How do we convince Russia to stop storing nukes in Kaliningrad? USA has troops in Poland. It doesn't scare you?
How do we convince Russia to stop storing nukes in Kaliningrad? USA has troops in Poland. It doesn't scare you?
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Repost with English. I can't read that nonsense.
It does not scare me. If we go nuclear, shit's going to get fucked up with or without Kaliningrad.
1 kilometer = 0.621371192 miles
It's the range of their missiles stored in Kaliningrad.
How many russian troops are deployed in Nordostpreußen?
Population of 941,873 people serves as one of the most important regions in Russia as its more far west region and separated from rest of country. According to 2014 data the region holds 225,000 military personnel, the number that seems to have increased last two years.
We are scary, really...
Just another target for our missiles, aha-ha-ha-ha
Can't do shit atm. American government has been compromised by Russian dogs.
Hang in there, Poland
It doesn't really matter where the nukes are stored. You can decapitate (nuke the head of state) almost all countries with SLBMs. It's not of too much importance anymore where you store your nukes.
At some point when Russia's gas economy crashes we'll try to buy back Königsberg and try to make some long lasting post Cold War agreements with Russia.
Self defence. Don't blame them to be honest. The Globalist kikes are pushing east.
Russia pls nuke poland.
>How do we convince Russia to stop storing nukes in Kaliningrad?
Restore Königsberg
Stop surrounding Russia with "missile defense" systems and army bases then Russia won't have a reason to mass its military on its borders. NATO has been surrounding Russia for years we are the ones that need to step back first.
No, they're also our brothers.
russia needs to stop obsessing over land. they have the largest fucking country in the world, by a long shot, and use almost none of it as it is...
Okay, but Danzig too.
Alaska is Russia mm you dont use it anyway burger, too cold for your wetback
Typical Serbian, wishing for more genocides
Kosovo is an independent country, btw
kosovo is Serbia
Germany should just take Königsberg back imo
We should have a US-Russia bombing operation in Kosovo to use as a cover story for how to de-escalate The Ukraine.
So they can fill up another white city with refugees?
They tried a couple times. The eternal (((german))) cannot fight alpha slavs and win.
just dont fuck with them
>We should have a US-Russia bombing operation in Kosovo to use as a cover story for how to de-escalate The Ukraine.
Not bad, but we can start from ISIS
By begging for more NATO troops and missile systems on Russian border obviously. Thats just common sense.
Russians are liars. They can't be trusted. And they don't value agreements.
We need to kill them and kick the survivors to the east. Behind the Urals, where they belong.
>roach saying Slavs arent European
Kys mechmed
Shut up Erdogan
Thats not how you sage a thread
Russians are undeniably better than Turks.
Saged all slots in a previous thread that forgot about seth rich and forgot name. Thank you germanbro
But why? "Kaliningrad" dindu nuffin. It's the Baltic Nazis and Polish Fascists that are the real threat here.
>we can start from ISIS
>tfw jewtube erased the merry christmas isis with white phosphorus video and I cba to upload it
Who cares?
There is strategic balance in Europe when it comes to nuclear weapons.
(pic related)
Those nukes are there to protect us from Iran. Stop with your paranoia.
They probably would if you gave them enough land to get to their own fucking cost. Poland and Belarus need to cede away a path in order for Russia to get their.
Your the assholes in this situation, not Russia. That would be like Canada blocking off access to Alaska. We'd do the same exact thing. It's a both a deterrent and a bargaining chip. The US needs to withdrawal its troops from Poland too, we have no business being there.
Poland is kind of a line in the sand. It's rightful Western clay, unlike Belarus or Finland or The Ukraine.
I wouldn't disagree with a degree of disarmament, however.
What makes Russia s special that it should DESERVE access to anything?
>Stop surrounding Russia with "missile defense" systems
Well it's to late for that one.
they can pass through lithuania just fine
It's their coast. They should be able to access it without impediment or tariffs or toll roads.
They need months of approval to transport goods on a regular basis. They also tax and charge access. It's their land, they should be able to get to it unimpeded. This is why Russia is so economically strangled, they can't just export without jumping through all these hoops. Russia has the highest export costs in the world.
>move nukes back to mainland Russia
>everything is still in range
This is just diplomacy. You're a fag to care.
> It doesn't scare you?
what exactly? contrary to butthurt belt mentality, the presence of american troops doesn't make you more secure, it makes you a priority target in the event of open hostilities.
what if...
Russia offered it to them in the 90's and they refused.
Russia when europe is majority nigger and sandnigger can you please nuke them
whats life there even like?
kalinin is like a black hole in pop culture
Did someone brought a cockroach spray?
It's so we can launch a land invasion into Russia at any moment and topple Moscow.
Personally I dont like russians, but I hate turks even more. Get back to fucking goats ahmed.
America is always the instigator and agressor.
The world needs someone to keep them in check.
Port is partially frozen at times in the winter. Also is very rocky (Baltic islands at or slightly below sea level) and difficult to navigate for larger ships, which is why, especially in recent years, artic ports are more commonly used for larger shipment, which is why Murmansk has overtaken it in recent years as a shipping hub. Port of Murmansk freezes slightly later too (unfreezes later unfortunately too).
>Parts of the gulf [OF Finland] can be frozen from late November to late April; the freezing starts in the east and gradually proceeds to the west. Complete freezing is usually reached by late January, and it might not occur in mild winters
As you can see, all of this shit could be averted by a simple strip of Russian land allowing for unimpeded transport.
No, now stfu and GTFO this board you proxy Kike
When Germany was re-united and the Soviet Union fell the Russians offered to sell the land back to Germany for fairly little money.
Germany rejected that saying that rebuilding eastern Germany was already expensive enough.
What are ice breakers?
Too expensive.
Makes me wonder what the fuck have they done with the 6 gorrilion of those that we've sold them.
One of them got stuck in the ice the other year. Perhaps the others are being used for distilleries or extra squating space.
Icebreakers are a temporary solution and only are effective for roughly a week until the ice begins to resettle. Smaller ships (ie, independent contractors) still cannot navigate through the path they clear, large chunks of ice are left behind still.
The cost of maintaining a fleet of icebreakers, far exceeds the cost of maintaining a simple road.
It's called Königsberg. Fuck Russia.
don't have troops in poland then?
pretty simple
imagine if china had troops stationed in mexico
I'm pretty sure if China wanted to station troops, the would have no problem putting them throughout the US and Canada. Many people suppose that this is already the case.
It's no secret that part of the existing war is in part to bring back intelligence and to buy up resources.
Polaks, had other half of East Prussia and generously given Mongols visa free travel....
Just in case krauts would take back Pomeria and Silesia and they would have to become friendly Slavs again...
The old prussians weren't German. "Königsberg" wasn't really originally German either, it was called Tvankste before that. Actual Königsberg was then founded in 1255 by the Teutonic Order during their crusades in the Baltics against European pagans. They burned Tvankste to the ground and killed the pagan population. Those old Prussians were basically just slavs until the Teutonic Knights wiped them out and then repopulated the area with Germans. That became the Prussia we're talking about when the Teutonic lads were finally beaten in 1466.
Not that any of this bears any importance now since Germans don't exist anymore.
First time i agree with a turk.
Oh, you know Poland, maybe if you don't join NATO and don't house US troops on your soil those nukes would be somewhere else.
Just saying.
>how dare you to try protect yourself
Russians are cancer and they need to be pushed east. Based axis powers understood this. We need to do it again.
>Stockholm is inside the blast radius
Only if your country fucks off behind the urals
But you not protecting yourself, you doing a complete opposite thing.
If you was neutral and just sit on your place quietly you, maybe, would not be invaded or nuked by anyone.
But now, after joining NATO, you will be nuked for sure, even if conflict will not be about Poland. Like, war could start someone around North pole and Poland get nuked because Russia and Canada, for example, fighting for small patch of seabed.
You're not trying to protect yourself. We want to protect ourselves. You want to protect yourself. Do you really think that orange president wants to protect you? Your beautiful babies? If it was actual european army no one would say anything. You are "trying to protect yourself" by inviting foreign troops who are actually interested in creating conflict here.
>swedish cuck begging for a foreign country to destroy his capital city
Nothing surprising. Remember, swedes used to be men who killed russian scum. Those were the days
Shouldn't it scare you that if shit went down, it's your country getting fucked?
No, those old Prussians weren't Slavs.
The only times when Slavs got to the Baltic sea in original times, when polaks run from Khazaria, converted and begged Krauts for help (Conrad the 1) in concouring them (Balts).
13'th century Krauts had enough of punny Polaks and turned back on to them...
And all lived ever happily after... Never!
>swedes used to be men who killed russian scum.
you mean watching from distance while using mercs and finns?
But Russians are protecting themselves too. In case your allies get any funny ideas Warsaw will be turned to rubble.
Only you would want to invade Mongolia, nobody else!
Why do the Americans get to have a thadd battery in south korea?
We first admit to ourselves that we are the bad guys, surrounding Russia with missile installations and NATO outposts.
Then we either take the moralistic path, or we ignore moralists and pursue our interests of keeping Russia down
Last year Vlad the great sent subbs to (?) Pretend to have left nukes in Stockholm harbour...
Could it be the reason, Swedes changed their mind about full NATO membership?
Everyone is Slavic according to Russians lol
It is like having drunk neighbour having pitch fork competition with pitbulls across your garden, where your kidd's play.
Wouldn't mind, if they did so in their back yard, in Ural mountains, but other than bullying all neighbours, they are not achieving nothing neither in short or in long term.
why should they? they've done so because of our abm shields and nato expansion, this is all the bush (and barry's) admins fault
> literally calls a country "niemci"
poland is truly a meme country
also, pretty sure all fielded iskanders are conventional, and so are tochkas
stockholm is a foreign city, you fucking cucklord
Polaks tried in 1918...
Google Katowytze and/or Ukraine...
Then, there's 6 gazzilions of "joos"...
I'll get my coat, before they'll cry me to sleep