So why wasn't she 50 points ahead?
So why wasn't she 50 points ahead?
high grade russian shitposting
I might ask. . .
Podesta was too busy raping children instead of focusing on the campaign
dont underestimate the stupidity of the average voter...
leftist coping. fucking loveit
>unzips dick
The only 50 that this woman deserves, is 50 bullets in a way that would keep her alive long enough to feel the pain and to suffer as her life fades.
By every possible definition this woman is nothing but scum, vermin.
haha your king is a tranny
She was simply too smart. She failed to connect with voters because conservative education policies are keeping the public at a low level where they're must susceptible to racist and misogynist rhetoric. They've been rigging the game for decades, to say nothing of foreign interference with is an undeniable fact at this point. If there's any bright side to this it's that Drumpf will be impeached before summer's end, and the DNC will have learned their lesson for next round. Savor this victory while you can Drumpftards, because you'll never win an election again.
You've got a zip on your dick?
she's really unlikable and presidential election is a popularity contest in this glorious meme age
Because her campaign fucking sucked.
nice pasta, stealing it
Where is she now?
case in point...
This is why we need 50 round magazines.
tfw to intelligent to be POTUS
>conservative education policies
everyone knows libtards control education
Don't worry guys, Donald Trump will never be the President of the United States
Because she started the race with 62% disapproval. She then lied about her emails, and got debate questions, then Podesta's emails.
The last straw was saying Islam has nothing to do with terror after those kids run over in NIce France
There was no way she was going to win.
Was she trying to look like a movie villain here?
she was. racist seimxist rural retarts and their dumbfuck leaders russian cronies hacked the election
collapsing on 9/11 didn't help either
>mfw CNN was claiming she just tripped
Ran out of virgin blood and the Dark Lord was tired of her excuses. But she is what they call an earner and her nose is so far up Mephistoles's ass now that all us demons expect her to be back with a vengeance.
>Anyone who doesn't vote for me is a racist, sexist, bigot.
>I don't need to campaign or hold regular rallies, I can get my surrogates to do it for me.
>You should vote for me because these celebrities said so, that's not condescending at all, I promise.
>Let's discuss my platform and how it relates to minorities.
>Actually, let's talk only about minorities and minority issues, who gives a shit if most of the country is still white and if swing voters are mostly white? They're racist if they don't vote for me anyway.
>There is an internet conspiracy out to get me.
>My health is fine, I just had a non-existent form of pneumonia and collapsed at a 9/11 memorial, but look I can open a pickle jar.
>Internal polls are bad for Michigan and Wisconsin? Nonsense, let's ignore it until the last week.
>In fact, keep all our operatives in Ohio even though we've written it off as a loss, just to confuse Drumpf.
>How dare you talk about Islamic terrorism and ways to stop it, we should be talking about how tough it is to be Muslim in this country.
>There's no way being someone who's been non-stop in politics for almost 4 decades and is the very definition of an establishment candidate, on top of having lots of scandals that have never been truly resolved will bite me in the ass.
>My views on this? Well give me a few days to poll it and I'll tell you.
>tfw to smart too win
She was 50 points ahead until the Russians hacked the elections which Jared Kushner did through secret channels while General Flynn lied about his Russian connections and James Comey was fired by the dictator Trump because he was getting to close to discovering that Jeff Sessions is a racist and that Mike Pence wants to put gays in concentration camps and start world war 3 with Russia who Trump is a puppet of because they blackmailed him with information from the Steele Dossier and Gianforte body slamming reporters is a sure sign of a fascistic demagoguery tyrannical authoritarian dictatorship that Trump is the despot madman in charge of that allowed him to get two scoops of ice cream.
Nor did her lack of any change, WHY ARENT I 50 POINTS AHEAD REEEEEEE, and "basket of deplorables."
As soon as she said that I knew Trump supporters from all camps would use that as a badge of honor and that the election was over. How did her campaign let her say that?
Despite all the shill and jokes, the answer is simply because she is an arrogant cow
People don't like being talked down to, and her entire campaign was "vote for me because I'm a woman"
>So why wasn't she 50 points ahead.
Because she's Hillary Clinton.
Seriously she lost while having every conceivable advantage and she did it against a guy many thought to be a total joke.
Who's laughing now?
lol saved
are you guys still angry Drumpf lost by 3 million votes?
Federal prison when?
No, we're absolutely thrilled he won the contest that mattered.
Hillary's ambitions were cucked by Obama's people twice.
- should have stayed in the Senate
- should have stayed angry at Obama
Obama and Hillary's relationship is like an allegory for white women in a relationship with a black man.
- It's like white woman losing acceptance into a university because of a black man.
- It's like a white woman who had a relationship with a black dude who was gonna marry a white dude until he left her on the altar when he found out.