How would Sup Forums feel about state subsidised gyms so people can go for free at the point of use?

How would Sup Forums feel about state subsidised gyms so people can go for free at the point of use?

It would:

1) Help people to be less fat and unhealthy
2) This would have a huge beneficial knock on effect for the health services and social care services and pensions etc
3) Make the population in general less cucked and more fit
4) Create a community space where people can meet and socialise.

Whats not to like? "Muh Taxes" If you think you are doing to not be paying taxes any time soon you are deluded. Might as well put them to good use making your country strong.

Why should the government be responsible for it when communities could take care of it at a local level? It's not like a gym is insanely expensive, especially when you don't buy into meme equipment. I'd love to see the slush funds that would come from a government backed program like that. "$1200 dumbbells"

Pay more taxes for a blacked gym?
No thanks

>why should the people create, people funded, people organization do something for the people

The problem with this is that homeless people and blacks would go to the gyms to loiter and shower and no one wants that.

Rather gym memberships should be used as a tax break on universal healthcare.

The US could easily provide universal healthcare if it gave strict guidelines and forfeiture of it. For example having a certain BMI, being an alcoholic, testing positive for any form of illegal drug, at-fault accidents, being a citizen for less than a decade, etc exempts you from coverage.

Imagine paying taxes for a gym.
Have you not seen the communist russia play parks?

Why relegate such a simple task to a government bureaucracy? We already have private organizations like the YMCA anyway. It's amazing what people are capable of when they aren't chasing material pursuits.

One thing Brazil does right,Russia too...
Every public park has w8s &pl8s
High test parks for USA!

No, but not because I'm ideologically opposed to the idea that the government should spend money to make life improvement easier for it's citizens but because I know ghetto nigs and homeless would ruin it for everyone. If I lived in some hypothetical civilization where that wasn't an issue then I'd say yes public gyms would be a great idea.

>How would Sup Forums feel about state subsidised
>state subsidised


Not necessary!!! You can go for a walk. You can do sit-ups and push-ups ect. anywhere. Use your imagination, Oh I forgot internet gen. no imagination. You get the point. Or do you need to be watched?

only thing i do is lift weights,the post. Stay basic pleb

How would pol feel about state subsidized everything and we just go full Soviet Union?

You faggots never learn from history do you.

Anyway, It's not a lack of gyms making people fat. There's plenty of ground to run on and lose weight.

>state subsidized
like a whole $50 a year subsidized?

>t. been to the gym twice "I'm a real gymrat had my prep meal good to go"

Gyms have been destroyed by trendy faggots and women trying to be men. It was unironically better when they were just full of roiders and dealers.

The people who are gonna use it are gonna use it if it looks like this and costs nothing or if it looks like a planet fitness. Your proposal is a waste of money.

They would be trashed. Lower class people have no respect for anything. That's why they're poor.

People that don't go to the gym now won't go to state maintained gyms either
State-maintained facilities also suffer from severe staff issues, theft and extreme littering

It already exists and is called the YMCA.

Holy fuck, that looks like a cesspool of aids.

>what is jungle gyms

>you can do a 100kg squat with a jungle gym

It would:

>Put existing gyms out of business
>Force everyone to pay for something very little people use
>Subsidised gyms would suddenly pay 1000$ for a set of weights, probably the company selling the weights is owned by the politician that voted for this bill

Are there still private gyms? Because they would be crowded as fuck and I wouldn't go

>implying squating is the be all/end all way to beef up
people can become beefcakes by just by doing pushups alone at the comfort of their home fag

Minorities would ruin it.

Oh yes we need subsidized gyms because we have subsidized heathcare, makes perfect sense.

Why not just get rid of subsidized healthcare.

Typical government construct. Create a problem by government meddling so we create more government meddling to solve it which causes more problems due to government meddling. The only solution is more and more government control.

Private gyms would do as well in urban environments, as the public gyms in areas with significant minority populations would be infested with niggers. In mostly white areas, private gyms would likely only be for the very rich.

>State subsidies

Go Fuck yourself

>giant fag criticizes something for looking like it has aids. what has the world come to?

I believe it should be mandatory. Overweight people should be sent to concentration camps until they are healthy fat level again. If they get fat more than three times, then they get liquidated.


Because people are inherently lazy and stupid and that should be rectified.


A standard gym has a monthly membership fee of £30 (or less if you're a student). That's peanuts.

Fat people clearly have the money; they just don't have the motivation or willpower. Giving fatties free membership won't fix that, not unless you force them to go to the gym and lose weight.

On that note, some people at the gym spend more time on their phones than exercising. This, I suspect, will be exactly what fatties will be doing. Normally, I see a couple of fat women going slow on the treadmill, barely challenging themselves or even breaking a sweat. This is also something I'd expect to happen.

Those who go to the gym to get fit and healthy have my respect, fat or no.

they would get full of niggers and be ruined

in principle though im strongly for it

There are already such things in Germany called "Trimm-dich-Pfad" though it is outside only.

If you are going that far you should just force everyone to be fit. Mandatory visits to the gym.
Otherwise each person paying for their own membership is better.

I guarantee every gym with a shower would be overrun with homeless bums. They still use gyms right now but the membership fee means they have skin in the game and they need to be well behaved and discreet about it. You take that away and the only people in the gym will be the dregs of society.

Retarded. People aren't fat because of lack of a gym membership. They're fat because they don't want to lose weight. Just like giving poor people free money doesn't lift them out of poverty. They're poor because they're stupid and make bad decisions. Leftist policies are never about addressing the root problem, and most of the root problems are unfixable by government anyway.

you dont need a gym to exercise or to lose weight

by your logic youd also have the government buying everone running shoes and fitbits

I'd support it if there were mandatory showers to enter. Took me months to get rid of the ringworm I got last time I went to a public gym.







Its called outdoors. Its free.

how about we cut gov spending 80%?

What the fuck are you going to subsidize? Gym memberships are already cheap. YMCA has one in every town for the retardedly poor or hopelessly cheap

Why did you have to include the word cucked? Its definition doesn't fit. It just makes you look like a retarded drumpfkin

you literally never have to go to a gym once to lose all your excess fat.

so why is this an idea

>flag checks out.

I dont get it, you can literally work out with anything with weight, or just your own body weight anywhere, and anytime.

Am I missing something here, why would I subsidize something that can be done for free?

I have a better idea 2 health insurance brackets one at half the rate of the other, with an optional quarter year fitness test to be put into the cheaper one.

How would this help? People who are to lazy to go to the gym won't go either way

Or just ban corn syrup and soybean oil.

But I'm short and big boned so bmi is terrible for me