Sup Forums BTFO
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I can get behind this.
what's the problem here
10/10 would let God be greater than me again
Looks like the saudi's are deciding to play ball since we sold them the weapons. Their bottom line must be at risk finally.
>let's bomb hatred with love
This vid was super cute. Literally nothing wrong with it.
I sincerely doubt it
very subtle
>Daler Mehndi lost a lot of weight.
It's basically the muslim equivalent to this clip
This is a good thing.
Maybe not in isolation. But consider someone made a vid like this except instead of Islam it was about Christianity.
If you check the Reddit thread on this vid everyone is gushing about it, but I fucking guarantee you that if you change the religions everyone would be saying it's a disgusting attempt to profit politically off an emotionally charged ad.
Imagine a fucking priest in an ad singing about Jesus. Imagine all the fucking outrage.
fucking this
If by Sup Forums you mean T_D retards, then I agree
Nothing wrong with an anti extremist ad, especially since it's made by Muslims
It was pretty well made and emotional, made me feel sort of bad for all the decent muzzies.
But let's see how their campaign actually plays out. I don't think they'll stop any bombers
>Change the religions to Christianity
>Scene with the christian terrorist arming the bomb
>He doesnt exists
I liked it. They need to make more of that.
what the fuck aren't instruments haram?
Africa is so based their biggest national problem is people sleeping on the road.
So you're saying that there aren't really any Christian extremists, yet Christianity is more vilified in the west than Islam ever was or ever will be.
If you're a Christian you're either a dumb redneck or an evil white supremacist. If you're Muslim you're peace loving and your unique culture deserves to be celebrated and cherished.
Really makes you think huh?
Thats australia you fucking retard
>best kind of Taqīya
It's all a matter of interpretation.
>let's pretend our culture/religion does not hate homosexuals, and equal rights for women
what an awful sounding language
what awful looking people
Comedy gold
Muh Nigga of the Sands
>what if
if your country of gypsy rapists hadn't been allowed into the eu, I wouldn't have to deal with your ilk every day when going to class.
Imagine if Trajan had just burnt you to the ground , we wouldn't have to deal with the ear grating pathetic excuse of a romance language that is romanian today.
also, different society with different cultural values. Why are you trying to compare and impose your (admittedly very lacklustre) cultural values to that of the middle east ?
Taqiyya intensifies.
Hello Abdul
>make anti-drug psa
>make anti-bomb psa
I like the ad. It's an attempt to westernize their tribalistic religion and turn it into a hugbox religion like Christianity. The more of this the better.
Yes stop resisting you muslims. Stop guerrilla tactics.
Let jews take over middle east.
There will never be peace until Jesus Christ comes down from Heaven. Islam is evil and we will fight it until the end. Arabs fund terrorism and then make this kind of bullshit to trick our bluepilled masses. Islam means submission and I will not submit.
panhandling, cat-carpet weaving, copper wire selling thief
Is this similar to poo in the loo from India?
>on the left
oh god. i laughed
woah my country is relevant on Sup Forums
On a more serious note, I hold nothing but contempt towards these neo-muslims who cherry pick what they want to believe from their iron age faith. While on the same note, dismissing "extremists" who get inspired by the same faith.
Just fuck my shit up
wtf I love terrorism now
>so like, i took this class right, and now I understand dune coons better than people living there wow i'm so enlightened
christ almighty.
look at this gay fucking thread
Sup Forums really has become infested with nu-males
>inb4 someone calls me hateful as if its an insult
can jewish tricks like this actually work in sandniggers
or is this something only westerners will see
>jewish tricks
>in kuwait
no difference
no YOU don't understand, look at these quotes from my jewish professor
I use ramadan to steal all the fish
Also I'm a cat
Oh my god.
how many people in kuwait have even seen this? its very clearly architected by a jew to be consumed in the west
please research who backs this guy and get back to me about it because i don't know how to look up squiggly lines
Baron is going to be such a fucking alpha holy shit
>literally male model tier aesthetics
>rich as fuck
>son of the president
>6'4 master race
is that the BBC's taqiyya plant again?
He can't keep getting away with this.
Get me some catnip slaves
What's with Zain? I've been looking at their videos, they seem almost Indian like. Where is this popular actually?
I once encountered a self proclaimed feminist muslim, who was born into a white family, and raised in the US, who replied to my statement that "people who think the hijab is empowering are delusional, or lying to themselves" she told me I was an "ignorant misogynist"
this is coming from a person who lived in both saudi and kuwait.
the fucking estrogen in this thread, jesus christ
i was in denial until now, but reddit really has taken over this board. there are more redditors than actual Sup Forumsacks.
everyone who unironically said something positive about this video, please kill yourself immediately, i'm begging you
the idea is to talk the terrorist out of doing terrorism
it takes months if not years for someone to become a real life bomberman
I agree. The music was gay
This ad is successful because no Kendall Jenner
Just look up "zain" on google, all their locations are in the middle east and africa, it's far fom jewish trickery. even though I despise that company.
People here watch those commercials during iftar time, they think it's just fucking grand.
Funny how they are basically saying to be like Christians in worship.
Why don't they just convert instead of worshipping Allah in the ways of Christian teachings?
Good muslims being good boys, I see nothing wrong with this.
>what awful looking people
I dunno m8 there were some qts in that vid.
You talk like such a cuck it's actually worrying.
Pretty sure some of the child actors from Syria were in that video.
She was a privileged upper class woman whose life is, in effect, that of a princess of 200 years ago. Of course the rules for her are going to be different than the women they are actually imposed upon.
"Freedom" for the upper classes means freedom for themselves, not you.
Because Islam is a way of life. They reject Christ as their savior. Islam claims to be about love and peace, just like the godless lefties. That's why they hold hands together against the West. They all want Christ gone.
i don't see how muslims could even like the video. it made muslims look like a bunch of fruity girly taint-licking faggots.
and why are there instruments in the music? isn't that haram? why isn't it a nasheed?
so since they knew muslims would hate the video, who is the actual target audience?
i see only one explanation, it's pure taqiyya meant for infidel women eyes only, to get them to continue to spread their legs.
literally trying to condition them so the boy band celebrity vaginal lubricant instinct will kick in any time a muslim walks by
Nice fairytale story.
Is that supposed to make me believe paid actors represent real muslims?
I'll be convinced when local muslims report extremists to the authorities.
That is, when they place law above their shitty god's law.
>I consider myself a fairly intelligent American but I've always been confused and rather ignorant of the history of the Arab World.
>So I took a class on it last semester
I'd like to step into the mind of these self-absorbed faggots and see what makes them tick. Do they not realize how obnoxiously they are virtue signaling. I've read several books about Islam and Muhammad seen both good and bad sides of the culture. I don't go around jerking myself off about how enlightened I am about doing basic research. Christ I hate my generation so fucking much.
They tried to be Kino and failed.
This is Kino.
Sorry Abdul, I can't understand arabic.
Sup Forums BTFO
if you're a wahacuck everything is haram
there's a fine line between banning instruments and banning degenerate shit like ariana grande or nicki manaj or this other fucking disgusting cunt forgot her name
No they don't take years you french white flag waving would be speaking German if it wasn't for us and the U.S you frog eating faggot
indeed, conveniently omit the fact that i wrote months
fucking retard
Tell me when they stop funding Wahhabist mosques and schools all over the world which literally radicalize their congregation (or whatever you call a Muslim congregation) and encourage them to kill people.
I mean this is a nice sentiment but there needs to be a REAL effort to stop extremism if they want to appear serious about this. Defunding all their sponsored extremist mosques and schools across the world would put Saudi Arabia back into favour for many, many people.
>turn the other cheek
I have no problem if Mudshits replaced their bloody ideology with the message of Christ.
There are different strands in the Koran.
The video says the religion should be understood with the love and peace strands dominant.
Now, I think the video is well-intentioned, but I suspect terrorist-types will look at the message askance in the way that, say, a hard-core Calvinist would look askance at a well-produced advertisement for Catholicism.
The Calvinist would just shake his head: "Wrong, wrong, wrong. That's *not* what the Bible means. Read Calvin's Institutes, not the heretical Aquinas."
Likewise, the foundation of modern Islamic terrorism rests on a peculiar, very definite interpretation of the Koran, with the interpretation itself given something like dogmatic status by its devotees.
Islam is a false religion. Deus Vult
Wonder if that cuck has read the Quran and Hadiths in original Arabic yet. If not he has absolutely no fucking idea what Islam is about, it's like saying you are a Jewish scholar after just reading the Torah.
I wonder if he realizes that the majority of the horribly backwards and violent aspects of the religion are derived from the accounts of not Mohammad but "learned scholars" of Islam found in the Hadiths (which are deemed just as authoritative as the Quran), just like how the worst elements of Judaism are all derived from the accounts of Rabbis found in the Talmud. Westerners seem to be so unfamiliar with both despite them being very significant to their respective religions.
It's pretty popular here, it was on the radio today. The company is very successful in the middle east and all of their commercials are top-tier they're very rewatchable.
>If you're a Christian you're either a dumb redneck or an evil white supremacis
That's only in 'merica i'm afraid
The live action Aladdin is looking pretty good
Fuck Arabs.
>I mean this is a nice sentiment but there needs to be a REAL effort to stop extremism if they want to appear serious about this. Defunding all their sponsored extremist mosques and schools across the world would put Saudi Arabia back into favour for many, many people.
Defunding extremist mosques and schools is the only thing that will have a practical effect. I don't know if there's really the will to do this in SA, because the Wahhabist interpretation is so entrenched in their culture.
Based on my limited understanding, rooting it out would be rather like trying to root out pro-slavery attitudes and practices in the pre-Civil War USA. In short, very difficult indeed.
He still says to kill your enemies but with peace lol.
Many women in the video don't even have headscarves.
Is this created by Shia or Sunni?
I like the general message but don't know if it has an effect on those who at risk of getting radical.
Are many people here this moderate?
>extremist mosques and schools
No such thing
They only work and conspire in secret and behind closed doors. Never have I in my 36 years of living in this place ever seen such a thing. If a school or a mosque is suspected that they're plotting for extremist action, they're immediately checked and stopped if anything truly was happening there. I don't know mang but this ain't 1920's anymore.