POLAND, do your duty to the euro or get the fuck out you freeloading bunch of cunts.

>take your share

How the FUCK does the EU have the nerve to make these demands?

they aren't going to take them, are they?


You're being jelly.



This is how WW3 starts isnt it

youre a faggot muslim shit.


>implying anything will happen

good luck with making based Poles do anything with the shitskins

Its literally against Hungary's constitution
The EU forcing this on them is just proof the EU doesnt give a shit about national laws and sovereignty


>poland takes migrants
>they have to live in shit conditions
>thanks to schengen borders are open so they go back to germoney because oddly no one from poland stops them


Good times.

what's the point? we've already taken a few of them and all of them took the bus to germany few days after they came to Poland
stop implying they won't do the same now

no, only a skin color, brown.

That is why you pay them, dummy.

the past 13 years we've only been taking, time to give back

b.. but we're about to take migrants, not give them

We need to find a way to fuck with Brussels if they manage to bully Poland and Hungary into accepting ISIS. Is there nothing we can do?

If they come, they will never feel safe in the streets, muslim ghettos and rape gangs in Poland? never, they would be begging to go to Germany and all other migrants will fear going there.


Stop shitposting and go prep your bull, cuck.

They won't do shit.

cheeky cunt

No. And the EU will not do anything about it.

Man, EU are such fascists.
Poland and Hungary quite while you're ahead.
Pexit and Hexit NAO!

Pay them for bus fare to Germany, great idea.

Thousands of them went through our country.
But since we don't give them free stuff for no reason they went straight towards the austrian border.
They won't stay here just because western europeans order them, they don't respect your laws.

Just do what we do : take them and then they will 'mysteriously disappear' . You get the money and nothing happens

EU said to take them..never said not killing them...

Okay, let's be honest about this:

Poland is part of a union and it receives many benefits from that union. We all have to do things we don't like while being part of something that gives us more benefit than being alone.

I actually think that it is a stupid idea for Poland and Hungary to accept migrants, but if they want to be part of this union, then they should. If they do not, then they should leave, but this bullshit halfway crap is kind of nigger-tier behavior.

If it is indeed against Hungary's constitution, then there should have been a legal challenge against Hungary signing on to the EU. Like, in Canada you can't restrict my right of movement. If tomorrow a North American Union comes up and in the charter of that union it says that this NAU can restrict my movement rights, then someone can challenge that and demand that either the constitution be changed, or we cannot join the union.

They can gum up shit against Poland and Hungary and make them pay penalties or bar them from many things and hurt their economies.


oh it's battlefield's nazis-were-black-too meme

Isn't it prayer time, being Ramadan and all that.

>this bullshit halfway crap is kind of nigger-tier behavior.

It's been established that we are niggers of Europe and we don't care.

If it eventually happens all you guys need to do is provide a train ticket to Germany for them problem solved


Well EU is currently to busy with crayon drawing after last "incident", so they wont do anything.

And as much as I dislike current gov (but fuck "alternatives" are even worse) they will get general public support on this.

This is xenophopic, catholic "backward" country without automatic assalut trucks and "mentaly ill" going kaboom at concerts. And we want to keep it that way.

nice try shareblue

"we all have to do things we dont like" no...you dont...its your country (unless VPN which i suspect) you dont have to genetically destroy yourselves for the betterment of the EU...oh and its not going to make the EU better.

please take us with you!

On a side note, thank you Poland for the Gwent Online game.

Im currently compliting the Tutorials and the game is awesome despise the fact that I never played The Witcher in my life.

Or they could continue to reap the benefits of that union without budging on trading away their birth right to Muslim scum, then tell the EU kikes to fuck off when it's no longer to their benefit


Yes, Poland and Hungary has not had any muslim terrorist attacks yet, the hallmark of any virtuous, progressive and enlightened civilization. Lets fix that.

>People openly rioting on streets agains shitskin import even though no shitskin has been impoted yet
>any party announcing bending to EU demands loses election, it's political sucicide

And how they expect it to work well in here for the muslim shitskins.

I really hope Poland and Hungary stand there ground, they have a right as a sovereign nation to choose who is accepted into there Nations. Stay strong eastern Europe bros don't let the EU bully you into destroying your countries.


Poland you may not be a good country overall but I want you to know that whatever happens, you're on the right side of history, and nothing will change this, no one could rewrite it and no narrative could throw a drop of shadow on you
Good luck

Poland is the last stand of the white race.

This can literally result in Hungary and Poland leaving the EU

V4, NOW!

We will support you anons.
You already have some decent people here in the UK that still have links back. Forging a relationship outside the "EU" NOW will help them from getting stuck under the thumb of "humanitarian" groups that also lick the arse of Islamists and the "EU".

What exactly are your areas missing that you cannot just go full Autarky anyway?

>te nalane mordy Januszy wojennych z tyłu


Time to surrender another time poland

Tick Tock Polcuck

stay strong Poland anons

>tfw we live in a time where we`ll get to see Poland become Nazi Germany 2.0 after the jews stir shit up with their false flags/propaganda techniques to villify Poland
>best timeline

You are a retard.

All EU Policies are set to economically handicap secondary members while strengthening the main trio (no duo France and Germans).
The rest is basically set on Greece scenario unless they resist.

There is no "Union", just connections and conflicts of interests.

I don't know leaf, I'm pretty sure we joined an economic union not a "forces fundamentally different people to be your citizens union".
Also if I gave you a few thousand dollars to fix your roof and then in 10 years I demand you to invite a family of muslims into your house I'm not sure if you wouldn't be pissed that I never told you that this is among the real of possibilities when I gave you the money.

*cough* poland shouldnt even exist at all tbqh

My meme continues to become reality. I am Kek incarnate.

Can you go back to prepping your own bull?

You don't have do do it for us.

enjoy your 274 billion euro bill

>Not destroying a broken Retarded system such as the EU to benefit your People

Come on, Goyims, just a handful. You racist??


Projecting much?

what are they gonna do, kick poland and hungary out of the EU?
its only gonna make it worse for the EU. fuck em.

Well, that's how EU takes what they want. UK leaving EU was in their best interest because they didn't agree on some policies Germany wanted in EU. EU will soon become one country after Poland and Hungary leave. Then EU will declare war on the rest of Europe except Russia and create The Great European Empire. You'd better save this post.

Won't take anything, won't pay.
They won't do shit.

Replace Empire with Caliphate and it's set.

>Germany keeps spreading its Eurocancer to its Union
>Britain finally says, fuck it, we're out
>Germany decides to double down on the cancerous faggotry and starts threatening other members to also shoot themselves in the dick
>Poland says fuck you, I'm out
>20 years later Germany and France are the only members left and Germany demands France take even more refugees
>France responds with an enthusiastic yes in smoke signals because that's the most advanced form of communication left in the country
>Germany then decides it's time to finally punish former members for their lack of discipline and allegiance
>Firebombing of Germany 2.0 commences
>Sympathy nukes dropped on France to end the suffering
>Germany turned into a giant, flaming concentration camp for all current and future refugees
>United States of Europe then forms
>Becomes USA 2.0 economically and militarily
>Africa and Middle East are quarantined

>be Poland
>member of EU
>ignore everything other member countries want from you and instead just talk shit about them constantly
>still collect all the gibs

I'm not even mad. A retarded system like this deserves to be taken advantage of until it collapses.

The Tsar/Prince/Prime Minister/Failed state parts are too good to be true but I trust in your meme. praise

and for fuck sake we allredy took shitload of ukr here

czech allredy said they prefer paying than taking some muslim dirt

Well 20-30 years and Germany will transform into Turkey 2.0. Be happy while you have your flag.

As a German living in Poland for 4 years now.

This is not going to happen. I already saw 2 kebab stores burning. Plus: the few shitskins here can actually speak polish and are somewhat intigrated.
So far to being cucked and changing for them instead of making them change.

And so far with whomever I was talking: fuck that. The only people supporting the eu are little 18 yr old students who don't know easiest concepts of anything not what the eu really is. And I personally don't agree with the PIS and their abortionlaws - but there is a reason why there are in power.

So... even if they come.. go to germany. More gibmedats

I hope I live to see this manifest

its an economical union. there is literally nothing that says they have to take migrants one country decides to accept.

Considering they care about their own nation first and foremost, invest the needed amount GDP into the military and won't take shit from an obviously maniacal, subversive and destructive Germany...I don't blame them one bit. How does your nation keep electing that wretched cunt? She obviously hates Germany and hates native Germans and Europeans.

>EU becomes gentrified india tier shitholes with rich white/asian centres and huge illegal shitskin slums around the cities
>crime favelas form like in South America
>leftist governments and celebs will still virtue signal and pretend to be progressive but none of high class will ever see a shitskin in their life since they will be forced to slums
>Police death squads shooting shitskins down like in Brazil
>whites signaling "black lives" matter even more than ever before while doing nothing
>civilization enters space age while inequalities will skyrocket and 90% of population will live in poverty while others will travel to the stars

This is the most realistic one, can't deny this.

austria, slovenia and croatia go with us 2bh

Stay strong Poland
(((Their))) white genocide program is working for the cuck west , don't let them do it to you too.

Awe shit niquh, VictoryOfLight faggotry incoming

Mfw the EU collapses and is taken over by Islam and Poland becomes a super state and takes over the ashes of the EU and leads the new Crusades. These digits don't lie.

good point. excellent example

Check the contract. There is nothing like that. Nor can there be sanctions of the money towards poland.

And kicking then out? It's nato puffer zone to russia. Not going to happen either.

But yes, we are somewhat on the same page.

Germany and France need poor countries like then in the union to keep their exports flowing. They can't afford to kick Hungary or Poland out. They've completely fucked themselves here. The wealth transfer is nothing compared to the trade power the EU currency scheme gives France and Germany. It's a small bribe.

F that I don't want to be together with Romanians. Do you know how many gypsy live there? They are worse than mudslimes. Companies are outsourcing polish jobs there and there's so much corruption.

look at all those poor childrens

That's the future for all humanity. Won't be just for Europe. US is going to head/heading the same way. White flight will eventually be to orbit and then new worlds. Earth will be known as a third world planet. Future Sup Forums will have planets instead of flags and Earth will be treated like Brazilian or African flags.

Best timeline Polanon.

EU gets wreckd by slavs 100% love

cant wait for it

>pushing migrants on Hungary
>which is already in the top 10 list of suicide rates

You want to hear funny thing. Bundeswhere is in such bad shape that even Polish army (that could use more modernization) has better fignting capacity.

And where was this fucking solidarity when we got fucked in the ass with Nord Stream deal.


>be Poland
>all 1st tier economies try to fuck you up
>gibmidats are for infrastructure so they can make money on you
>give them cheap labor, tax evision, make their products and them let them sell these bcak to us

Not this time motherfuckers. I hope we can bond with China even faster to spite Russia and Eurocucks.

>As a German living in Poland for 4 years now.
>This is not going to happen. I already saw 2 kebab stores burning. Plus: the few shitskins here can actually speak polish and are somewhat intigrated.
>So far to being cucked and changing for them instead of making them change.
>And so far with whomever I was talking: fuck that. The only people supporting the eu are little 18 yr old students who don't know easiest concepts of anything not what the eu really is. And I personally don't agree with the PIS and their abortionlaws - but there is a reason why there are in power.
>So... even if they come.. go to germany. More gibmedats
I fucking love it

come on poland nazis show some humanity people are dying.