capitalism hate thread, fuck pass users and hiroshimoor trying to shill his garbage
Capitalism hate thread, fuck pass users and hiroshimoor trying to shill his garbage
Hi I don't have a pass but I can just post on mobile and it's letting me skip the captcha, am I not ablonymous? Pls no bully
You are a shame for my country.
no, capitalism's about getting the customer what they want
What is supply & demand?
The strong can take money from the weak. You may call capitalism evil but it's just natural selection. The alternative to eugenics is disgenics which is worse.
>create consumer culture
>"wow look guis supply and demand Xd#1#1!"
that people want it is the problem, because people dont know what they want, they follow.
Sup Forums is a right wing board.
And (((who))) creates consumer culture?
>captcha works again
say hello to slide threads
capitalism leads to and 54% white America
I hate communism with a passion but capitalism is cancer too, when there's Jews involved
There's nothing wrong with consumer culture, it mean you can make a business from anything, anyone who can get capital can make a business
If no one want's it, it'll be a lost for the producer and will stop being produced.
satans chosen ones
Capitalism teaches better habits than socialism. And if you can stop the capitalists from turning into socialist parasites, everyone gets wealthy as fuck. That pretty much describes every level of the economy, now that I think about it. If you can stop people from turning into socialist parasites, everyone gets wealthy as fuck.
So it's no true socialism whenever you don't like it? Grow up, get a job, maybe then you might be a little less anti-capitalist.
>That caption
>A thing that has literally brought joy to hundreds of millions and cost pennies
Story checks all I see is "stop liking what I don't like"
Then they want to follow.
On a side note, i got some fine leashes. Get some of them as long as they last.
Nick did you seriously buy a fucking Sup Forums pass to shit on capitalism?
This actually a good anti capitalism meme for once
I'm not the biggest fan of capitalism desu
>Capitalism and socialism are two sides of the same Jewish coin
I'm going to start looking into Christain Distributism, should be interesting
you mean anyone can create a retarded trinket and sell it to retards and become wealthy - sounds fucking awesome. Face it fags only retarded nigger losers like socialism/communism, they aren't even smart enough to know that they (the unproductive) are the first to get culled.
but people do want it, doesnt mean it offers any cultural or higher value
why not be lead then? Not corporate kikes but by patriots
It's not true socialism unless the means of production are collectively owned. This is the definition of socialism Marxists go by. To use others to attack them is a strawman.
Distributism is fascism without the Huge Boss uniforms.
Captcha: Cheteau trani
Let's try something.
(((capitalism))) (((communism))) fascism.
Really makes you think.
>Distributism is Facism
That's the point friendo
Maybe Italian fascism. It need not really involve distributions in any real respect outside of a social security net.
Distributism is a purely economic, by the way. Fascism means a lot more than that.
I've come to the conclusion that you can't back up your claim.
Wow, why isn't there a single POC in that picture? there is still hope
fascist is corporatist/syndicalist
>the mobileshit in the OP image is made by jews together with some literally who developers whose names (((they))) can't disclose via some (((agreement)))
>Distributism is purely economic
I mentioned earlier that I'm talking about CHRISTIAN Distributism, which heavily encourages social order and hierarchy as well as the community uplifting it's fellow members per Christian values, it's more than just economic
>you mean anyone can create a retarded trinket and sell it to retards and become wealthy - sounds fucking awesome.
You'd think Commie faggots who are so for the working man taking back what's his from the oppressive capitalist owners would support such a world where any retard with internet access and an idea can make more money than kings of old.
Really makes you think their actual goals tend to just be tyrannical bullshit of men who think they were molded from a finer clay than the rest of us.
If people actually PAY to see this, then what's the problem? People clearly would rather pay for entertainment than "respectable" social solutions.
So what does it say about humanity? Maybe we are just naturally not super concerned about everyone else. And that's fine.
Please stop the
>Capitalism = right wing
>anything else = left wing
meme. Many of the best rightist thinkers have been anti-capitalist.
So... Dystrophic could beat up to half-death - a bodybuilder? (With a little help from a fat man)
How so?
The liberal and pseudomarxist left is the vanguard of free market capitalism, just look at the EU.
The new Right movements is actually more marxist than the post 1970 left parties EVER were. They appeal to workers because they do not promote the type of competition that the rich fucks in the market THRIVE on, the type that Drives down wages and kills of the weakest in a Social Darwinist fashion. Post 1970 left is a bourgeoisie shitfest for the rich to oppress the masses and keep the market going, more immigration equals higher competition, doesnt matter if the whole world is driven asunder as long as the supply of "right man to right work" and slave wages are purposed by the greedy globalist shitfucks in supranational political organs like the EU.
This 1488%
Every time lefty Sup Forums comes on here they assume we're all pro capitalism
Stop boomerposting
This is how civilizations fall.
The right believe in free markets, if you don't believe in them then you are not rightwing.
>commies get this mad about toys
Here's a solution for you toothpaste, just don't buy it. If enough people hate fun as much as you do, the product becomes unprofitable and they have to stop making it. Was that so hard?
But user, you do know redistribution of wealth is degenerate, right?
>implying that's him
>the right believe in free markets, if you don't believe in them your not right wing
Herr user, ich bin NDASP
>I-i hate blacks! So that means I'm right wing! NatSoc is right wing! I'm not a lefty like them!
>But user, you do know redistribution of wealth is degenerate, right?
not if it's taking it from filthy rich (((cocksuckers))) and poor gibs and effectively giving it to decent middle class families and small business owners, by not taking it out of their pockets in the first place
>MOM! Timmy made a lot of money and he's refusing to share it with me!
The thread.
>capitalism leads to and 54% white America
No one gives a fuck about american """whites""" though. America isn't the only capitalist country.
the Anglo (((right))) maybe, real right wingers believe in order, tradition and morality.
>people willingly spend their money on stupid products like pet rocks therefore capitalism is bad
not me, im dumb
>muh right vs left
amerilards are so unoriginal when somelne doesnt fit their narrative.
>lets hope my fellow countrymen will get tired of being sold chinese trash at some point in the future
pacifism is retarded
Sorry famalam, you've been idolising a lefty faggot
A political ideology is more than economics you slack jawed mongolid
Not liking capitalism doesn't mean you're a commie for fuck's sake. What's so bad about being a communist anyway?
What's going on with pass users
>"y-youre just jelous"
in a very simplified way yes
>The right believe in free markets, if you don't believe in them then you are not rightwing.
what is freedom. Lets say you have the freedom to outsource to utilize slavery in Africa under the guise of foreign aid like companies who benefit from EU funding usually does.
At the same time they corner the market and force through legislation that peripherally has nothing to do with the market, but at the same time destroys any form of competition.
That's not really free is it, but that's freedom according to the EU and the regressive left.
Maybe your Christian iteration is more than just an economic principal, however that's different form saying that distributism on it's own is fascism. Indeed, fascism on it's own, based on it's etymology and it's early works, mandates very little in the way of "fair" distribution.
Ever heard of the third position you fucking mong?
I was referring to economic policy, of course when it comes social and cultural issues it becomes a lot more complex than left-right
I know.
>Distributism is a purely economic
Economics cannot be severed from social policy; that's a false dichotomy friendo.
>Proving you've never read Chesterton.
>Implying Distributism isn't a form of syndicalism combined with council/neo-guildism.
>Maybe we are just naturally not super concerned about everyone else. And that's fine.
God knows how much blood has been spilled by men who are super concerned with others trivial pursuits and their lustful need to control them.
It's one of the most universal in all cultures of the utmost evil
>taking money from rich successful whites who contribute to society and giving it to lazy welfare-bums (largely non-white) isn't degenerate
The only non-degenerate way of helping whites genuinely in need is charity and mutual aid. Unfortunately, with the decay of the church and traditional family by (((people))) who want to undermine the west, this is barely possible anymore.
Capitalism is only defended by literal cuckolds who want to justify the kikery of businesses
The average person has an inclination toward degeneracy. You can't expect a system based on the whims of people to be moral.
>poorfags can't a pass
Whilst you are right, I was under the assumption we were solely discussing economic policy
>fascist is corporatist/syndicalist
But so is the EU, check out the fascist manifesto, the new Right (alt-right) is actually less fascist than for example Antifa.
>implying it isn't socialism and redistribution of wealth that props up cuckolds who spend money on immoral vices
>Collectivist authoritarians
>Right wing
That's like saying Wahhabi Islamist aren'tIslamic because they hate and murder other Muslims
I think a lot of people are conflating serious disillusionment with our current system, both the economic and political aspects, with a disillusionment solely on capitalism.
Redistribution of wealth is already occurring, look at bank bailouts. The difference is, the wealth is being redistributed to speculators who fucked up their own wealth. An ideal system would grant income based solely on a persons economic contribution to society, and speculative investment, private banking, etc, would not be privatized at the expense of the people.
lmao i fate those things but capitalism is great
If we still lived as hunter gatherers or in small agricultural communities that would hold true, but our situation is different now.
With the industrial revolution and the division of labour, and now automation threatening to make human labour obsolete we have to adapt.
Besides, we've always had 'wealth redistribution' - voluntarily, within families and so forth.
liberalism is left wing
shoulve mentioned national
Capitalism isn't that bad if conducted correctly, it depends where the establishment sentiment is. And today the global establishment sentiment is pseudo-left / regressive left.
capitalist faggots BTFO
Nigger never heard of Lay's law... baka desu senpai
I hate how capitalism allows (((them))) to get absurdly rich by exploiting the base desires and stupidity of the average person
but I hate communists too
Whenever I'm talking about economics I look at it in a wider, Socio-political scope, I always lump it together with political ideology, I had thought you and I were talking philosophy
Wealth redistribution in families is non degenerate. It doesn't punish the rich on behalf of the nonwhite mass of welfare leeches.
>shoulve mentioned national
Yes, the only reason why we have this morbid anti nationalism (anti assembly) is because the EU wants to federalize, and national identity is seen as en obvious threat to those plans.
>Plato: no you don't get it aristotle, my ideal Form communism has never been tried.
>Artistotle: if you can't manifest it in the real world, what good is it?
>why do children like playing with toys?
>waaaa waaaaaa ;_;
Pic reminds me of this
Hahaha, they're openly saying they can only discuss their views in an echo chamber
Hello, comrade! We do real communism this time, right?
Really, anyone arguing on a left/right political paradigm are new to politics.
There is so much more depth to politics. Hence, why the political compass was designed.
Agreed to be honest, we should also tell people what to believe, because they really don't know what they want.
>but I hate communists too
That's the thing, ((((they)))) are the biggest pushers of both Communism and Capitalism.
I take solace in the fact that capitalists will die with their shitty Jewish economic system.
It's all about socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor these days.
it's highly degenerate
>be hardworking man who formed his fortune from nothing
>grandchild gets it, never has to work a day in his life, looks down on the poor while posting vanity shots of his eternal europe vacation on his instagram
You do not want this food and shelter, comrade. Trust me.
>Mercantilism is a form of economic nationalism. Its goal is to enrich and empower the nation and state to the maximum degree, by acquiring and retaining as much economic activity as possible within the nation's borders.
>Manufacturing and industry, particularly of goods with military applications, were prioritized. Mercantilism sought to ensure the nation produced as much volume and variety of output as possible, so as to limit its dependence upon foreign suppliers and achieve autarky.
Most randfags do not understand that global capitalism is an integral part of liberal democracy and is a relativley recent development.
Fuck you, you don't have a clue how it looks from the other guy's POV. It's not true capitalism until the government stops creating little distortions everywhere. Those distortions resonate, weaken the whole damned system, and cause it to slump towards a "crisis" "useful" enough to "nationalize" everything. Perhaps you understand already how permitting "small" businesses weakens a planned economy? That shit cuts both ways. Permitting "small" socialisms weakens a market economy, too.
The socialisms you consider so small that they're strawmen are the legit first steps to the feudal utopia you're begging for, faggot commie bootlicker.
>Economics cannot be severed from social policy; that's a false dichotomy friendo.
I'm aware of that, however fascism has some explicit political implications. You're conflating relation to equality. You're the one pulling a fallacy.
>Proving you've never read Chesterton.
Does he imply that an economic ideology relating increasing the distribution of wealth is somehow the same thing as something which doesn't necessarily imply such a distribution of wealth and also advocates for centralization and the concept of a "Great man".
No little /pol, true communism hasn't been tried yet. Mao? Lenin? They were just setbacks so that communism could be perfected. You'll see, one day we won't have to commit genocide to get communism to work.
Is that what your image means? Because I see the communist as the little kid trying to understand why he can't have that toy because it is actually the state's.
>money lasts forever
What are you mad about you little autist? I was just explaining what socialism was, dickhead.
And "little socialism" doesn't actually fucking exist. If the means of production aren't collectivized than it's socdem bullshit.