What did Trump mean by this?

What did Trump mean by this?

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I don't know, what's Sup Forums's general position on NATO?

wtf is it with this timeline...

That fucking handgesture triggers me so much. It's like that bitch got herself a discount pr guy who told her this would improve her image.

One of us!

a simple arm movement instaneously triggers nervous tics in all the other political leaders.

is it possible to be more alpha?

Nothing !


Guys... is... Trump... Dare I say... our guy?


>ach I just don't know vat to do wis my handz
>I feel zo okvart
>okay mmh well then just put your hands together in a way that evokes power and control
>ach so like zis, I like zis, you're ze best life coach

I think more it's supposed to symbolize her huuuuge vagina and her willingness to suck up to anybody who seems to be in charge at the moment. I wish her grandparents never left poland. I hat this women so much.

maybe he was doing a pepe impression :^)

>Merkel was born Angela Dorothea Kasner in 1954, in Hamburg, West Germany, the daughter of Horst Kasner (1926–2011; né Kaźmierczak),[13][14] a Lutheran pastor and a native of Berlin, and his wife Herlind (née Jentzsch), born in 1928 in Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland), a teacher of English and Latin. She has two younger siblings, her brother Marcus Kasner, a physicist, and her sister Irene Kasner, an occupational therapist. In her childhood and youth, Merkel was known among her peers by the nickname "Kasi", derived from her last name Kasner.[15]

Don't put that ugly bitch on us.

1. No fucking Poles is Lutheran, that's a Germanic heresy.
2. You guys were pretty adamant about Danzig being your clay in the 20's and 30s.


>Changed his religion
>Changed his last name
>Born in the Empire

Might as well be a German.

Also why is there nothing written about him from 39-45? Seeing how his parents died in 43 and he lived to '59.

hand gesture >>> having children


Why is there nothing written about Merkel during her time in the GDR?

part of why they say her hand gesture is so famous is because she invented it herself without the help of a therapist

>She chose the gesture without having been assisted by a counsellor because "it contains a certain symmetry."


Wow, she must be a genius. She invented the hand gesture herself?

beta manlets left and right have to also do a hand on face gesture as a sign of submissive immitation of the alpha Silverback
My Prez stand tall like Gibraltar



Funny thing is

There's absolutely no reason to do that, Trump is signaling to us :3

Left hand : Masonic 'M' (see Hitler's left hand)
Right hand: Masonic '13' (M is 13th letter)

Orange = 33 in gematria.

Just read Ana Pauker's wiki and substitute the names.

It's probably very uncomfortable to hold your hands like that all the time. Why can't she stand normally like the rest of them.

>What did Trump mean by this?
8D chinese checkers my dude

I wonder

>Tsipras has to concentrate or else he would break off in laughter
Kek Trump is literally /the definiton of pol/ autism

lel you are right

She's signing the word "vagina"