Why haven't you given up the sugar Jew yet, Sup Forums?
Why haven't you given up the sugar Jew yet, Sup Forums?
Last bump
Bump for a fellow kiwi
Because sugar isn't bad for you and if you believe it is then you've fallen for a meme and need to stop reading Taubes
What about raw sugar?
> sugar
Yes, for the past 8 mouths.
Started drinking Stevia. Really good. Lost 6 pounds by doing just that.
Causes brain tumours.
Its Aspartame that causes cancer. You know, the ones that are used in diet soda?
because of muh feelings
tumors from muh feelings
Because it's a traditional culinary resource
diet products are a total lie like vaping is to smoking
moderation how bout that
No added sugar is the way to go.
Stevia too.
If you use artificial sweeteners, you're definitely falling for the diet Jew
Because most people arn't literally retarded like you are.
fat goes in > fat pokes out
didn't you know, onan?
Enjoy your beetus
Friendly reminder that op is a stick bundle and Splenda is to ddt as aderall is to methamphetamines. So sad for your gut bacterias and all the ants I poison with that shit. ggwphfm8
>sugar jew
>Most pubs/resturants/coffee shops give free sugar
>jews don't give stuff away for free
Is sugar, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Wtf I love sugar now