Merkel BTFO!
Merkel BTFO!
just fuck my entire planet up
If Merkel is butthurt, it must be good news for Germany.
Merkel is the worst chancellor in German history.
Is Trump the ultimate redpill? The guys has balls.
Fucking this.
They were all expecting Hitllery to win to further push the global warming scam lmao. But Trump won and now they're all stuck with their stupid climates no one believes in and don't know what to do with their stupid climates, including the dumb usurper fake pope! Fake pope gave Trump his dumb climate essay or whatever, but Trump had intel that the fake pope is going to give him that, so Trump brought Martin Luther King books lmao.
you retarded drumpfkins realize the earth is our home,right?
old fart drumpf can suck a dick
It's Dresden all over again
Fuck off we're full, you can crash on the moon if you want.
of course if you ask many of the American conservative Christians, they don't think that we should be stewards of God's creation - they think we should ruthlessly exploit every last resource we can get our hands on because Jesus will come back very soon, so we can use the world as an infinitely large garbage dump
Why the fuck do Western nations even debate climate change when nations like China and India are the primary polluters in the world?
Hey, people on the left. The problem isn't that no one on the right believes in global warming, it's that we're awfully suspicious that socialism is your proposed solution.
If Trump can dent the Chinese manufacturing machine by bringing back jobs, he'll have done more to fight global warming than 1000 Merkels.
>"We need climate change taxes and more refugees"
>How about no
>"Well... fuck... I guess Ivanka was just a PR"
why is it then that so many people on the right just flatly say that either global warming isn't real or, if it is, humans have nothing to do with it?
Of the Republican candidates, all except maybe John Kasich and Jeb Bush rejected the idea that anthropogenic climate change is even taking place (and Kasich & Bush said they wouldn't do anything about it). Bob Inglis was famously one of the few Republican congressmen who was willing to acknowledge the problem and he got voted out by a huge margin, even though he is about as conservative as you can get
When will we unite against German hegemony of Europe? We need to teach these uptight kraut bitches a third lesson.
>bringing back jobs
Never again.
Hundreds of millions of fucked-up subhumans are constantly removing vast jungles and forests on Africa and South America, of course with kosher dollars in exchange.
Come on North America and Europe, hinder your manufacturing and cut your CO2 emissions! You are destroying the world!
-developing nations
Do people unironically believe that the climate change is not real?
Fuck, if only the USA and EU could bring down their greenhouse gas emissions, then poorer nations won't have to live so miserable like pic related!
Because the left exhausted all their credibility several decades ago. We were warned in the 70s that everyone would starve to death by the 90s, etc...
Will Germans unironically vote Angela Mugabel in office for 70th time in a row?
I don't give a shit. It's just an excuse to tax people more. Fuck off government reeee.
If only the Western nations were more responsible with their emissions and other pollutants, then our rivers in Asia won't be so full of garbage!
so people on the political left were wrong about something in the 1970s, therefore you can dismiss the conclusion of all the worlds major scientific authorities on this?
Nice source there. Just because it's not working perfectly (still a free economy -- you can't guarantee outcomes) doesn't mean Trump's efforts aren't sincere.
Shoo shoo, roach.
>Do people unironically believe that the climate change is not real?
No, the majority of people believe it is real. Even on the right, some where between ~50-70% think it's real.
It is almost like we use coal and don't do shit about Brazil and Indonesia cutting down trees.
High taxation is just another form of exterminating the European people as well. It forces women to work, and makes children expensive to have. Add in the flood of Muslim refugees who get that taxation money as a handout while having 5-6 kids each means the European people will be eventually be exterminated.
Don't forget the whole transfer of wealth from individual citizens via the government and refugees to multinational corporations either..
Truly a Jewish masterwork.
Why would God fill the ground with oil if he didn't want us to use it?
I hope so, I am going to vote her just to fuck you even more :^)
Western countries REALLY need to re-evaluate their automobile emission tests - they need to raise their standards to ours in India - where we never forget to get an emissions test nor ever cheat on an emissions test, ever!
Because White people are the source of all evil and wrong doing etc etc
Have patience. I'm hoping for either during Brexit negotiations otherwise in about 5 years when they have to pay denbts to other countries in the Eurozone for fucking up their economies.
>earth is our home
fucking illegal aliens
I believe it's a real thing, however I'm sceptical of the level of human involvement in its transition.
I kekd
As you can see by our air quality, I tell the truth!
ahmed is right
The free world needs a leader, m80.
The only viable alternative is actually worse.
Very true. I myself fell for the peak oil doomsday meme. The left never accounts for the adaptability of the free market system.
God bless Trump.
>so people on the political left were wrong about something in the 1970s, therefore you can dismiss the conclusion of all the worlds major scientific authorities on this?
If this were a pure science issue, this would not be a big deal.
But since it's so heavily politicized, people are very wary about believing anything that can be used as a political tool against their interests.
>Death by muslims this week: 237
>Death By Climate Change this week: 0
Germans need to wake up to the real threat
Even us Chinese are angry at the West for polluting our air! C'MON GUYS, get your shit together and get your CO2 emissions under control!!
Yes because when someone says 100% of scientists agree something is fact they are bullshitting since there is nothing 100% of scientists agree on unless you aren't asking 100% of all scientists to begin with.
the question wether it's taking place and what the cause is IS a pure science issue and that's what most of the conservative figureheads dismiss (practically every Republican candidate as I said)
All the terrible polluted air from the West (NA and EU) has now polluted the great PRC air! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE
Is it even scientifically proven that we need a planet to live on?
Am I being memed on?
Another monumental victory for Sup Forums.
Always right!
kek who would ever want to unite with roaches?
The West even dares to dump their waste into Chinese waters! Shameful display!!!
Yes. The left doesn't realize how unpersuasive its "Muh 97%" talk is. The left has become decadent and forgotten how to talk to people -- smart people -- who disagree with it.
The West has forced great Chinese cities to release air perfumes into the great Chinese air to quell all Western air pollution!
so when I show you a graph about anthropogenic vs. natural forcing and how they relate to the observed temperature trend - would you then say "but the left said something wrong 40 years ago"? Would that really be all you could say?
true. belgium could use some lebensraum.
>the question wether it's taking place and what the cause is IS a pure science issue
Yeah, I don't disagree with that, but politicians on the left can use the science to justify policies that have very little to do with climate change. This cannot be hard for you to figure out I hope.
The reason why we are so distrustful is exactly because we have been told the same story over and over from the 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, and nearly all the predictions failed.
Here are some of our great Chinese air perfume dispensers at work.
>Tfw Trump got in everyone's ear and is fucking things up for Merkel
Yes, people believe it's real, but nations like China, India, and Russia make any pollution reduction we make completely pointless in the long run. Besides, the Midwest of the US will economically benefit from climate change anyway... so who cares?
Carrier can't stop fucking themselves. I can't count how many people my family has mentioned said they would never buy their brand again. Trane Air Conditioning CEO probably thought he was in a wet dream when that video came out.
No I would doubt the validity of the proposed data and question the motivations of the source of such data.
There's alot of money being made in 'climate science' these days, but only if you are coming to the 'correct' conclusion with your research.
The videos showed her spending an awful lot of time talking to him one-on-one at the table with everyone else. Was Trump telling her Hitler did nothing wrong while she said "ketchup on steak you arschloch!"?
>pure (((science))) issue
Trump wanted to clean the air, Merkel was offended and demanded a more middle eastern climate
Only those of us who studied stochastic calculus in school.
Most of the gullible do believe.
The 97% consensus is about whether climate change exists or not. BUT it is not a consensus on how or why it happens. Much of that question is still in dispute and new discoveries are found every week.
>Would that really be all you could say?
I would say look at this graph. It's abundantly clear that we were always headed for rapid global warming whether or not humans are around.
In what sense is it reasonable to dismiss entire fields of science because of fear that they will be exploited by your political opponents?
If it were about the peddling of bogus solutions, you would see Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Jim Inhofe, Ron Johnson etc. in the debates and hearings talking about how wrong the left solutions are - what we see instead is ridiculous nonsense about how the Earth is actually cooling and it's a Chinese hoax and so on.
So we can take a pick between these politicians being either totally insane (for rejecting science because of politics) or being totally retarded (for actually believing the stuff they say)
Give it up fatty, every national academy of science in the world supports the evidence for AGM. The claim that your big oil money meme gonk knows more than them is laughable.
Here's the thing:
Many scientists agree that climate change does exist (because it does). Liberals RUN with this and create false statistics because technically, many scientists do say that climate change is indeed real (because it fucking is - the ice age melting before humans even built the wheel is a great example)
What really needs to be debated is the fact if it's a manmade problem or not (which it most likely isn't) and scientists are split 50/50 on this - but you'll never get told that.
You'll just get told that "90% or so scientists agree that climate change is happening!!!11 fuck!!!"
>630 Jobs
>He created several thousand in his first Month alone
please...please...go talk to the owners of the containerships that are burning all the bunker fuel. That shit pollutes more than every car on earth.
Go talk to india, go talk to china, go fucking talk to Germany for skirting diesel regulations GLOBALLY.
Go fucking point some fingers somewhere else for a change.
Global warming is a cycle. Smog is not.
>In what sense is it reasonable to dismiss entire fields of science because of fear that they will be exploited by your political opponents?
It's not, I desperately WANT to have a discussion about the science.
But that is impossible for me because my "friends" threaten to end the friendship if I don't believe that half the animal population will die in two decades or something.
so what's wrong with this plot then for example?
also, don't you think it's at all interesting that every pseudoscientific conspiracy theory ever has said that major swaths of scientists are involved in a conspiracy to trick the world and cash in on the grant money? Even the dinosaurs-aren't-real people say that paleontologists are faking it all to sell their expensive fossilized bones at auctions (even though paleontology is terribly underfunded, as are many fields within Earth science)
Idk hans hand you tell me why western nations are being hounded to pass more taxes and scare off more job creators with regulations when it's the skies in China and India that look like a brown soup.
Are you telling me the pollution only counts towards global warming if it comes from western nations?
remember guys, it is a MORAL RESPONSIBILITY to maintain the earth as it currently is, shaped by the entropy of the universe
only chance can influence the way things are. humans are not allowed to influence anything at all
but also we need to stop forest fires clearing out bone dry underbrush, we need to stop 'invasive' species from dominating other species with their genetic superiority, we need to breed weak species in captivity, we need to feed and clothe and provide medical attention to human beings who are overpopulating places where they/the land cannot sustain themselves
what i'm getting at is that darwinism is conditional, and we should fight against nature when it doesn't know what's good for itself
>scientists are split 50/50 on this
proofs? because that is blatant bullshit
Argies have no room to talk - your country is notoriously corrupt in terms of environmental issues.
False statistics, etc. Meanwhile
>pic related
white guilt & globalists narratives....thats why
>how DARE you deny SCIENCE
You people treat it like a fucking religion.
>oy vey herr drumpf please ze earth is dying quick offshore all your economy to our partners in ze east