Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
united states of america
>there is a 50% chance OP isnt white
Almost every country ever?
Is this really what they are teaching you in schools there?
The Ottoman empire
It's Turkey, right?
malaka mou.... Gonna use that as a response from now on.
Name one that wasn't.
Crying about it won't help
So literally evolution?
Those who cannot resist/fight off foreign invaders deserve to have their homelands taken.
Looking pretty hard at you right now, Europe.
"Natives" exterminated the Solutreans so I don't ever want to hear these weak itches cry over the White people
t.turkish rape baby
Nearly all of them more than 500 years old?
Yeah this.
>genocide of the white race
>enslavement of Arab & Christians who lived there
White people didn't invent Slavery and Genocide. White people first perfected it, and then abolished it.
Saudi Arabia
Israhell did it multiple time.
The Republic of Congo?
where is my Palestinian slaves then?
Going to guess "all of them".
Genocide? The Americans -fought- the Indians in wars lasting 200+ years, I mean hell, give their warriors some credit at least, it was conquest and most deaths were due to European diseases that their bodies had not built up any resistance to, not through some deliberate ethnic cleansing.
On the subject of slavery its not like the Americans ran around the west coast of Africa with big fucking nets. They were sold through an already established slave trade made up of the domineering African tribes, selling what was essentially prisoners of war.
Also if you want to bring race into the mix, while Americans were the first people who were altruistic enough to concede that slavery was immoral and fought their own bloody civil war with enormous casualties to abolish it, today slavery still exists in parts of Africa, the Middle East as well as Asia.
>Palestinian slaves
>not knowing how his promised state began
this is more irritating than saying kikes are the sons of G*d.
which slaves did we have Nassar?
But honestly, is right.
You're on the natives, they did mostly due from disease, but the fact that they didn't catch the slaves doesn't really excuse it. It takes 2 entities to make a transaction. And even then they continued the practice for a while after the UK enforced a ban on the slave trade itself.
You're right*
Mostly die*
How about most of Southeast Asia? Australia?
Every African country ever.
Rus. Varangians genocide Khazars and enslaved slavs.
US doesn't fit because they didn't enslave negroes, they just bought them.
Yeah, cause white people didn't do anything. The population was 90% slaves don't ya know.
Indians have hated African Americans the entire time they've been on this continent.
All arab countries
Slavery was wrong, we should never have made niggers part of our civilisation at any level.
WTF is that flag?
Exactly, it takes TWO ENTITIES.
Why are only white people / nations only brought up whenever slavery is mentioned?
Basically England
KEK! but still your'e a faggot
and the kikes would have burned you all alive by now without intervention from UN
Turkey - did not ever read the replies, I bet others said it too
I'm looking at wiki right now, looks so comfy.
Which parish If I may ask? St Peter Port?
lmao, every country.
also slavery is not this wonderful economic boon like it's thought to be, it's actually a shitty deal and held America back many years.
i thought race was a social construct
>aztec empire
>the first and second mexican empire
>almoast every single succesful empire
Ottoman Empire?
or they would have agreed to surrender if it wasn't for the us?
I'm so jealous No niggers or muslims I bet, paradise, right?...
You get the some this time of year when the cruise ships are in but it's mostly pensioners and wealthy Chinese people.
Only shit thing is you need to buy health insurance
Oh cut the crap. You abolished slavery because you knew that if you didn't, you'd be genocided by the huemans you so boldly called "property".
Both niggers and prairie niggers fought war, enslaved, and killed each other's people since forever. White people were just better at it.
Human nature excuses it asshole. Virtually every culture has had slavery. Go fuck yourself.
Fuck off, he's right. Whites ended slavery and made it better than anywhere else in history
Race is just a social construct. There is no such thing as genocide
Don't ever apologize for beating the world at creating civilization. Be proud of it, knowledgeable of it, tell the rest to be grateful for being pulled along into the future and allowed to settle next to the lion that settled into being a wiseman and a scholar. This is our history, the history of civilization.
>white europeans vastly outnumbered their property
>despite the huge numbers advantage, whites were scared of their bitches
Nice try faggot.
If we wanted to keep slavery we would still have slaves. They never would've overtaken us.
We ended slavery because its shitty to have slaves
Bullshit. If blacks wanted freedom they could've chosen to flee into our boundless (at the time) wilderness. Natives that were captured and enslaved did so all the time. It isn't the white mans burden.
Saudi Arabia
Race is a social construct :^)
The Europeans put an end to the slavery in Africa as perpetuated by the native cultures there. I'd say you're welcome, but I'm not going to take credit for the good work of the British Empire and Revolutionary France.
we didn't build the country on them. they just helped a little.
All of them, quite literally.
also slavery stunted development of technology and farming. it made the south poor, which is why it was never a prosperous region....and still isnt...
Well, yeah, don't they teach you about muh ebil Hitler and muh gorillions
How can leftists have so much self-hatred ?
>Well we did these terrible things.
>I guess we should be apologizing forever and give our women as reparation.
These morons are way too dense to understand that:
-This is History. Everybody from that era died long ago and no one owes no one else. Guiltyness doesn't inherit you retards.
-Every fucking nations since Mesopotamia did these kind of craps. Open your Bible for once in your life and see what Jews used to behave in 5.000 BC.
- Europeans created the greatest and most tolerant societies by todays standard. Slavery for exemple is still very real in Africa and Asia.
Slavery was ended by pure empathy and no one was afraid of its own 20 illeterate naked slaves starving in the corner of a barn.
I don't get it
the USA was *built* on slavery? if it was remotely true then the USA would be closer to a third world economy and never a global superpower
the confederacy lost the war because their economy wasn't industralized enough when compared to the north
as in the literal reason the USA banned slavery entirely was the fact slave labor wasn't succesful enough to build a succesful modern nation over.
if anything it made the south rely too much on agriculture. the result is the relative poverty of most southern states today
>have no knowledge of germs
>waging biological warfare
really makes you think
just about every Western civilization. Get over it ya fucking flog.
There are no races. They are people. Stop lumping people into group identities you racist retards.
Literally every country that has ever existed. Go back far enough, you will find slavery, go back far enough, you will find genocide. These things were commonplace UNTIL America became THE world superpower. It was the west who ended slavery, not the east (which still practices it today), it was the west who ended colonialism, it was the west that brought about the concept of basic human rights. Quit being such a retard.
Why didn't the Americans just inslave the natives? Would have been a lot less hassle
Thry knew the land. Would always escape supposedly. Got disease quicker
cute flag!
Does Guernsy have Health Insurance?
This could be said about Saudi Arabia if you make the picture two black guys.
General William Sherman bragged of "racial cleansing of the land,” beginning with extermination of the Indians.
Sherman considered Indians to be subhuman and racially inferior to whites and therefore deserving of extermination.
Sherman gave the same orders he gave in Georgia, to kill everyone and everything, including dogs, and to burn everything that would burn so as to increase the likelihood that any survivors would starve or freeze to death.
Sherman viewed Indians as he viewed Southerners". During the Civil War, Sherman practiced a total war of destruction of property used to feed women & children … Now the army, in its Indian warfare, wiped out entire villages.
Sherman ordered his men when encountering Indians, “to act with all the vigor he had shown in the Shenandoah Valley during the final months of the Civil War.”, where they burned and plundered the Valley when only women, children, and elderly remained there.
Sherman himself thought of the former slaves in exactly the same way. “The Indians give a fair illustration of the fate of the negroes if they are released from the control of the whites,” he once said.
Reminder ... Sherman Married His Sister.
only a small percentage of whites owned slaves, so its not like the country was "built on the backs of slaves".
fuck off normie
Um every fucking country on the planet and obviously because those other niggers were to week to fend off attacks and too dumb to be used as anything but mules. Now kill yourself kike