HuffPo: I'm tired of being Christian
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doesn't even faze me anymore. just surprised it took this long to start christian guilt now
I don't get this. If you weren't disgusted by sodomy and fornication, you weren't ever a Christian.
What a poorly written shitty blog. Of you don't wanna be a Christian than don't be, no one gives a fuck.
She never was one in the first place.
stop having morals.
The more u read the more I realize this person has to be literally retarded. If you believe in God, and you believe that Christianity represents God's teachings to us, then you would have to view yourself as having "a monopoly on ethical living or spiritual truths". If you didn't, then clearly you don't believe in God and what is said in the Bible.
that's not quite it, its just stop believing in god. they take christian morality to the extreme. they still supplant their own communist style morality, and want to swap one God for another god.
probably raised christian and hasn't read it
>I'm tired of being a Christian
>I will be a JEW instead
Ok i'll just (You) myself then. Also checked
Look at that Christian Nose.
dead thread
>mainline Protecuckism gets wiped out, leaving the evangelical protestants and the orthodox
>implying this is a bad thing
>implying mainliners had convictions to believe in anything
>implying women have a right/conviction to believe or speak on anything religion
Oh no, my rockband sunday services! Whatever will I do?!?!?!?!?!
you don't agree with accessible religion?
>I'm tired of being Christian fellow go... Whites.
There's a difference between "accessible" and "pandering to the lowest common denominator"
>huffpo article
>oh boy goyim, so tired of being a christian. Better embrace atheism/satanism!
>White cis christian scum are ruining this country'
More propaganda.
Good on op for not directly linking it.
>I’m tired of being a Christian if it means spiritual practices are strict and ridged.
don't cut yourself on that ridge
Like pizzahut and napoli, accessibility does not corelate to jack.
Look at declines in religious attendence since the 80s, its from those who rarely go and had been attending low membership costs (time community and price) such as mainline. This is exemplified subsequently with a steady decline macroscale of those who identify as or mainline churches. If you were the CEO of mainline you would be instantly canned (yet these religious leaders still promote cuck grabage)
In a few more decades, you are going to see strictly evangelical and catholic denominations, mainline will fall near proportions of those who are "nonreligious but not atheist"
Again, back to my point about convictions. Evangelicalism is growing. (albeit slowly compared to thirdword catholicism spikes)
Hello fellow white christians,don't you just hate having morals and standards and shit.
Letting women think and write not even once.
It's almost as if all those appeals to emotion fall apart when subjected to the most basic logic
> this long to start christian guilt now
Nigga, the entire religion is based around the concept of original sin. What you just said is possibly the most stupid shit ever written on this website.
>she got paid to write that
>hey there fellow Christians, aren't we Christians just the worst?
God damn it. She looks like the spawn of an Israeli and a Brit
>oh boy goyim, so tired of being a christian. Better embrace atheism/satanism!
She's clearly a theist though.
Why does no one realize that thr crusades was to RECLAIM the holy land. In other words, the sand niggers attacked first. We didnt even win, if we had, it would all be Christian right now.
well it was in (((Christian))) hands until not too long ago
>13 paragraphs total
>11 paragraphs start with "Tired of being a Christian"
There are middle-school children with better writing skills than this.
The crusades were racist and islamophobic conquests
How can she be tired of being something she isn't?
That's why they were sublime and god's gift to humanity
don't post that shit here