see Greeks shit on paganism. Pagan Greek was when you actually contributed to the world.

No, he is the most like the ridiculous strawman of Christianity that you believe in.
I'm willing to bet you believe the whole "turn the other cheek" story is about being a weak cuck instead of a guide to self respect and personal power for a people being opressed by military superior foreign invaders.


>Literally every video he uploads is againt White Europeans
>Literally praised turkroaches
>Literally laughed at dead Germans after the terrorist attack in Christmas but he deleted the video as the pussy he is after a shitstorm came to his way
>Literally he said he is a shitskin arab lover

Yeah.Clearly not a jewish shill working as a fifth column leeeeel

>The weak should fear the strong
>Christians literally conquered the pagans
Really makes me think.

>stop worshipping a dead kike on a stick
>worship a literal nigger religion instead
top kek

>A pagan society would just be conquered again by a monotheistic religion.

how and why?

>ahmed education

Because what is Byzantine empire

Where do I sign up to help the pagans fight degeneracy and save the white race.

Because it's primitive and doesn't (fully) unite it's people.
There's a reason it doesn't exist anymore.

On a stone probably.

"Paganism" isn't a religion. If a Dodekatheist met an Odin worshiping cuck they would kill each other or at the very least not see eye to eye.

Different, conflicting religions will never "live and let live" they will always strive to dominate over others, that's the whole point for what is a religion that nobody believes in?


>0.01 shekels where deposited into your account.
Feels good being part of such a diverse and inclusive religion guys.

On a stick

pagans btfo

he's the biggest christian leader like it or not.

>say "christcuck" all the time
>their nignog religions got absolutely cucked by christianism
ayy lmao

>its primitive!
>worships a 2000 year old jew
>doesn't unite it's people!
>pic related

>There's a reason it doesn't exist anymore.
By tricking Europeans into fighting each other? Nice!

and Protestants and Catholics have never done such a thing? baka

So instead of supporting unity among European folks as first priority, this uneducated motherfucker spills how bad christians are and so on.

When there's no sense of unity in first place, a common goal if you will, his mindless rants about religion will do fucking shit.

He's a literal nog. A failure to society, even if you factor the modernistic capitalist stuff. Even then he's a massive failure. A disgrace to European people

got no time to watch all that
what's the basic rundown?

>implying there were no wars in europe before christianism
Are you THAT retarded, burger?

I posted the pics with non-white pagans to prove a point to the goofballs that always post the anti-pope kissing the feet of a groid. Religions can be subverted.


Galatians 3:28
Colossians 3:11
Matthew 22:37–39
Literally "Cuck My Shit Up The Religion"

I don't care about your made up alterations, as you realize how fucking cucked your religion is. It's one big religion of cuck propaganda. And the consequences for Europe will be catastrophic.

Is the snake that killed the sleeping man, superior to the man? Kys Jew worshipper

>Byzantine Empire
I tried going to Google Maps right now, I couldn't find Constantinople on the map.


Speaking of misplaced worship...

If you could use cutting-edge technology to change the world, what would you do with it?

We have a priority problem. While I recognize swing techniques probably very important to a few rich, old, white men. Why is this acceptable?

religious wars? no

>Protestantism and Catholicism
>Different religions
Flag checks out with retardation on display.

there have always been religious wars.

>Supporting subhumans roaches
>flag checks out

no suprise here ahmed

See, that's the difference between the Christians and the "pagans" in this thread.
We know that we have a shitty pope, we admit it.
We know that there are a lot of progressive Christians distorting the faith, we admit it.
All while you guys pretend to be superduper hardcore rightwing when even a cursory glance would tell you otherwise.

only since abraham!

I'm a believing 1646 Westminster Confession of Faith unapologetic Calvinist Presbyterian and even I know that Catholicism and Protestantism are the same religion lol.

Because you were there, right ?

Oh fucking hell you and Varg are no better than all those other self-proclaimed intellectuals. You don't know shit.

And may I remind you people, whether you like it or not, the last 1000 years of European history is literally christian history. So stop talking shit about
>muh ancestors an shiet


The religion of our gay forefathers.

Christianity isn't European!

On the other hand I absolutely agree with this

Paganism either. If you trace the roots of Odinism, for example, you end up in India.

The current pope is a faggot who worships Satan, rapes kids, and encourages the destruction of white, Christian populations.

All popes are evil (Peter was never a Pope, and Jesus never encouraged such an abomination) and this one is more evil than most.

>the last 1000 years of European history is literally christian history

murdering Europeans. checks out.

If you would have a Pagan version of that map, it would be divided into more than 500 different factions.
This map literally proves monotheism means more unity.

Based black guys xddddd

Europeans murdering Europeans, true

>Because you were there, right ?

Any examples?

>And may I remind you people, whether you like it or not, the last 1000 years of European history is literally christian history

1000 years of foreign occupation. Stockholm syndrome


Where did I say that I supported the Roaches in getting hold on European land? It's your cucked religion that let them, and continues to let them.

You do actually follow a Semitic religion though. Jesus was a Jew. Most of the Bible is almost the same as the Jewish Bible (of course they don't have all the Cuck propaganda in theirs).

Christianity is NOT your religion.

Christanity is in it's current shape beceause it has no roots in the people or land.

Yes It is. Paganism is often traced to the same fucking origins in Babylon Sumerian etc. The euros just had their own versions with different names. Just as euro christianity has it's own sects of christianity.


To be fair, they were only G*rms.


more like 10 cultural variations of the same gods. show me the religious war pagans have waged against each other.

Such based, wow

>I don't care about your made up alterations

That's why I will keep ignoring your strawman of Christianity, I think it is very funny and ironic that your version of Christianity is identical to that of the progressive post-modern heretics.
Call me when you find the nupagan or atheist Charles Martel.


literal degenerates.

>implying those degenerates are even remotely pagan
>Different, conflicting religions will never "live and let live"
That is wrong, gods have been imported and exported into different cultures all the time.
>they will always strive to dominate others
Can you give me concrete examples of this? I have not seen any in antiquity.
Religious wars, not wars.
Caesar genocided the Gauls for prestige, not because he didn't like Teutates.
>If you trace the roots of Odinism, for example, you end up in India.
Surely you can back this claim?
India has the same outcome, but it is not the source.
This is hilarious. Both are not seeing the truth.

At this point I want to add, that all virtues in Christianity are pagan in nature, all festivals are too.
Because the Jews couldn't sell to us Christianity if they left it as it was.
Reminder that a true Christian must not eat pork, and he must be cut.
You should actually read the bible, it's the greatest tool to drive anyone away from Christianity.

just found out my name is pagan. feels good.

That's exactly the point. I mean consider the following:
Everything pre christian is basically not documented - at all. If there might've ever been religious wars or not amongst Europeans, you won't ever be able to tell.
And that's already everything I'm saying. But CLAIMING there was nothing is outright retarded.

Also foreign occupation. You know Rome is perfectly European, right ?
I mean let's be real, among all the shitty stuff christianity might've been doing and brought Europe - worst making men weak as fuck, especially lately - it - or better christians - contributed largely to what we call European culture - especially in arts, architecture, music etc. - whether you like to admit that or not.

And I'm neither advocating for christianity or against it. All I'm saying is stop being stubborn retards sucking dick of one of the biggest retards - and complete failures - among all the internet celebs


Hail odin. Hail our people.

>Weirdos celebrating European heritage is somehow worse than Christcucks celebrating and following a Dead Jew on a Stick