Why did the British destroy Europe, bros?

Why did the British destroy Europe, bros?

Why did they fight and die to bring about mass replacement immigration?

What possessed them to cause all this?

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I'd say Germany has had a much bigger hand in it than the UK. Why any of them do it is beyond me, but rationality always says follow the nose.

Diversity is our greatest strength!

Why in the world would you expect Anglos to be anything but Anglos?

We are Eternal.

>We are Eternal.
No you're not, you're being replaced in your own nation.

Lmao Europe wanted to be powerful like America and bought into our meme that Diversity = Strength

Sorry ancestral homeland

They're still mad at you about 793 and 1066

>What possessed them to cause all this?
We literally didn't lel. look at germany.

i'm pretty sure we've only taken 5,000 migrants or something. believe me they wanted us to take more

>always fucking drunk
>drink warm beer (if you want to call it that)
>think they are so great because they have their Commonwealth which is just pure garbage
>climate there is even worse than here in fucking germany
>their fucking food is disgusting

Now look at the rest of Europe and notice: they are fucking jealous.

>implying your diversity isn't as new as ours
>implying the first laws of the US didn't give citizenship to whites only
>implying this is strength

Because whites aren't having enough babies

>We're not destroying Europe
You're right, you destroyed it years ago, permanently. Your actions killed nationalism across the western world, and handed 1/3 of the entire world to communism.


Why? Because a mentally ill degenerate warlord, through a combination of pseudoscience and bad decision making, brought his people to the point where their very survival was a matter of the benevolence of their enemies.

Mate, my ancestral line is German. My great-grandmother fled Berlin as the Russians raped their way across Eastern Germany. Do you think I want to be here, in Britain? I hate it here, pal. I'm treated like a foreigner for having Blonde hair. That says it all. I know whats at stake, but lets be honest for a moment and admit that it wasn't Britain that destroyed Germany, it was the Juden.

>their fucking food is disgusting

when will this meme end?

have you ever had fish n chips with malt vinegar and sea salt?

That's right, just keep rationalizing your evil actions. Not that it even matters anymore, you killed us all.

We'll save you again and you won't even know it.

Indeed I have. Forgot about Fish'n'Chips. My bad

Don't for a moment blame Britain for your failure and inadequacy.

my local chippy still wraps fish and chips in newspapers.


>Why did the British destroy Europe
They didn't

I don't like familiarities

>I'm treated like a foreigner for having Blonde hair
I thought blonde hair was common in Britain.


checked and kek'd

The camp housed between 4,000 and 5,000 Muslim prisoners who had fought for the Allied side. The intended purpose of the camp was to convince detainees to wage jihad against the United Kingdom and France. To that end, "detainees lived in relative luxury and were given everything they needed to practise their faith".[2] It was the site of the first mosque to be built in Germany, a large and ornate wooden structure finished in July 1915.


You can't even save yourself.

Does it really matter if we are getting replaced?

We are all athiest degenerates, anyway. Have you seen the statistics for Denmark in terms of

Divorce rates
One night stands
Cheating in relationships
Male virginity after the age of 18
Weed abuse
Cocaine usage

Do I need to go on?

We are a fucking misserable people without any culture left, because for the past 100 years, our people have done nothing but saying that everything Danish is evil and bad and should be criticesed and replaced.

We are a marxist shell of our former selves. We are EU-slaves.

What the fuck do you even want to 'save' and 'preserve' about our country? J-dag?

We'll be saving ourselves while saving everybody else like always.



It is in a lot of the country, but where I live I don't see much blonde hair.


Like how you saved Europe?

>treated like a foreigner for having blonde hair

Do you live in Tower Hamlets?

Like how we saved the world from themselves.

>British destroyed Europe
>Germany destroys Europe for the third time
>nope it's England


where's an A-10 Warthog when you need one?


>Why did the British destroy Europe, bros?
>Citation needed

Why Germany hate people?

Muslim invasion.

Germans, why are you like that?

the Rothschilds control the UK London is their headquarters.

No I live outside of Birmingham.

is this guy robbing him?

Or english people are so cucked that he is giving his clothes out of good will?

How the fuck can you blame politicians/policy makers for trying to maintain income growth and economic stability. If you would learn to fuck and have more kids there wouldn't be this migrant flood. Look at eastern europe, they are piss poor with stagnating economies because they are xenophobic.

>google Birmingham
>see this

Mass immigration is not a reaction to falling birth rates.


Lmao so what is the reason then smarty.


Yeah, there you go.
I don't live in Coventry but I have friends there.

Britain has been mixed race degenerates from the start, and over a long time ((())) ran off over there to safe haven with stolen investment gold its not surprising really. Also the (((Aristocracy))) thing but that happened everywhere there was ancient regime to some extent.

one word: Japan.

>Merkle invites 3rd world to Europe
>blame Brits

It's fallout from 70+ years of anti-Nazi propaganda, and the communist idea of absolute egalitarianism and that mixing all the races of the world would end all wars. Mass immigration self-evidently doesn't even come close to solve the issues of falling birth rates, what will solve it will be increased mechanization.

Rothschild bank

>Expecting Bongistan to have traditionalist architecture in 2017
I think (((modern architects))) are trying to prove that the epitome of ugliness aren't commieboxes.

It was a wild guess, I remember the knife thread from coventryanon the other day and thought it could have been you. Carry on sir.

The figures are pretty much the same in every civilised country bro. Any idea why though?

If you can pull it off by all means. There is a reason why people are mind blown when they see the Jappoes plans. I'm as racist as the next guy here, but first bump natality to 2.1 and above and Im all ears.

>Germans have a nationalist awakening, and continuously extend a hand of peace towards the British
>The British deny them peace, bombs them flat, hands half of Europe to the Soviets, occupy Germany and "de-Nazifies" them, floods the west with anti-western propaganda, and incorporates the peoples of their former colonies
>Brainwashed and beaten Germans predictably act the way they've been taught
But you're right, the Brits dindu nuffin.

I live in London and have blonde hair. I have pretty much no interaction with British people. Everyone thinks I'm Polish or eastern European when I say no I'm british they think I'm larping and just don't want to admit where I am from. They have limited interaction with British people too.

That lib tinge is bad I'll admit but the population catastrophe cause white western beta males can't build their families is the main problem.

That hideous structure is the library of Birmingham.

It's not "beta males" that are causing the falling birth rates, you absolute fucking retard. "Beta males" had no problem building 12 child families only a century ago, fucking kill yourself subhuman.

And the Jews have been expelled 369 times and they're still here.

You can keep 'em :^)

>Why did the British destroy Europe, bros?

Oliver Cromwell allowed Jews to return to Britain in 1657.


less humans > more humans desu. just as long as people in a region look like each other.


Century ago we didn't have antibiotics and we died from the typical run of the mill infections. Nice ad hominems there too.

All things equal you should have same peoples in the country, but the trends of the west (shit natality) were reversed with foreign immigration. If you don't have these problems you don't give the liberal an excuse to do racial genocide.

>Nice ad hominems there too.
there is nothing wrong with calling someone a retard, if it's not your whole argument

Don't blame it to based anglos. Germanic cucks are the ones at fault here, especially germany.

the liberal position is that in a aging society we need workers to replace those not created to pay pension shekels. these immigrants, unlike european immigrants to the americas don't work though, so the liberal position is retarded on all levels desu.

>Germany attacks Poland because they don't want refugee
>UK restarts it's alliance with poland
>mfw history repeat itself.

best scenario.

He escalated it. And if he made some outstanding rebuttal point back I would probably shrug it off but he said 100 years ago west pop had dozens of children. What the fuck does that have to do with the shriveled balls newmales in the west today?

I can guarantee with utmost certainty no one in this country is jealous of anything in Europe. Germany is a laughing stock here. The mere mention of your country and Nazi jokes fly left and right.

Pints on me absolute legends.


how did the Russ push the gook menace all the way back to south east Asia but leave future eskimos alive in their northern extremities?

Britain is the national equivalent of the kid that kicks in your sandcastle because it's prettier than his. They did this to countless cultures around the world. Thankfully, destroying our empire cost them too much strength and now they're limited to ruining tourist venues abroad and hacking in online games.

Fuck off, kraut.

> implying there is need for more humans on the Earth

You cannot compare Birmingham and London to England lol. To me they're completely different things.

>Muh krauts are why I have no job ;__;

Pretty sure you should blame your fellow Spaniards and yourself

Pretty much this, I actually bought this back in the day too, believe it or not. Thank god for opening EU borders though, because that actually redpilled a lot of people when they experienced "diversity" first hand in the UK, living and working with pakis, africans and other shit.
Of course some embraced it too...

Feminism (taken to the 3rd wave extreme) was a massive mistake that destroyed birth rates of all western nations, they couldn't overturn feminism and now they have to import breeders.

That's why.

Well, I was talking about ahmed and mehmet raping your girls, not about jobs. But thanks to remind me. It's better to work like a robot while your wife is riding arab cuck.

>Thank god for opening EU borders though, because that actually redpilled a lot of people

Aye, main reason we were able to beat the Remain arseholes by over a million votes in our referendum :^)


Brainwashing through the media. 99% USSR tier propaganda for decades. All of the West is like it. The masses are too profane to know the truth!