Fallout good
Fallout good
Ceasers legion is the only true choice
leaves are fucking retarded
What is E?
>NCR fan boys
>not siding with Yes Man
The enclave are the best
Mr house is the right choice. The wasteland needs an intelligent autocrat to bring order and help develop
Legion is the ultimate redpill
Accurate map, god bless the Enclave
>siding with Yes Man
doesn't he side with you?
>all of the Texas nation territory is the shitty west Texas land
>fertile farmlands between tex and snek land are unclaimed and unoccupied.
This is a political map of Fallout, which has suffered a large-scale nuclear war. It doesn't show which areas are now hopelessly fucked by radiation/mutants.
Caesar the noodle giver
>noodles added
>conquers groups plural
brain tumor, I know
but jesus christ
What do you not understand about "obliterates the identity of everything it conquers" ?
>When your ideology is so autistic that noodles fall out of your pockets
Ad victorium, autismo
>unironically being a roman larper
Whats the faction near Florida? Never seen it before.
>when your organization is so obsolete you lose to the NCR Army even with power armor and miniguns
Gass the synth's! Tech war now!
Fuck the (((Institute)))
>chicago still a corrupt shithole
Makes sense.
Enclave/BOS and Legion hybrid would be awesome.
I'm okay with any of those three.
Also who are some of the others?
I still hope they do Fallout: New Orleans but it'll probably never happen.
friendly reminder that every option has major flaws, but if you actually think US govt part 2 without freedom is better than an empire that you'll be controlling in a couple years after ceasar dies, you have autism
>when you get BTFO by a bunch of pre-war LARPers with shitty gear
The Brotherhood is a joke.
boomers and enclave can ally with the legion, but the brotherhood is unfortunately against caesars philosophy. he's against the idea of laser weapons and power armour because he teaches legionaries to rely on their own combat ability, instead of using expensive, heavy, weapons that require expensive ammo and can break/jam
>playing fallout 4
Fallout 4 was a fucking joke of an RPG. It really shouldn't be viewn as canon.
Fallout 4 is great and fun.
Debatable. If you blow up the Securitrons he gets mad at you like if you ruined HIS plan.
Yes Man only included as a last resort for idiots who played the game in such a way that pissed off every faction. It's literally just a cop out so you can finish the game even if you fuck LITERALLY everything up.
Blew up the securitrons? Killed too many Legionaries and NCR rangers? It's okay you stupid fucking retard, there is an option for you still!
It's fun for the first 3 hours until you discover that everything is the same. The game was a huge disappointment.
NV memeball time?
A. I agree
B. I don't want to agree (but I have to)
X. I'll agree later
Y. More information before I agree
fun, for a bit, yeah. great? have you ever played a video game besides fallout 4?
not even global nuclear war can stop Texas
you mean take orders from no one? Fucking up anyone you choose? Being your own man? Wanting to take control of vegas personally instead of being a lacky for one of the factions? Wanting your own army, your own city state and the seeds of your own empire to reconquer the wasteland in your own image?
yeah sounds pretty dumb lel
Todd pls go
What's that faction in control of Mississippi and Alabama?
>he teaches legionaries to rely on their own combat ability, instead of using expensive, heavy, weapons that require expensive ammo and can break/jam
He must also teach men with sticks to run at those very same kind of people with a naively fearless vigor.It's like "Wait till their out of ammo before you try killing them with a stick, you Zulu tier faggot!" What do they do instead? Rush right into gun fire, spears held high. Even the ones that use guns are still kind of a disappointment.
Human lead Enclave is the only way to go (*Fuck that AI John Henry Eden faggot in FO3, I hated that edgy little excuse for software*)
Isn't the BOS stationed in the west coast and then used their airships to travel to Chicago, which they set up station, and then they eventually moved to DC and Boston?
The Enclave isn't even stationed anywhere, they have the oilrig which is off the coast of California.
The maps seems wrong to me, or I could be wrong.
Hope they make Fallout Texas with the Enclave.
>pic related, restore America.
You dropped your fedora there
>Catholic, Cajun, and Creole southern Louisiana being lumped in with the "don't tread on me" rednecks.
Don't shit on the only worthwhile southern culture.
A fucking KIKE
Burn you fucking rat.
The fuck is going on with the Gulf Coast?
Since when did anything happen there? The east and left coastcucks who make these games don't know shit about the rest of the country.
New Vegas is leagues better, but after hundreds of hours in it I wanted to try 4. It's honestly not that bad, looks nice, and is fun. It's not the best game every, but it's pretty good.
If you destroy all the securitrons, how do you have your own army? Or do you think the Khans and the Fiends are going to start sucking your dick because you kicked out the NCR, House, and the Legion? Do you, an idiot courrier, know anything about governance? In literally every Yes Man ending, the fate of New Vegas is extremely grim. Even if you get the best ending, shit still goes south quickly, and once you die it all falls apart. Killing everyone you meet and pissing off everyone else is an idiotic idea, and you can pretend like it's the "cool" thing to do all you want, but the ending dialogues don't paint a pretty picture if you do that. The NCR isn't gone, and the Legion is still around. If you think neither will be back, you're an idiot. It won't be any time soon, but the damn will always be a goal for either group.
I understand that you might see serving with the NCR to be demeaning to someone of your talents, but by the end game you aren't exactly just a lowly infantry grunt, they do treat you with respect. Once the dam is won, you could go back and retire on a cushy brahmin farm and fuck whores and take chems all day if you wanted, with a fat envelope of caps arriving every month.
Above all, even the creators of the game said that Yes Man was just a last ditch hail mary so that people too stupid to understand the politics of the situation could still finish the game.
I need more of these
It sucked. Gun play was the best part.
Took me months to actually finish.
This tbqh
Caesars legion is colourblind it seems.
Supposedly there was some sort of unofficial project to make a fallout game set in Texas. I think it fell apart, and I doubt Bethesda would ever let it come out. They got that mod that joined FO3 and New Vegas removed, right?
The Enclave did have a base of operations at Raven Rock, though that was destroyed. It's likely there are a lot more pre-war US military bunkers scattered around the US and maybe even Canada, since it was annexed by 2076. I don't know if the Canadians had built any bunkers to house members of the government like the US did, but it seems likely.
I'm not sure how the map is divided up either, is it supposed to show the 13 commonwealths the US was divided into before the great war, or is it something else. I'm not sure what the black spot around New Vegas is supposed to be either, is it House's flag or something?
>Gun play was the best part.
But the guns handled like shit.
I went Yes man and had the securitrons on my side, didnt need to destroy them. The Khans were on my side too and lead a final attack (which resulted in all their deaths I think) enclave helped me too at the battle of hover dam. Took control of the solar power plant and hover dam as my own power plants for Vegas and the surrounding communities.
NCR would respect my independance and the Legion were crushed by me. I went through the Old World Blues DLC and replaced virtually all my body with robotic parts, I was immortal and would live forever. Even if someone wanted to assassinate me, I made my own in the Big MT where the only access was through teleportation.
I didnt slaughter the NCR I actually had quite good relations with them and despite not siding with them was still respected and held rank among their forces and was able to shop at their vendors, most saw me as a hero.
That's not true, they use cheap ass equipment because their fighting a war of attrition with the NCR (they don't care about casualties and NCR troopers are so shit it doesn't matter anyways).
they try to buy energy weapons from the van goph's remember? why does everyone forget this?
>When someone saves your memeball
Gotta reinstall NV
james may is so painfully blue-pilled
they're all die hard establishment shills, but nice to watch regardless.
I always liked the Cali two headed bear flag, thought that was the actual flag for a long time.
What happened to the Mrs. Hippie?
I'm still mad nobody in charge has seemingly noticed the problem with energy weapons in the latest games.
In 3, NV, and 4, when you use a laser rifle, the animation shows a single microfusion cell being placed inside, and then your ammo counter says you have 27 or 30 shots or whatever. Same with laser pistols, you use a single energy cell and are supposed to get 15 shots or something (i never use energy weapons, so I'm not sure the exact number). But, that's not the way the game treats ammo usage at all. Let's say you have 10 microfusion cells. The game shows you putting one in the gun, but then only allows you to have 10 shots with the laser rifle. In reality, you should have 300 shots, since each cell is supposed to give you 30 shots. It's a subtle thing, but considering the cost and weight of microfusion cells, it would make infinitly more sense to only need to carry 10 or 15 cells in order to have the firepower of 300-450 shots.
It's a stupid thing that I think was changed for balance reasons, even though it makes no sense.
Van Graffs, user, Van Graffs
It's aged kinda badly, but it's still great. Have you ever tried the DUST mod?
Because you have to kill Cass in Birds of a Feather and typically you kill the Van Graffs during Cass's quest.
NCR troopers get like 2 weeks of training and also have shit gear which allows the Legion to be able to run up to them most of time.
The Texan stuff in non-canon, Don't worry.
>Have you ever tried the DUST mod?
No, should I?
Yeah, there were 13 Commonwealth states before the great war. Hopefully we'll get to see games from all the regions.
Isn't the Enclave kinda in ruins? The team assembled with Arcade Gannon all look like senior citizens and they don't seem to have allegiance or communication with the Enclave.
It would suck if they just abandon the Enclave in future games.
>pic related, the commonwealth
Ultimately I do believe the NCR will be back to the Dam with every intention of disposing of you and capturing the dam.
Remember why they went there in the first place, they need more room and more electricity. It's great you allied yourself with them, but keep in mind since they're a democracy, times will change. While you may have pacified the current leaders, it's likely the issue will come up again for future generations to deal with. The moment they feel the iron is hot they will strike and steam roll your shit. Even though the upgraded securitrons are beasts, the NCR has enough people to throw 20 or 30 guys at each one, and eventually will be able to break through.
The Legion, in my opinion, will not survive Caesar's death whether you killed him or not. Without a super powerful figurehead, they're nothing but a group of raiders. Over time they will split up, especially considering their agressive nature and size, stretched thin over inhospitable lands. Once a single group splits off, there will be many more subgroups leaving in a sort of cascade effect. Unfortunately, this means the NCR will eventually no longer have an enemy in the legion, which just leaves you in their cross-hairs as the only thing standing between them and New Vegas.
And this is ignoring home grown problems like the eventual power struggle you'll face between a growing Freeside and the strip families. Eventually the surrounding area of the strip will grow and soak up more revenue than you can. Are you going to crush them at that point? If you take agressive action, can you explain to the visitors why New Vegas is still a safe, lawful place for fun and relaxation?
tale of two wastelands also.
DUST was kinda disappointing
interesting to say the least
>Fallout New Orleans
>it's just Mirelurk hell
The enclave was destroyed in fallout 2 and the dregs were cleaned up in fallout 3.
I don't think they're coming back as a major faction. I hope we see more of the legion, and the tribes in the western US.
even if you went into the legion camp and slaughtered everyone there including caeser, there's no fucking way the ncr would respect your independence. the dam is very important to the ncr, and they don't give a shit about you.
ad victorium synths will die
i love shooting nick and danse in the head
it's like fallout on ultra hardcore mode, no quests, no friend npcs, no ammo, everything breaks, etc. it's fun but most of the endings broke for me
Yeah, it's worth a play through. It's a total rework of the game, so you need to start a new character to play it. It's super harsh and unforgiving, and you're going to die a lot and it's going to feel unfair as fuck.
But it really is fun, and although it's not canon, it paints a really interesting picture of what happened to the area years after the events of the base game. I believe it's set in a future where the Courier sided with the NCR, but then the Cloud from the Sierra Madre rolled in along with her native residents. Additionally, as Ulysses predicted, the Tunnelers arrived in the Mojave and are worse than ever, roaming unchallenged. Since the Mojave is totally fucked and unlivable thanks to the cloud and tunnelers, they've pulled out, leaving hundreds of NCR soldiers stranded with no way home.
It's worth a play through, just to experience that future that might be in store for the Mojave. Remember, head to the sewers near the strip for safety!
The West coast Enclave is in ruins, since they were based on the oil rig which was destroyed. They've also been hunted down by the brotherhood for years in the region, and by New Vegas are a shadow of their former glory. Liekly those Enclave remnants are some of the last living members on the West coast, and when they die that will be the end of the Enclave in that region.
The Enclave on the East coast is a different story. I'm not sure exactly what the relation was, since president Eden was an AI, I don't know if he was simultaneously on the oil rig and at Raven Rock, or if he was only ever at Raven Rock. The end game of Fallout 3 implies heavily that there are additional strongholds they are based out of besides Raven Rock, and can still continue operating in that theater.
I haven't finished FO4 yet, but as far as I've seen there isn't even a mention of the Enclave in the commonwealth. I'm not sure what the story is with the X-01 power armor either.
I'd love to see the enclave come back. The remnants were good in nv. It'd be pretty cool to see groups of old war torn soldiers and their descendants hiding out in the wasteland
>Mirelurks/Deathclaws in the swamps
> 7th ward a former nig habbitat run by gangs of super mutants
> mayor who wishes to take down monuments of the past for political gain.
> undrinkable water
>destruction of the coast line and life that lives off of it
> Lack of law and order
> Political apathy
>abandoned houses everywhere
I really don't know what they would change. I guess just the color scheme.
>If whitey didn't start dat damn war, Nawleans'd be a got damn paradise n shit
Ave, true to Caesar.
>following the story
>learning about what the coin is
>not realizing every faction has some ridiculous hangup
>not wanting the power for yourself
Yes Man all the way.
>that ending when the Colonel shows up and wants to dance
>"well, the army of robots behind you might have something to say about that"
>th-those are yours?
Say brah, what you thenk of the'm statues.
The Enclave are not dead,
What little lore you find in the game hints them being in constantly conflict with the BOS Chapter focused around Chicago, its where Maxon got his airship in the first place. The last Enclave pocket of resistance is in the Midwest along side the BOS.
I'd like to think there would be some sort Voodoo tribals, mutated recknecks, and a BoS chapter that has taken on some Conquistador/Musketeer elements
imagine giant radioactive alligators
I wish Bethesda hadn't fucked Fallout up by making it feel like it was just 50 years since the bombs dropped
I wanted to see the actual rebuilding of society we saw in Fallout 2, the establishing of actual states and civilizations in the wake of the old world
New Vegas had a step in the right direction, but it was still 200+ years after the bombs fell and everybody was still living in ruined buildings full of trash
Perhaps. I think if the NCR came back I would be able to negotiate what they need, im sure the dam is producing a massive surplus of power I could essentially sell to them. There options would be either pay for the power and respect my independence or siege the dam and hope they can capture it. DESU the odds would not be good for them as my Boomer allies/orbital death ray would turn them into paste if they attacked en masse, but en masse is the only way they would be able to overpower my upgraded protectotrons and myself.
I think it far more likely the NCR would seek to negotiate with someone who is well liked among the local NCR and in fact a hero/ranked officer of the NCR himself rather than attack without negotiation a target that could likely result in thousands of deaths.
Objectively false
I suppose there are many ways the future NCR politicians and military officers could approach the New Vegas problem. Assuming you take the Yes Man route and stay friendly with the NCR but do confront General Oliver and kick them out of the region, I think things will be peaceful for a time. New Vegas is still safe, although I think it will be less safe for a time as the NCR pulls out peacekeeping forces and you wheel in securitrons to take over. Humans are infinitely better at solving problems between people than robots, especially robots in the Fallout universe. I think NCR citizens will continue to flock to New Vegas for fun and relaxation, though you will need to stay in constant contact with the NCR government to ensure they can get here safely, and to make sure that the NCR doesn't try to block off access to your little empire out of retribution for loss of the dam. If the NCR blocks its citizens from coming to New Vegas, you can kiss that sweet stream of caps goodbye. If that happens, it'll be chaos in the streets as people realize you fucked them over and those sweet tourism bucks aren't flowing anymore.
Likely the NCR will try to work out a deal with you, sell them power and send it down the line to NCR territory in exchange for free travel to New Vegas and regular trading caravans to the area. Their demands for electricity will only ever increase, however, so you need to be aware that there is a very finicky balance that you must reach. You need enough power to keep your lights on and the security running while sending the NCR enough power to be satisfied. With Helios One this should be easy for some time, but not forever. Perhaps eventually the tech to build new large scale power plants will be rediscovered, though if it is, the NCR might no longer need you. If they realize they don't need the dam, you could again face an embargo of supplies and tourists, which only hurts you and your citizens.
This always pissed me off, people living in houses full of fucking trash. They would clean that shit up ASAP.
Reinstalling NV now for a Legion playthrough. I wish Fallout 4 was better, it wasn't terrible but the dialogue just felt a bit off. Could be nostalgia tinted vision of mine but I preferred the worlds of 3 and 4. New Vegas was my first fallout game and there's just something about it.
Walking around the wasteland, talking to people, the factions, the world. I don't know it's hard to explain but it gave off a different vibe than Fallout 4 did. Better gunplay and graphics does not necessarily mean a superior game. I hope the next Elder Scrolls game is decent.
What the hell are those two things competing for oklahoma.
slide thread?
post autism bait
not really. so glitchy too. survival mode is the only good part, and even then all the freezes make that unplayable.
eh, I wasn't impressed.
Fallout 4 dialogue was
>sarcastic yes
>no (but actually I mean yes)
It is stupid, although at the same time, it is sort of infeasible for most people in that time to actually clear up the roads and rebuild the buildings that are ruined. There aren't really any cars left, nor heavy machinery like bulldozers or anything. Sure you can drag the ruined cars off the road with a dozen brahmin, but why bother? The roads don't need to be 100% clear for caravans to travel since it's just people walking anyway. Additionally, the wasteland is an incredibly dangerous place. NPCs who live in settlements can't really be undertaking these huge construction tasks all the time, they can barely get enough food and fresh water to stay alive. For many of them, living in a little junk house and farming takes up all their time. Look at rural towns even in first world countries, most times they live with kinda run-down houses and random shit in their yards, it's just not a priority for them to clean up when they have more important things to worry about.
Additionally, Fallout 3 and 4 take place on the East coast, which was hit a lot harder than the West coast. Fallout 4 did a decent job at expanding on settlements, and by that point in time you can see that people are trying to come together and rebuild the wasteland. Before you wake up from cryo sleep, the settlements were actually coalescing to form a government, until the Institute fucked that all up.
Reminds me a lot of Point Lookout in Fallout 3.
I'm about 80 hours in to my first play through (just got the game last month when I finally got the cash to build a new PC). Playing vanilla and while there are some typical bugs that we've seen in other fallout games (thanks for using the same fucking engine as skyrim, which was the same as the NV and 3 engine, which was the same as Oblivion's engine, Bethesda...) it's not unplayable or anything. At least in my opinion.
I tried to do a legion play through, but I never finished it. It just feels stupid evil, like you're a comic book bad guy. I guess it's because they were rushed at Obsidian, but it just cuts out too much of the game in my opinion. I think I might try again soon though, maybe after I get through 4 in the next few weeks. I do love the way Obsidian portrayed the brotherhood in New Vegas though, such a great return to their roots. I feel like a lot of normies who only every played 3 got butthurt about it, which is a good thing. The brotherhood isn't supposed to be a fucking charity like in 3 and 4, it's a pretty reclusive little society that jerks off each other in power armor and kills muties and steals tech from idiot wastelanders for fun and because they can.