You can go back to the past and speak with the current Roman Emperor for 5 minutes
What would you tell him?
You can go back to the past and speak with the current Roman Emperor for 5 minutes
What would you tell him?
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Which emperor?
There is no roman empire
Arminius is a traitor and he will fuck everything up!
Try investing in heavy cavalry early and the arabian peninsula is mostly sand and caravans but try to colonize now rather than later.
I don't know, I don't speak Latin
Occidit omnes Saracenos, unde enim fit reus omnium.
give him the secret to silk production.
bring me 3 of your finest whores
Barbarians or Romans; one will perish.
Tell him as best as I can how to industrialize
I would tell Augustus that the threat of the Jews is so severe that all Jews must be killed mercilessly so that humanity can fulfill its destiny of expanding out into the stars.
stay pagan, don't embrace the Semitic religions
Leave Judea alone you faggot
i'd tell him to forget about the christians and to go after the jews.
>>stay pagan, don't embrace the Semitic religions
Arabia delenda est.
"Y'know, those kikes would make a better meal for your lions....."
kill all christians.
fucking this
>Romani Ite Domum
Romani Ite Domum
Romani Ite Domum
Keep the Jews in Judea.
Tell Titus to exterminate the Juden
Sali west,
Mix sulfur, charcoal and saltpeter, then tell a slave to throw a handful into the fire
Very British of you, m8.
>Destroy all abrahamic religions and further the cult around the emperor personallity.
>Don´t take in german refugees
>Send boats around arabia and try and make the Suez.
>Make the empire primogeniture inheritance.
>Make a huge wall covering the empire while conquering the rest of the british isles.
Don't half ass the JQ. They will wreck your civilization. Also exterminate (((Christianity))) before it takes over your empire.
There's this guy called Jesus down in Galilee? yeah , don't kill him.
>obsession with Arminius
Kike detected
Surrender to Attila
> make suez
> without XIX century tech
Good job with that m8
Don't fall for Christianity which will ultimately lead to your downfall unlike the Germans.
Do you have some denarii for me? :DD
(follow me into the forest, friend)
Don't train the barbarians because they will be the key to over throwing you.
Perverse you culture and don't breed with the fucking turks.
the only true answer :
dont enslave faggots you conquer
genocide them
Watch out for a guy called Spartacus.
*and while you protect this Jesus guy just.. uh.. just kill all the jews
It wouldn´t be necessarly the suez, it could just be a huge canal connecting the Nile with the red sea.
The objective would be to chocke the arabians into submission.
Videte ne quis vos Barbari
did you know that the Romans mined iron ore at a rate that wasn't duplicated until the industrial revolution?
They could do this.
Do you know my friend Bigus Dickus and her wife Incontinentia Buttocks?
Ally with the Persians and destroy Islam
that visigothic immigration should be stopped.
Barbarians were okay if Rome could keep their promises and settle these people as intended.
"Barbarians" were happy to become Romans but were betrayed for too long.
You know that steam engine Heron made? Hook it up to some gears.
I show him a map of Rome getting fucked by barbarians and cackle since he can't do a thing about it
Which still doesn't exist , but that's just a detail. You know what? just kill all the Arabs.
"praise pepe the frog god and your empire will become a Sup Forums meme in 2017"
>Torch the jews to the last
>Hannibal will come over the alps
>Don't trust the newly made roman providences
You still exist in 2017.
This guy gets it
Now that I think about it... Romans had the chance to end Judaism, Christianity and Islam but they failed to do it terribly.
Fuck Rome.
I would tell him about the American continent and all the gold he can find there
Your people 100% were drinking goats blood in the khazars
Tell him to exterminate the evil tribes of judeans who are plotting to destroy the empire by infiltrating it and promoting a cult of weakness called christianity, and tell him to leave the germans in peace, hire them a mercenaries but under no circumstance allow them in droves into the empire. That's pretty much it.
They tried to, they atacked the jews, but only ilitarily. The jews then proceeded to infiltrte the empire and hijack it by promoting a crazy cult of pacifism, self-hatred and contentment.
Does that ring any bells to the present day?
Eternal magyar strikes again
>be immigrant to Brazil
>hate immigrants
>be actual hue
>think you are white
actually they can't end christianity mate
Destroy the Jews and Christianity, make them both illegal. There is a substance known as gunpowder that you can make using a 75:15:10 ratio of potassium nitrate:charcoal powder:sulfur powder. It can be used for quality explosives and guns. Here's what a musket looks like (after drawing it on something, or whatever), tell your best engineers to figure that shit out, and you'll rule the fucking world. Lightning is composed of electricity, and it conducts to metal. I'm sure with that info you can get your engineers to come up with some use for it.
Also, lead is extremely poisonous, and causes sterility, fix your aqueducts and force people to stop using it in cookware, it kills you and drives you insane.
Oh, one more thing: if you sail west from Spain for a REALLY long time, you'll find new continents ruled by retards in the stone age. Exterminate them, and establish a new extension of the empire. Trust me, it is absolutely not worth using them as a slave labor force, kill them while you have the opportunity, or you will regret it.
>sail west
Most retarted suggestion in this thread so far. The Romans didn't have the ships to cross the Atlantic. And they didn't need more land.
>Mix sulfur, charcoal and saltpeter, then tell a slave to throw a handful into the fire
That would fuck the Romans. Militarily they were already nearly invincible. But if some Barbarians were to learn to make grenades...
My suggestion:
Tell the Emperor about the slow decline of the Imperium. Give him the reasons. Social and economic inequality, a class of ultra rich and ultra corrupt land owners and nobles. The inability of the Roman Empire to permanently defeat any of their enemies. Constant civil wars for succesion.
Evacuate Pompeii ASAP , just trust me on this one.
And for the love of god , don't fuck them.
yeah, then you'll end up with this abomination
Or at least make sure you don't have kids with them , here's how to make a condom btw.
you should bow to the germanics. it will spare so much suffering and death if you just accept your faith.
Latine non loquor.
Buttblasted Jew
What i dont get is i thought christains were supposed to be anti-gay. Could they not save Rome from the 6-homos-of-the-apocalypse?
Also Jesus broke bankers tables and hated the Jews. Rome fucked up by Crucifying him and losing the potential support of christians who said "give unto ceasar"
Nigri et iudeai mali nuntii.
Also tell Marcus aurelius to not be a fucking retard, commodus must not be Emperor.
Next time chooose a year or Emperor
If Nero why such a douche and burn down Rome, we always destroy the things we love?
Fucking based!
Traps are gay!
It ain't gay.
Genocide all Germans entering the Empires lands
Julius Caesar legalized Judaism in the major provinces
Augustus built a fucktilion synagogues all across the Roman empire and gave Jews special privileges and rights. he would never have done it, he would have gave them donations
Eastern Rome recovered from their initial collapse and was far more Christian at at the top and bottom
In Pompeii you can see graffiti with all kinds of degenerate messages. And there is one jar, that has a label on which is written "kosher". Really made me think.
Pompei did not have nearly as many Jews, Pompei literally had a whorehouse on almost every corner of the city. Say whatever you want about the Jews but it wasn't Jews giving these women business. Christianity forbade this.
Forbid Judea leaving their land
Truly the broest of bros.