Is this moloch
Is this moloch
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I thought Jews worshiped Baal...
Could they be the same thing?
somebody call /x/
No! moloch is a bull
that is the Platonic demiurge AKA YHVH
no! moloch is a mouse!
>Sup Forums will literally try any religion including Judaism but Christianity is somehow bad
its not "bad" its just a mess and holds little knowledge for the uninitiated (the Vatican)
No this is
Never fear, /x is here.
Both are different names for the same deity.
Greeks and Jews were both horrified and disgusted by the followers of Moloch. Oddly something both agreed upon.
When the Carthage people (followers of Moloch) were defeated, the soldiers who beat them were baffled when they found piles of dead children. They were all desperately sacrificed en masse as their city was assaulted to try and please their god.
>"when Agathocles defeated Carthage, the Carthaginian nobles believed they had displeased the gods by substituting low-born children for their own children. They attempted to make amends by sacrificing 200 children of the best families at once, and in their enthusiasm actually sacrificed 300 children."
>There was in their city a bronze image of Cronus extending its hands, palms up and sloping toward the ground, so that each of the children when placed thereon rolled down and fell into a sort of gaping pit filled with fire.
The statue also may have had a moving mechanism so that the mouth opened and the arms spread wide when a pressure plate was activated. At the same time the child or baby in the mouth slid down a ramp. Alive. Into a fire.
They also had a disgusting culture where the starving poor would sell their children so the rich could use them in place of theirs.
>... but with full knowledge and understanding they themselves offered up their own children, and those who had no children would buy little ones from poor people and cut their throats as if they were so many lambs or young birds; meanwhile the mother stood by without a tear or moan; but should she utter a single moan or let fall a single tear, she had to forfeit the money, and her child was sacrificed nevertheless; and the whole area before the statue was filled with a loud noise of flutes and drums that the cries of wailing should not reach the ears of the people.
Much of Sup Forums is Christian, but just not the super-cucked variety. Catholics on Sup Forums have called for an anti-pope, and Protestants ridicule those who change the faith to appease liberal atheists.
Now just as Sup Forums expands your political horizons, so to does it expand spiritual ones as well. It's there any other group or there that not only speaks of Gnostic beliefs, but also ancient Egyptian and others?
Fuck me the Phoenicians/Carthaginians were a satanic ancap's dream!
this is the demiurge
aka yahweh/jehova
Better impression. That looks like a lion headed Seraph without wings, meaning he has fallen.
Moloch was a high-ranking Cherub. He stood watch over Eden with his counterpart the Archangel Uriel (Cherubim come in pairs).
He fell eventually.
Cherubim have two pairs of wings and four faces: man, ox, lion, eagle.
Moloch likely is: woman, bull, owl, and something else. Maybe a frog, maybe a ram. Anyways, here you go.
Redpill incoming
You are the demiurge; we are the demiurge
This a rather accurate to the literal text depiction of a cherun in Ezekiel.
please elaborate what do you mean?
I was about to say moloch is a bull
Please post demiurge comics.
And here's a more modern memetic depiction of St. Uriel.
The flaming sword he had at Eden, the judgement of Grumpy Cat, the Piercing Gaze of the American Eagle, and the autistic rage of Pepe, and the cold logic of eliminating degenerancy of Vice President Mike Pence.
St. Uriel was probably the one who announced the good news to the Myrrh-bearing women as lightning is mentioned, he's seated atop the stone where the laid him like the cherubim on the Ark of the Covenant, and he's now guarding the Mountain of God (Golgotha), and the Tree of Life (the Cross) as he did in Eden. Furthermore, Uriel's name in the book of Enoch is Asrelyur, meaning, "Light of the Dawn," and Christ's resurrection happened shortly before the sunrise.
moloch/baal is also a toad
Here's another horrifying possibility.
>that frog
pepe? is that you?
Cherub. Four faces. Ezekiel 28 calls out the "King" (Moloch means shameful king) of Tyre and describes him as a Cherub.
Seraphim are the highest ranked class of angels, followed by Cherubim.
Satan was the highest ranked of the Seraphim, the "Great Dragon," as Revelation describes him. Seraph means serpent in Hebrew. Seraphim have six wings, one pair covers their faces (humility), one pair their feet (fear of God), and last they fly (remain in the heavens).
Satan is forced to eat the dust. No wings.
Satan is the Archdemon and Moloch is his highest ranked Lieutenant.
Uriel is the Arch-cherub and Michael the Archseraph, making Michael the Archangel of all Angels.
Uriel is a funny guy and likes to hide. He's venerated in the East (Catholics and Orthodox), but veneration of him is suppressed in the West because people tended to fall into demon worship if they got involved in venerating angels, because demons love to impersonate their counterparts. Uriel stats hidden for this reason, and also because he only wants his light to direct others to the everlasting Light.
This whole "kekism" thing has been exhausting because at first it was Uriel, known for mischief, intervening, and Moloch seeing his power diminishing, impersonated him.
Oh, Uriel is also the angel who protected John the Baptist as a fetus and newborn from Herod's decree to kill the newborns, and he protected the Israelite firstborn from the last plague. Moloch wants children murdered.
Here's Uriel hiding. He's on most Orthodox church's Holy Doors, in the icons of the evangelists, one face depicted in each of the four gospels. You can see all four face depicted separately in this icon.
Uriel is our greatest angelic ally against Moloch, as Michael is against Satan.
No. There is true Pepe and false Pepe. True Pepe is Uriel, false Pepe is Uriel's false brother Moloch trying to co-opt Uriel's influence by impersonating his near identical twin among the cherubim. As I said, cherubim come in pairs. Moloch and Uriel are counterparts.
Moloch is a Hebrew vowel pun. Malakh = King. Bosheth = shameful. Molech = shameful king.
Kek = darkness/dawn. Like Uriel/Asrelyur - light of God from the blackness or light of God from the dawn.
Kek = you know
The hebrew word shva', which is pronounced "shvuh," means "false." So substite the vowel.
You get "kuk."
>Kekism is Uriel, but now it's Moloch
When did the switch happen? How can one be sure Kek was merely a representation of an angel/demon, and not a seperate entity altogether?
When Kek turns people towards Christ and away from degeneracy, and helps us shitpost our way into the White House, and has former and current atheists screaming for a crusade and calling out "Deus vult!" it's Uriel.
When Kek becomes Kekism and people praise Kek and denounce Christ and promote degeneracy, and promotes worshiping the white man instead of the creator of the white man, it's Moloch.
Moloch loves cucks and death. Uriel loves keks and life.
amazing. i believe.