Sup Forums passes are a right, not a privilege. We need to ensure that every American has access to a Sup Forums pass, so that posts will not be controlled by the top 1% of users.
Sup Forums passes are a right, not a privilege. We need to ensure that every American has access to a Sup Forums pass...
Don't let this distract you from the fact that if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be entitled to financial compensation...
The biggest downside of UBI would be no comfy /vipol/.
Fuck freeshitters, passes should be mandatory
Well memed
Only whites should be allowed to post on Sup Forums
Indubitably. I just shelled out the money from my mother's credit card, but many minorities can't afford to do the same!
I heard some posts die on waiting lists in Canada
morning fellow 1%ers
Akshually it's 2:35 here.
Oh wait, that's morning.
Good morning, ol' chap.
In a board...among proprietor and community tenants for the purpose of protecting their high quality board, no such thing as a right to free (unlimited) posting exists, not even to unlimited posting on one’s own thread. One may post innumerable things and promote almost any idea under the sun, but naturally no one is permitted to advocate ideas contrary to the very covenant of preserving and protecting a high quality board, such as democracy and communism. There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in Sup Forums. They will have to be physically separated and removed from the website.
Can we please start by removing obamaleaf?
obamapass is a good compromise, everyone is forced to buy a pass and if they choose not to do so they have to solve a captcha
No, I mean I want to remove that leaf who is an obama apologist from Sup Forums forever. He shits up so many threads.
what if that one guy who said "I own you" is obamaleaf? williamlegate
The next step is to remove the ability for new people to sign up for Sup Forums passes. They will then become the hot new crypto-currency. I'm sitting on a warehouse full of pre-loved passes, I'm going to be fucking rich.
I refuse.
Feels good being a top 1% Sup Forums user.
Oh no you don't. "Your money's no good here" was tragically lost with the passage of the Civil Rights Act. Don't sell out society just for the currency market. Don't be a Soros.
To the MOON
Too late, Whites are the new Jews. It's inevitable with so much immigration into our countries. As middle management beneath the Jews, we need to control all the lower races, for our benefit and theirs. Closing down Sup Forums access will allow us to organise our efforts in comfy privacy.
If you lack the power to change the game you might as well play by the rules and win.
One would expect one who uses One in conversation to know the difference between the words tenant and tenet
It really gets on ones tits.
Ok one should read thrice.
One is most amused.
And there will be no refunds.
How much Jew?