Why is everyone spamming about the Sup Forums pass? Can I get a quick rundown?
Why is everyone spamming about the Sup Forums pass? Can I get a quick rundown?
Other urls found in this thread:
it is decidedly the only way to know that others are not paid shills
sauce on pic?
Lurk moar
Yes because of course PAID shills wouldn't have the money to do so,and PAID share blue wouldn't be handed accounts...
Seems legit
Although it might get some reddit and normalfags away
>a quick rundown
Just another social experiment conducted by the big G. Be ready for the next wave of AI programming.
Dunno, I woke up expecting a happening to make up for my lack of life.
Or a way to kill this site for good, as seen on how every board slowed into a crawl or made a complete stop.
quick rundown noowwww
Faggots are being faggots
me no pass
Basically captcha wasn't working so the only ones able to post were Sup Forums pass users because they don't need to enter captcha in order to post.
captcha was working fine with mine for the past hours.
It wasn't the case for me and many others. Got invalid captcha every time. You were lucky I suppose.
Why can I not post?
b cuz ur a nig
divide the user base of Sup Forums by pass/non-pass
It's a low cost experiment. If it works, the board is diverted off topic. If it doesn't, try a different method.
Which chan is best 4 or 8?
le reddit
8's dead, even 8pol which is the third most popular board only gets 150 posts per hour compared to 4pol's 4000
To put that in perspective, the brit/pol/ general is twice as fast than the entirety of 8pol
Ty för
Thx fo help
Buy and see.
google has wants to control free speech and using ai to steer discussion away from the topic much like jidf/hasbara tactics
Working fine
another pass goy
I've noticed the quality has significantly improved.
not even that expensive and it enhances your shitposting experience come on fags
and another one. Lmao
This thread is a goldmine. I hope the user who's making the collage sees this
When I use my 4 chan pass the mods harrass me more its not worth buying
>he's doing this again with the same picture
The mods hand out bans ton4 chan pass users more frequently on pol I have one and stopped using it because mods get to ban crazy when the see a pass user
I just bought a pass today and I wish they would turn it back on.
Paid shills and spammers don't use passes because they use proxy IPs. If their IP gets banned it's easy enough to sidestep. But the Sup Forums pass gets revoked too.
So the vast majority of shills don't use Sup Forums pass.
And that's why suddenly 2 billion slide threads got posted the minute the captcha started working again.
I'm unfortunately on tablet so I don't have my folders
The mods harrass pass users
I got a 4 chan pass dont use it lefty mods are too brutal to pass users
bump. Get in here pass users
I'm being censored
Reporting threads no longer works. If a thread is garbage, don't reply. Just hide it. Filter if you can, but always be hiding.
Hide all trash. You should have 60+ hidden threads at any one time, because that's how rampant the shitposting is.