Brit/pol/: BA hacked, NHS hacked, GCHQ when? edition

>BREAKING::: BRITISH AIRWAYS GLOBALLY HACKED : CHAOS UNFURLS - "there is just no way for anyone to depart on an aeroplane from anywhere in the world"

>YouGov post-bomb polling : CON 43%(-1), LAB 38%(+3), LDEM 10%(+1), UKIP 4%(+1)

>Katie Hopkins to leave LBC immediately after "Final Solution" tweet

>Threat level downgraded; as bomb disposal works in Manchester

>Corbyn Speech: UK foreign policy boosted terrorism and "Austerity has to stop at the A&E ward and at the police station door"

>Fallon slams Corbyn line, that was actually a Boris quote

>RAF write "Love from Manchester" on ordinance (proving Corbyn's point?)

>Stagflation is coming back

Other urls found in this thread:

Beware the faker.

>30 posts early?

>posting early threads

God has truly abandoned us

>>YouGov post-bomb polling : CON 43%(-1), LAB 38%(+3), LDEM 10%(+1), UKIP 4%(+1)

>n'th for Brown people's feelings matter more than dead White children

we need to find this guy

I'm going to the FA Cup Final in a bit lads!

I'm safe, aren't I?

Its suspicious to me that theses attacks are happening when they are happening instead of before they happened. It makes me think they could have happened then but they waited till now to cause massive disruptions and terror at a time they preferred as opposed to what was more convenient for me, in regards to my speculations. I, thinking of these facts, am convinced its the jews again.

fucking scum bastard

>theses attacks are happening when they are happening instead of before they happened

What did he mean by this?

You might get beaten if you order a bacon roll

>Labour supporters in just under 2 weeks

Is cum actually nutritious ?

Easy test if this guy really is in Cambridge:

Which pub is the best pub

Stay safe poverty ghost.

we better do as they say, don't want to provoke any trouble user

By what measure?
The granta is riverside, has a great outside bit right on the river and pretty cheap but the mill is cheapest. Anchor is overpriced and shit, along with the eagle.

Election night is going to be fucking hype

japan > korea. wew you moved quick lad. get tae

>Ring up anti-terror hotline
>"I'd like to report something suspicious"
>"Go ahead"
>"There's a Brown lad sitting next to me on the bus. Spooking me out a bit"

aware me on who this is
been cramming for exams and not paying much attention to anything else lately

Haven't you seen the polls, Lad? Jezza is catching up! He's going to win it all.

That's going to be us when we realise we are doomed to communism.

it's tasty and makes your skin soft

or at least this is what i'm told

For those lads who were talking about economics, jumping directly into Hayek and Keynes is probably a bad idea. You kinda need to have a broad-based knowledge of how the current system works before you start getting into the more complicated and sophisticated nitty-gritty and/or criticisms of it - same sort of idea as learning physics in high school: you start with the simple Newtonian bollocks, not General Relativity.

Buy an undergrad uni Econ textbook is my advice and go from there.

your gut is designed to get nutrition out of virtually anything that the bacteria in it can break down, so yes cum is nutritious since it's made of protein and the gut can break down any protein.

I believe you

Don't get it lad.


Meme-tier field lad.

Knew one of you lads would do it. I hope no one is thinking of doing anything violent to him that would be awful


UKIP Surge

We're talking about studying it, not getting a job in it.

>tfw no more attacks




Do they have San Miguel on at the Eagle?

work on your colon spacing

then get your photoshops right

Warning. Do not get triggered and start doxing yourself. If you are a red shit you should realise by now the people on hear like nothing more than autistically keeping data for the day they get back at you.

Economics is mostly nonsense lad.

Most reliable polling guy says Tories 120 majority.

Spreadbetting sites = Tory 120 majority

Ashcroft mega poll = Tory 120 majority

I want Labour to think they can win.

Thoughts on Post-autistic economics?

How's this one, first year econ student atm. Want to expand my knowledge on it altogether so I can understand economics when talking about politics etc further

user is right. I see so many of these uniformed people trying to talk economics all the time. Pisses me off.

you're retarded lad. dont read fake polls.

labour are 15/1 to win

Christ, I have no idea haven't been there in about a year, it's expensive.

i already have, user
just finished second year undergrad in it and had 4 year of it prior in school
people like Sowell and Hazlitt seem like a good introduction to the field when you're not in an academic setting, in my opinion

looks like Assange is backing Corbyn
>probably because May indirectly imprisoned him in Ecuador's embassy

Explain how the picture and post is related

>le betting markets are more accurate le meme

can't actually remember the last time betting markets got an election right

You know I live in cambridge and that's it desu.

epic rebuttal of the most important field of study that exists today

fake AND gay

You need to combine it with this stuff. The city are not fans of Corb

"hacked" some script kiddie fucking with obsolete software and hardware, fucking media don't try anymore.

And I'm distrusting this May bitch she's using the Manchester "terrorist" attack for political gain and now this, and say that knowing that she's the best option in the next election but I don't like the manipulation.

He's the media's chosen 'random Muslim Mancunian who condemns the violence and wants peace and love and tolerance' guy. He's been interviewed and on TV multiple times, often posing as a regular guy on the street.

friendly reminder that inciting violence via social media communications is a crime user

Economics never gets anything right.

I rate it about the same as astrology. Sure, you can learn a load of detail about it, but it's all just bollocks so who cares?

At least try to make it look realistic

>mfw the wonga I made on Trump

what the fuck are you on about? are you claiming that economics cannot tell us with any degree of certainty whether or not it's a good idea to let governments control and run a monopoly on supermarkets?

I also now know your ID for this thread. Nuff said mate.
>you are not even in the U.K. stop the fake.

his twitter:

quoted here: (

>Mohammed Ullah, Muslim chaplain at University of Manchester, said that he had heard reports of a Muslim girl being spat at and another Muslim person being told to “go home”.

Looks like a proper establishment stooge

I agree. Definitely dont use his twitter for any nefarious reasons

Are you religious?

Well I can hardly prove it without basically doxxing myself can I? Why do you even think I'm not in the UK in the first place? I'd need have a VPN and I don't have a pass so couldn't post with it.

you've bit so hard there lad wew obvious bait is obvious

I will be soon. I am getting there.


I know what the Austrian school is, lad.

What I'm talking about is developing an understanding of how basic shit like inflation works, supply and demand or whatever before jumping into the more complicated shit, if only because it means you don't have to google things every page.

You still need to know the basics at the very least to have any sort of political nous, otherwise how can you criticise anyone's fiscal policy?

The basic books are all very much the same, I think. I bought the Lipsey and Chrystal one when I first wanted to learn Econ and pic related for extra stuff about banking (although there's new version out now).

can we post without giving up shekels yet?

that's not him

this is an opinion that people actually hold, though
i don't really care if user was serious. there was a chance that he was serious and that was enough for me to risk taking the bait.
economics is something that people ought to understand, really. really, really.

oh wait ignore me, his profile pic is old lmao

You are not English because of previous responses. Unless you are totally thick cunt. You choose.


Tories election to lose

is deano here with his barrat new build and diesel audi ?

No more than common sense can.


French election

>You are not English because of previous responses.


it is him, his media shows him with david silva. Definitely is

My dog is German
My coffee is Colombian
My IT is Indian
My car is English
My food is Italian
My TV is Japanese
My diamonds are South African
My licorice is Australian
My computer is Chinese
My wine is French
And I am an American.

Why can't Brits just accept that multiculaturalism and globalisation benefits everyone in the entire world, including third world countries?

22 dead Brits is nothing compared to the carnage you guys caused in the Crusades.

my tummy is rumbling but i just brushed my teeth so eating any food would taste awful

yeah, i know. you are replying to my correction of myself?

You're posting your b8 too often my obese friend

Cook up some fresh pasta lazybones

I wouldnt be suprised if they were mates

nah lad only saw your first post, after i had posted mine you instantly corrected yourself

He's just retarded.

You need to collate these in one image with the media appearances.

And yet you anonymongs still reply.

You aint no muslim kafir

Speaking of which, did we already have this one?


This has been so overdone that it's comical

Probably nothing lads but the Old Vic is being educated.

Probably a good thing as they were starring that hack john boyega there

and your gf is BLACKED

have a drink first senpai