Why is rape and AIDS considered part of a prison sentence in America?
Why is rape and AIDS considered part of a prison sentence in America?
Luke Foster
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Michael Cooper
Angel Edwards
too true to ever been uttered in public
Elijah Johnson
t. eric clanton
Wyatt Garcia
Just asking, doesn't seem just to me. Definitely unacceptable in a first world country.
Nolan Bell
Jeremiah Brown
because america is a violent, vengeful nation
Oliver Rivera
Someone should mail over some lube to some of Clanton's cellmates and hope they get the message
Tyler Cook
I have spent 5 years in a German prison and it was quite comfy.
I've met some relaxed Ex-UdSSR and German people. We have played durak for the entire time and I even did an apprenticeship kek
Are there in gangs in every US prison?
Wyatt Taylor
Because prison sucks which is the whole point