Why do you complain about feminists Sup Forums? These people want to just be left alone.
Why do you complain about feminists Sup Forums? These people want to just be left alone
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Probably because they are trying to take away my rights.
Generally the types who complain about catcalling or whatever pic related would be called are the ones who aren't getting such attention.
I'll stick to the cute girl at the Chinese restaurant
>Implying anyone would bother that
That picture always makes me lol if only because that's what tumblr users think "cute girl at coffee shop" looks like
Looks like a fat grandmother in a stupid wig
>Walk into Panera because I need a coffee and it's the closest place.
>Obese purple-haired cunts squawking together about the military
>mfw they awkwardly high five and look around to see me and all the employees staring at them for yelling in a building at 11am.
dykes. Bitter, bitter dykes
PFFTTT like that fat negress tumblrina wouldn't want anyone to pick her up.
What about that caricature is "cute" in any way?
>purple hair
>problem glasses
>apple shape
this shit grinds my gears. I'm a feminist who wants to respect women, and I try to learn how to do that, and these neurotic bitches keep giving advice that I keep believing about how the way you respect women is to make it as easy as possible for them to ignore you and pretend you don't exist unless you're attractive enough that they approach you, anyone else can go die for all they care.
If that ain't bad enough, this effectively means that men who don't give a shit about women don't mind making the first move, so they have some shot in hell of winning them over. All this bullshit about 'don't approach a woman it's disrespectful' disappears out of her head the instant a guy is sort of charming. It's just a big, long campaign to prove that how much you respect women is completely fucking irrelevant compared to how she feels about you emotionally.
I think a better world is one with equal genders, and this shit is painful for me.
>fatass with purple hair
Lol, wouldn't try even if she had a sign.
Bullshit. They, like any political movement, want to societal change. That is the very opposite of wanting to be left alone.
>purple hair
are these tumblr faggots living in another dimension?
>dyed hair
>problem glasses
>sitting in a coffee shop
>bad kind of thicc
>What a fat autistic cow.
>Obviously "working" at a cafe to get attention
Headphones and working in a coffee shop
Then yeah, you bother her to tell her to get the fuck out as its not an office
it's not a giant pineapple you mong it's regular size spongebob is just small
>fat blue haired feminist
She'd probably come out to the parking lot and tell me my loud exhaust is sexist
>I think a better world is one with equal genders, and this shit is painful for me.
Fuck off Laci give it 3 months and you'll be fully redpilled. Let me help you, you want sexual equality? Enjoy declining birthrates, no family structure or transmutable sexual energy. Give it 100 years and now your country is islamic, well done.
Fucking retard.
I honestly hate strangers talking to me in public, thank fuck I'm male and it's 2017 where everyone is on their smartphones at all time
> I'm a feminist who wants to respect women, and I try to learn how to do that
If not bait your are retarded
>I'm a feminist
Stopped reading
Lurk moar
Looks like a third grade teacher that never got married and is about to fuck your kids up.
>Goes to a coffee shop
> ((("Cute")))
If you sit in a coffee shop to "work" you are literally a turbo degenerate even to normies.
Hamplanets are so funny.
Who the fuck likes being interrupted when they're in the middle of going about their day and have shit to do?
TIL spongebob is muslim
>I'm a feminist who wants to respect women
Looks like a third grade teacher that never got married and is about to fuck your kids up.
This website is fucked, lets see if i double post
>Things that didnt happen
Wrong fucking website.
Women who draw these comics have never been hit on in their lives and are just butthurt about it. That's why there are no attractive feminists besides celebrities who are obligated to virtue signal so they dont get reeeeed on social media. They get the respect and admiration as feminist heroes, meanwhile the real feminists doing the groundwork just kill themselves at 40.
Muh rights, muh freedom of speech, I'm being oppressed! yelled the pale obese man while sucking the end of his hand gun
Americans are the laughing stock of the world, I swear
cute? in what universe
>1 post by this ID
real zinger your thought of there. you really arent worth what they are paying you
>head down
There are no feminists. Just people lost in a self-referential cycle of media following and validation chasing.
>I'm a feminist
you sound like an annoying cunt, so you probably are
thanks for telling us tho
> Fat. SUW glasses. Fake fair.
Nobody is actually going to talk to her. That's exactly why she's upset.
Female poster or bait post? We'll never know.
Winning hearts and minds I see.
What kind if stupid asshole hangs out in a public coffee shop while expecting nobody to talk to them?
I'm a dude and random people come up and talk to me at coffee shops.
These fuckers are destroying society. Why do feminist all have highschool mindsets with no grasp on the real world?
>greek subhuman
>no argument
nice try faggot. maybe next thread
>talking to people in a public place is 'bothering' them
Why are women so autistic?
>I'm a feminist who wants to respect women
>implying you're a man
>implying that you don't respect women
why do people fake memri quotes they're never funny
>If you sit in a coffee shop to "work" you are literally a turbo degenerate even to normies.
Why does everyone on Sup Forums regurgitate this opinion? You're all just virtue signaling to each other about it. I work in Cafés, it's a nice way to be out of my house, to have coffee or tea on hand and that has good WiFi. Is it because you can't stand to go in public and have anxiety attacks or something gay?
Besides picking up little poet girls from a Café is the hottest thing
I just realized these women probably have such a low opinion of men because only shit-tier, fat, and creepy men approach them since they probably see themselves as being in the same league
Also this
stop doing this
>little poet girls
These don't exist that aren't horrible people
>I """"work"""" in cafes
Said no one every that does actual work
I didn't say I'm marrying them. Plus I'm on my phone and have accent marks I may as well use them
>What kind if stupid asshole hangs out in a public coffee shop while expecting nobody to talk to them?
I have autism you shit.
Who sits in a public place to do their "work"? Not just a public place, a place where people go to gather and socialize. Makes me sick to walk into a coffee shop and see that everyone is quietly "working" on their laptops
This is rich considering how women are generally treated in Greece
Why wouldn't it be conducive to working? It's basically the same as a college library with coffee, just use white noise. Stop projecting your weak work ethic and procrastination at other people
>"lol you cant complain about real oppression like affirmative action because you mock people for whining about fake oppression like manspreading"
>fat and purple hair.
As if I'd bother her anyway.
>Dudes & Jerks
I agree with this. If your not a man don't bother women.
>Why wouldn't it be conducive to working? It's basically the same as a college library with coffee, just use white noise.
Except a coffee shop is literally a social public place, where people congregate to socialize. It's possibly the worst environment to do anything halfway serious sort of trying to type while driving
>weak work ethic
I''m not the one that "works" in coffee shops writing fan fiction
obviously you've got it backwards, I'm the one who's socially awkward for not staring into a computer screen in public?
you are probably a neckbeard with your ears pierced and a stupid looking hat
I'm surprised no broads spoke out against this cartoon because they aren't getting hit on.
>cute girl
You wished sweetie
>All this bullshit about 'don't approach a woman it's disrespectful' disappears out of her head the instant a guy is sort of charming
I agree. A "creep" is just an unsuccessful suitor.
It's still expected that men will approach women to start relationships, and yet feminists are setting it up so that supposedly you're never, ever, ever supposed to approach her unless she is completely idle. And nobody is completely idle. Everyone always has something to do, and even if they don't, they're looking at their phone.
This completely sums up what this image is really trying to say
millennials fall hard for the le typing on my macbook at trendy coffee shop meme
>what is projection for 500?
You're delusional, his next door neighbor lives inside a Moai which is of similar size, and several times things of verifiable size compared next to the house prove it is huge, like the Flying Dutchman.
Also the characters themselves, Sandy for example is a regular squirrel, but still can fit inside the pineapple with space to spare, and is comparable size to Spongebob.
t. "freelance writer"
hope this is bait, but in case anyone unironically thinks like this guy, kill yourself pronto
Pay your debts.
Just remember guys, this country was the source of western philosophy and critical thinking skills. Sparticus here wouldn't know about freedom because Mama Merkel is telling him what to do.
they couldn't make the picture look conventionally attractive because that would undermine their message by affirming the beauty standards they claim have been "made up by the patriarchy" or some bullshit like. But what's really funny is that by making her look like a typical ugly tumblr brat they also undermine their message because nobody takes it seriously since men will not approach ugly women like that (and everyone knows this).
They can't win either way.
I just described what people like you look like, sitting in a coffee shop for hours at a time and expecting everyone else to be quiet.
>Likes coffee shop (Posing in public)
>Good wifi ("good")
>Little poet girls from a Café (Tumblr)
>Café (Objectively wrong)
>Nice public space (A parade of shame)
Wanna know why I can tell you are a coffee drinking hipster roastie?
Roastie located
To be honest, most of of us would feel unconfortalbe if we were having coffe at a shop for some reason, and a girl just came up to talk, either because of social retardation or the girl is unatractive, I guess the same aplies to girls.
More like, why do you complain about feminists when they only exist in universities or on the internet?
I've had this conversation with girls plenty of times. It sadly appears that what girls would consider "creepy", if said by 9/10 Chad instead of 4/10 normie, would magically become cute. Its fucking incredible.
Is it the internet's fault that 2 strangers chatting is some bizarre thing?
yes. but also when you have cities and communities were nobody is local and people are so fragmented in lifestyle and such.
What's wrong with that? Or what is incredible about it?
Pretty natural. If some disgusting hambeast with a spotty face and 10 chins tried to be all sexy to me, I'd vomit and tell her to fuck off.
you forgot:
>brown skin
Now just get rid of the cute part and it will be perfect.
>my sides when that's spot fucking on with pic related
You aren't pretending that it's a matriarchial rape culture that caused her to do that. Or writing article after article filled with paragraphs of excuses for why you really rejected her and how it was her behavior that was the problem, rather than the simple fact that you didn't find her attractive.
>being in public
>being a bitch when someone talks to you in public
OP is an obese virgin with hairy armpits and has never been approached by a man.
She is not even facing away, this is facing away
Remember, goy, don't ever be social with anyone you don't already know. We wouldn't want you to be minor inconvenience to someone and actually make a human connection. You need to stay r9k for life.
Also, purple hair is a death sentence for anyone wanting to talk to her.
Based Angolan
The problem is, we are not talking about sexual things, but general, like discussing a fucking judea revolt.
based malaka