Get recked faggots
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whats with everyone demanding Trump condemn every fucking incident
There's hope for Portland after all
>nb4 the stabber was a nigger
You all know it was
The only 'racist' attack I've ever seen IRL was a nigger attacking Sikhs for 'bringing down the towers'
Also I bet the stabbed were white cucks that thought they were allowed to hit people for their words
They were wrong
I seriously never felt good about people Sting. Thanks/pol/
Dying, I have no idea why It would be auto corrected to "Sting"
>try to virtue signal irl
>get killed
>two Americans died defending another citizen from abuse
I mean sure you hate muzzies and all, but you can't have civilization if people are allowed to abuse other people in the streets.
>someone shouting racial slurs means you can assault them
In the best states this guy would get off for self defense
Also I was wrong, it was a white guy
Who was also a Bernie and Occupy Wallstreet supporter
>I hate daddy
>Why won't daddy so something about all this hate.
>someone should be able to just abuse people without fearing societies wrath
Fear of the police is second best to fear of the people in deterring people from being dicks.
stupid liberals get killed protecting muslims.....
the two muslim woman ran away and the cops can't find them
who doesn't carry a knife though, it's legal, and just saying hey fag i've got one too might've been enough to make him back down.
One less cuck in the world. No loss
>2 vs 1
>Muslim wins
Are Portland men a bunch of sissy faggots?
Meanwhile niggers commit the majority of violent crimes, including hate crimes
your point?
So did they have actual witnesses, who heard all this... watching but not doing anything??
Or... is it just speculation as to the reason.
And there were two of them against one man and the guy still managed to kill them both. Fucking alpha
Fire up those red flags
I'm sure he was wearing a MAGA shirt and hat also
>Muslim murders two people
>It's Trumps fault
They would win the gold in gymnastics.
Portland is pretty much hippy central. It competes with Seattle in terms of liberal cuckoldry. Mayor is a faggot who had sex with underaged boys and was never arrested
God I fucking hate mudslimes and liberals
He was kicked out of the rally
Rare wisdom.
the murderer wasn't a muslim you fucking idiot
>american reading comprehension
Portland is cuck town
>yell at people
>mob tries to pile on you
>stab three
something doesn't look right here
I am a fucking idiot. Carry on.
Learn the lesson, you fuck with a muslim, he probably has a knife and you better be ready to finish the job. They are told the are under attack, so they will all have weapons now and be prepared to kill you for stepping on their shoe, or for not respecting allah etc. They also love to murder white people. Pic related actually was brainwashed into thinking hes from the middle east, was telling people "Your country is bombing my country!" Fucking retard was American, and white.
he was a local white supremacists and most likely a trumpfag
>"Christian showed up to the right-wing "March for Free Speech" on 82nd Avenue in Montavilla "
>"March for Free Speech"
Oh the rage.
He was thrown out of the march:
from BBC:
>Police have identified the suspect as Jeremy Joseph Christian, 35. He has been charged with offences including aggravated murder, attempted murder, intimidation and being a felon in possession of a restricted weapon.
>"Suspect was on the train and he was yelling and ranting and raving a lot of different things, including what would be characterised (sic) as hate speech or biased language," said Sgt Pete Simpson
>Jeremy Joseph Christian
>In other news, police have arrested a man named Stewart P Whitemale on suspicion of stomping 11 puppies to death while shouting naughty racist words
Also there's no police officer in the world who would say shit like this. "Hate speech and biased language" are the kind of thing that Vox and Slate will crow about, not a real cop.
I know you're a foreigner n all but you should work on your reading comprehension pedro.
Its legal to intervene in one man assaulting another man, and to assist the victim with force. Tupac shot 2 cops, and was not charged with any crime because they were A off duty B acting illegally towards the third party. You cant always go as far as shooting them, but if they have guns, and you have a gun, you can use your gun if they go to use theirs.
The supreme court has ruled that you may even intervene in an illegal arrest, kill the officer, and either get off with no charge or be given maximum manslaughter. You can help a third party who is being assaulted and battered, as if you yourself were being assaulted and battered. Illegal arrests by officers are considered A&B
>Jeremy Joseph Christian
what now, islamophobes?
I will now post pics of the mentally ill sack of shit.
Why don't you archive? Are you some sort of newfag that supports the mainstream media?
If he mentally unhinged, then the people shouldn't have intervened.
You don't confront a ranting schizophrenic unless you want to get stabbed.
You call the police and/or leave the immediate area.
If he's crazy, then it's not his fault.
He literally looks retarded. I don't even mean that as an insult.
b/c if trump comes out and condemns the "islamophobia" it will drive a wedge between him and his supporters.
plus its an implicit admission of guilt, these are all jewish mind games being poorly played by desert pedos so they aren't as effective.
There's a video here He's clearly mentally ill.
Articles being read wrong. It never said muslims killed anyone, it says muslims were being harassed and the people who tried to stop it ended up getting shot. As in, good news.
I love how that's left out and and (((they))) just imply he is an accurate representative of the people there.
Kek I realllllly didn't think america would score any during ramadadmading 2017: the happening. Let alone 1st blood. SWEDEN SCORES BACK WHEN?
>iron man suit
lel, they were thinking about kicking his arse until around that point
This. It's like confronting a nigger.
>2 men attacked a man for his free speech
>got their throats slit in response
Don't try to police speech, you'll get your throat slit.
>getting shot
He no doubt was ranting about Islam and Muslims when he saw some, and some people tried to intervene and then he felt threatened in some way.
He's clearly schizophrenic or similar.
This is what happens when you take ALL the redpills at once.
>White Supremacist living in Portland
Where is the thread about some happening in England? 4 guys and toys r us?
He seems to be ranting about them being fake Christians and that his bersekers and Zeus/Odin will cleanse them or something.
It's quite wrong for the media to play him up as some racist here.
I wish a nigger did it, that would be perfect.
1 sandnigger harassed, two white cucks dead, 1 nigger in jail. Perfect story.
what are the odds that the man was actually a Muslim and he was just disciplining his two wives?
CAIR is Muslim Brotherhood.
We need to openly expose these fucks.
so, let me get this straight, having free speech attacked is worse than murder? Do you fucking pussies have any idea how the real word fucking works? Sometimes you say shit and it pisses people off and they kick your ass. of course you can say whatever you want, fucking free speech, but that doesnt mean everyone around you is gonna be happy with it. Wanna kill jews and cucks because they say and do shit you dont like, but its a travesty if it happens to you. pretty hypocritical
It was just some guy "seen with a knife (or maybe a spoon)", he's been arrested.
Yeah, but "mentally ill" is only a defense when a woman is accused of drowning her kids. Everyone else goes to prison.
>Sometimes you say shit and it pisses people off and they kick your ass
Well, if they kick your ass, then you're allowed to defend yourself.
We don't know what happened here. It could be murder, i.e., they didn't attack him, or it could be self-defense.
Virtue signalling has consequences.
False flag. There are no white supremacists in portland or oregon.
Either that or it was self defense from liberal thugs and the media is spinning it
Start in the bottom right-hand corner. These Muzzos are duplicitous pieces of shit and have infiltrated our government to an insane degree.
I hope the two men who were murdered were muslim, black or lefty.
Umm which mayor are you talking about? If you're talking about Sam Adams that was two mayors ago dipshit
THIS. I bet my life savings (about $600 desu) that they were antifa assholes.
that thing looks like a 40 year old midget
Take it from someone who lives here, Oregon has a surprising amount of white surpremicists all over the state. It was literally in Oregon's laws from the beginning.
>The most violent religion in existence that hasn't changed for 1400 years
>still plays the victim card
Every time.
This. Start shit get shit
It's quite a dangerous thing that people think you can confront someone over mere words.
It's a very good way to end up shot or stabbed.
>At least we weren't racist....
this man is a legend
>Portland deaths
and nothing of value was lost
This just so happens to occur in the most liberal city on the west coast?
And the women are MIA?
And the person who was wounded refuses to comment?
Yeah, boys, this was a fabricated incident. More Anti-trump murders.
>the fact that you had a mayor who was a pedophile doesn't upset you more than the fact I was wrong about him still being in office
>trump must apologize for anything mean someone says about Muslims
>muslims dont need to apologize for their religion causing the slaughter of thousands
Liberal logic
our crazies will be coming out of the woodwork more & more.
>>Council on American Islamic Relations
>>Fucking CAIR at it again....
The guy doing it was probably the two women's husband.
Muslims aren't people and if they're here in the US you should absolutely be able to treat them with contempt and violence
You'll notice in every story that there is not one implication that the guy was physically assaulting the women or threatening them to do so. So I'm curious how these guys "tried to stop" him and if it involved physical restraint.
Someone yelling racist stuff isn't a justification to put hands on them. If these so-called heroes did put hands on him then this isn't murder, it is self defense.
I'm gonna guess the stabbed was a Muslim too.
Why don't Democrats ever have to speak out against anti white hatred whenever white people are killed for their race
Mean words =/= assault. You have no right to physically intervene in a verbal argument.
They sure as fuck made sure everyone knew he was white. First fucking word of the headline is white.
He seems like a cool guy
Yelling "fuck all you niggers"
What if he was using banned speach tho? Racism is literally worse then murder!! BAKA racist bigots will never understand this.
>Get recked faggots
>2 libs dead
I don't see the problem
I thought this may have been misunderstood. You are so used to Sup ForumsBTFO threads that you might be assuming that Sup Forums is are the faggots being referenced in the OP, but it's quite the opposite, I was directing the faggot insult towards the two virtue signaling faggots whom got their shit pushed in.
Hope I have cleared that up, thanks.