Are the Jews behind everything?

Are the Jews behind everything?

Very often they're right out in front if it.


no, its a meme (created by the (((jews))))

Not everything, but they are behind things that matter.

Jews created shekels.
Jews control people with shekels.

No it's not the Jews it's the patriarchy

No. Islam sympathisers push the anti-Jew narrative


the real redpill


yes, they are literally God


if you fear the jew just from posts on this board about how they put fluoride in our water or are genociding the white race. Then you're an idiot

>not jews

pick one

I'm a jew
I don't even control the media flow inside my house because I'm too poor to fix the TV


Of course not user. And any proof you think you have is mere (((coincidence)))

Jews are 2% of the population but are 43% of the 1%? They're at the very top of every single mainstream media outlet?

Coincidence, stop being paranoid. It's not like they think they're God's chosen people and that the rest of us goyim are vermin who should either be slaves or exterminated completely.

Now get off Sup Forums and go watch television.



Yep, can confirm.

There is a difference between the Jews and the Jew. The Jew is behind everything evil, despicable, and immoral in society.


jews are DEFINITELY in control fo the media

new house? but wont buy a new TV?



They're behind a lot of anti white hatred and the push for non white immigration in white countries. Just look up the ethnicity of who introduced the harts-celler act

No. That's a meme.
You rather follow the money.
Money equals power
Vast amount of money equals vast amount of power
Banks have a lot of money
Many bankers are jewish
Many bankers are not jewish
Many rich (and herby powerful) families are jewish
To a certain extend jews have power
Though their influence worldwide is exaggerated

been living in my family's house AKA with parents house since about 1996

Jews created fractional reserve shekels

No, but feminine men have to be able to point the finger at somebody, and schizophrenics think they have it all figured out.

Guess who populates Sup Forums.