Argentina was a World Power in 1940

After the great European immigration boom in 1940 Argentina was the 6 richest country in the world, and one of the most educated folks.

What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:é_Ber_Gelbard


Did it really go wrong? Memes asside I thought Argentina was a pretty nice country, much nicer than Mexico at least.


What went wrong: Basically the same as in Mexico. Niggers and indians were given the right to vote and nationalism turned into a game instead of a serious project... Also the Catholic church.


Also communist guerrilla exported and trained in cuba financed by globalist bankers fucked us up forever, our military saved our ass from becoming Colombia when the ERP and Montoneros añmost annexed Tucuman.

Sadly even thiugh we won the military war against subversion we lost the cultural war, hard.

So much that known terrorists who kidnapped, tortured and bombed civilians/military men/police men are free and in positions of power.
And they don't forget, even our ex malvinas heroes are being imprisioned just for vague accusations with no proof.

Lol our minister of defence in charge of the military was LITERALLY an ex montonera who killed military men in her youth.

They are all britain puppets too, of course you'd want to demonize our military and destroy it from inside.

Also britain please stop funding Mapuche's territory claims.

Want proof? ALL our politicians from ALL parties gather every year at the british embassy for the queens birthday.

Couldn't agree more.

We have a huge middle class that pays nordic taxes for african tier public services to support the huge wellfare state due to anyone being allowed to come here illegally but still claiming wellfare.
Free public schools, free hospitals, free collegue.
Fuck there's hospitals where the rntire month of surgery appointments are filled 100% with paraguayans that don't eben live here.

They just cross the border when they need free hospitals, maybe even get payed to vote during elections too.

Plus extra wellfare for each kid, we are literally paying Bolivians, Peruvians, Colombians and Paraguayans to breed as much as they can.

Naturally our middle class is slowly but steadily shrinking.

Heres a list of everything that went wrong:

Now in detail:
-Peronismo 1.0 (clasico)
-Peronismo 2.0
-Guerrilla against peronismo
-Peronismo 3.0
-After Peron peronismo
-Peronismo Kirchnerista

Peron was fine.

Ni yankee ni marxista, nacionalista.


Actually, not developing the heavy industry while giving power to the sindicalists until you are about to enter an economic crisis was as bad as you can get for managing a country specially when everyone were starting to develop their own heavy industries

I would move to Argentina in a heartbeat on account of Patagonia alone to be honest.


Mexico is not even a nice country. There are very good living standards, but popular culture sucks and Mexican nationalism is very artificial and shallow; needless to say, this is not even sustainable.

Argentines have always been cucks, right from the beginning. Their entire nation was founded by Bonaerense Jews.
Any argentine worth his salt is actually uruguayan.

>ALL our politicians from ALL parties gather every year at the british embassy for the queens birthday.
lolwut I thought everyone there hated us


There have been several heartbeats since, what is stopping you?

Everyone not worshipping your (((banks)))

Didn't know they were even a country back then
Good for them

Jews and commies, that's what happened



lol shut up you are our province

Jews and welfare state

Jews have us grabbed by the balls since forever and make us pay retarded austerity measures for literally nothing (see "confessions of an economic hitman" in youtube - we're a textbook example of what he speaks about)

Welfare State because most of our taxes go to mantain an endless army of single mothers and other welfare recipients that will never contribute absolutely anything back to the society.

Jewish owned media makes sure to direct public opinion to whatever they want at the moment.

Are you a porteño?

patagonia is on everyone's crosshair

its gonna change a lot in the next 30 years

No, patagonia.

Then YOU are (((their))) province, we are not. We are the only ones that took federalism seriously.

yes but what about their influence on the 40s and 50s?
did peron suck jewish dick? or did he tell them to btfo

>The eternal anglo strikes again

cause you are almost half than the size of bs as

not as easy in our country

Where can a young white man go to escape western europe?
There are more niggers and mudslimes here everyday and it makes me sick.
The women are against traditional values and the men are cucks to the women.

Jelly you live in Patagonia.

Unless I'm blinded by the natural beauty and it's hard to make a living, grinding in poverty is shit wherever you live so I hear.

Does Argentina show any signs of recovering and being a world power again?

are you white british? got $ or know useful stuff that pays?

then you can live like a king in patagonia, with lot lof luxury and beautiful towns

we hold more chances than you do ;)

still not looking good. Our new pres is doing deals with the chinese

sounds like Greece

nice yugoslavian flag

Top kek. You can't even think like a federalist.

Anyway, I cringe every time an actual argentinian provincian calls us a province. I'd get the joke from a porteño, but from you? You're the one leaving one third of your exports in Buenos Aires so that porteños can set their AC to 32 degrees in July.

Peron did nothing wrong, fuck everyone who takes his name and ruins it. They are not true Justicalists, they are all khazar swine.

RIP Peron, the greatest leader in the 20th century.

lol i actually live south of bs as province, next to rio negro

but i grew up in bariloche so i consider myself patagonian

the federalist vs unitarian issue is secondary to having a competent and honest leadership

yeh too bad he was civic nationalist. But then again after Hitler maybe he had no other choice

meh, Civic nationalism works when everyone just happens to be the same race and you never let it change

>we hold more chances than you do ;)

Again, you can't even think like a federalist. If you expect competent leadership you'll eternally be a hopeful cuck.

Bolivians ruined Argentina, prove me wrong....ameridians were a big mistake like Mexican-mongrels

well, in Argentina it happens that we aren't. We have to force a white ethnostate. Non mixed european type is becoming a rarer with time

possibly if it abandons socialism, it has the land/water/resources it needs to be legit...but the enough winners.

well we got 10x your land and less population. Also we're not close to possible future focus of conflict. You are very close to Africa and Middle East and shit is brewing

>free collegue

appropriately sums up the problem.

ah... that sounds horrible. then yes it seems it is the only answer, but fuckers don't even take Peronism to mean what it meant anymore, fucking Jewish bankers run shit...

I'd fight in a revolution for mi general

We have been your puppets ever since the 83.

too bad our scumbag politicians have made 100s of deals with multi corps to sell our stuff, like canadian barrick gold

in fact this is capitalism, as socialism (if nationalist) means the state intervenes to prevent private interest from selling our shit for a dimel. Thats why we need NatSoc

well peronism was inspired by fascism and natsoc, it doesnt really bring anything new to the table

hitler and mussolini were far greater leaders. Peron did some shady stuff too

>expecting natsoc to ever happen in argentina


no estuvo tan lejos..

Ahh good old times, 1938.

Still have a natscoc pin my german grandmother gifted me.


ya se va a venir

>trust me, we just have to get the guy i like into power, then this time it will work out

the eternal argie strikes again

I like you guys, but if you honestly think you can fix your country by electing the right guy, you're fools. You'll never manage to do it, and even if you do, as soon as said guy dies Argentina will crumble again.

Isabela Peron, 1974.

Sure she was incompetent as fuck, but this takes some huge balls.

hello southern province

Please educate me on this.

Why are the Malvinas so important? They look like a couple of tiny islands in the middle of nowhere. Is there oil there? Gold?

Argies are not white desu

Matad a todos los mulatos, mestizos y negros de mierda, el resto vendrá solo y rodado hermanos boludos.

Kill niggers, mestizos and mulatos the rest will come easy.

we need more white population (we are too few, country mostly empty) and more maturing. Only 200 years of history, compared with 1000s in Europe. Still much to learn.

You can't do away with leaders Uru. There will always be a leader. People are still too comfy thats why they don't demand much from the president and eat all their bullshit. Democracy is a sham

IF Argentina was an ethnoState I'd go there to sum up.

Kike apperance!!!!

So what fuck u!

They are spaniards with big ballls, we dont give a shit about your cliches.

After you leave the EU, kick all panchitos and muzzies.

We need Spain guidance.

Not sure how to reconcile that with the achievements of the US, but maybe you're right, let's see how it goes in 800 years.

>We need Spain guidance.
come on, of course t'd be nice to keep good relations with them but its not like you really need any kind of guidance from them

Not just communism...US pressure and cutting export deals against Argentina who was beating the US. Their meat couldn't be exported and they got butt fucked

mestizos ruined this country too, and also ((them)).
mestizos will continue to increase and thus lowering standards for everyone else

lastima que:é_Ber_Gelbard
((funcional al sionismo))
YES i love me some good redpilled argie! one of the most level headed men on this board if i do say so myself

Different people, plus they killed the indians they didn't mix with them. Different mindset, too. Also closer to Europe by sea and more immigration of smart europeans there than here. Usa had race laws for immigration up until the 50s

>We need Spain guidance.
Stop right there negro puto. do you really need 25% unemployment and the degeneracy of their liberals?



Peron came back after he was ousted by international Khazarism.

Mussolini and Hitler did not.

Peron is the greatest man at the table when it comes to fascism.

Sapin is resisting the wave for now, but the left now has declared himself antispain, they want to give the independece to Cataluña, by making a new federal Spain without el valle de los caidos and the history of our victory over the comunist scum. They want to make a new islamic Spain.
They are trying to destroy the country and are making his way, everyday a case of corruption erupts in the media and is always the right wing the culprit, hopefully with luck the ISIS will atack us and from that the people will realise that we must "secure the existence of the white people and the white children".

yes i agree with that argie. That nacion mapuche stuff is being directed straight from London, and the military prestige has been destroyed by the lefties cause of the coup d'etat history. A military coup is the only thing that can save this country now, so they kick out all the niggers and jews

Peron didn't have to fight in a fucking world war

>cataluña independence

no chance, amigo

Either the age of the country is an insurmountable problem, or it is not. The US is proof that it is not. Besides Argentina was whiter than the US throughout most of its history and still is today. You had no immigration laws but unlike the US, you didn't need them.
Indians are not your only problem, anyway. Every single white Argentine I've come across is cucked, blames the government for absolutely everything, and either has no plan to fix it, or his plan is to put a magical leader in charge that will somehow solve every problem. Even God couldn't fix Argentina, if Argies don't feel the responsibility to fix it themselves.

Anyway, I don't think this will get anywhere. If there's one thing Argies are good at is coming up with excuses.

>Also britain please stop funding Mapuche's territory claims.

New Zealand or Australia. Still really traditional. Avoid big cities obviously and seek for the average sized ones.

>we need more white population
so... where on earth will you be getting them from?

Eternal Anglo, 26, software developer, £100k net worth in my house, occasional hunter.

Brb learning Spanish.

you are trespassing on rightful native american clay you thieves. You know, if there's anything that i would agree with the postmodernists on it'd be white people's (or european's in particular) tendency to take over shit that isn't theirs and say WE DINDU NUFFIN, and proceed to imports literal DINDUS into foreign lands that don't belong to them AT ALL! And yes, I am Jewish. I am proud to fight whites for the oppresses and forlorn.





you don't know history, thus you talk shit. You cant compare Arg with USA. USA became boss after ww2. You're saying competent Arg could be in USA position now?
Usa always had way more population


>If there's one thing Argies are good at is coming up with excuses.

Shouldn't have fucked with the Falklands, Diego.

Europe after shit hits the fan.
Also we need to unbrainwash our ladies so they start making damn babies. Only mestizos are fast reproducing

>We need Spain guidance.
Spain is a lost cause, dude, they are a german colony now.( what a joke because they had a good empire with tons of colonies around the world)

si dale hacete el groso uruguayo tu pais no esta mucho mejor que digamos. Con el gordito zurdo ese que tuvieron años no podes venir a hablar nada, salame

>If there's one thing Argies are good at is coming up with excuses.

God, I love not being Argentinian