Perfect Europe thread
Perfect Europe thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Germany excisting.
>France having the Levant rather than byzantines
Baltic should be free
>Portugal and Spain and so different they are separate
>Hungary + Romania + Slavs is ok tho
>Sweden with the other Nordics
I don't agree.
>implying the Kalmar union isn't domiated by the fingolians
Most Balkan countries have no reason existing, so Hungary would be doing us all a favour
Mass deportations and uncucking would have to take place in Sweden if it's even possible
Stob id.
Finngolian Khanate please
>Most Balkan countries have no reason existing
Why an independent Pommern?
>independent Pommerania
>britposter claims that Ireland should be in the UK
Be a NEET if you want, shitpost in the summer if you want, but to be ignorant on top of that? It's apalling.
Because they deseve freedom.
lol you belong to africa now uk cuck
>hey deseve freedom
why tho? In what ways are they different than the rest of north germany?
give Petsamo back
>Devon and Cornwall part of wales
You stob id
Why does Italy have Corsica?
Also free the baltics.
Give the Levant to the Byzantines
Weren't them somehow more Slavic with a different Germanic dialect?
>france and netherlands not black
Independent Cornwall then? An Anglo containment zone is needed.
Le Cornwall meme
best map
fuck you commie
>perfect Europe
>Russia exists
>grossgermanium autism
Habby now?
idk i was asking you. Even if they had a bit of a different dialect, that was long ago and they were the same blood anyways.
Santiago y cierra España.
Zipayo traidor, Portugal es España.
That map is the goal of the kikes you stupid gilipollas.
Reminder Cornwall is rightful Celtic clay.
There is literally no argument that East Prussia isn't German land
What if it said Illyria instead?
>Some kind of multinational union based on region like the EU
>Not kikish
Eternal Castilian don't be kike please...
close enough...
But they are more Slavic than Germanic as I said. Besides, a too big Germany is a threat.
Fuck the EU! you retarded muslim ass licker.
fuck off germany is best neighbour
Danzig ist Deutsch auch
>arabia exists
>perfect europe
You're not from round here, are you?
I disagree
>Hungary would be doing us all a favour
We've been doing Europe favors since 1241, and get fucked in the end, so yeah no
You are the one asking for an Iberian Union moor mongrel. You are as kike as the EU.
Slavic isn't really an ethnicity. Most of the polish lands were formed by Germanic tribes but the language had changed
But I want all the qt red heads in my country
t. Eternal Anglo
I dunno, I don't know for sure. How are the things there Kraut? Should they be Polish or German?
me either Freund :^)
We are an older kingdom than Germany
Ayy, shut the fuck up Ahmed.
>Germany exists
>no Papal States
>no Bavaria
Im not asking for anything.
It is like it is. Portugal it's a ramification of Galicia, and Galicia is Spain, so Portugal is Spanish claim you moron.
Youre a kike disguised as a castillian, fuck u.
Many Poles have Slavic cranial structure (more round head). West Poland used to be more Germanic than the rest put since the dismantlment of Prussia and Polish annexation I don't know how things are there now.
>poland not being shared by germany, russia and austria
at least we can agree that it's a shit map
Why the fuck did you give Süd Tirol to the Italians? Germany.
>t. eternal anglo
You realise you're not allowed to call yourself that if your knowledge of Britain comes from watching the Cartoon Network, right?
There you go mate.
Portugal is Galician clay, not Castilian. And castile is Leonese clay you separatist bastards.
who cares lol. I think the dutch are separate enough now to be different countries now but the kingdom doesn't matter, the people and culture do.
kindly fuck off.
give us bohemia back and it's perfect
>West Poland used to be more Germanic
As would be Pommern now and then. I know the ethnicity has 'changed' for the poles but thats why i was questioning for Pommern and not other former German lands
>Independent roachland
NO, Also poor Poles.
You would be too dangerous eternal Habsburg.
nationalist europe is the good europe
You call me separatist!?
Youre the one drawing a map of Europe without Spain. How much money you get from the golpistas of the spanish left.
Reconquista v2.0 Soon and me will be fighting (((you))) like my grand-grandfather withe the nationalist.
This time will be no pity or reconciliation for (((you leftist scum)))
Neither are you it seems.
It's filled with Russians
yeah, no
Also the weakest.
>Vallen voor de Duitse meme.
user, ik...
>border gore
kill yourself
If it was up to me I would give Pommerania to Germany, but this would cause conflict with the Poles. To keep peace creating a state not Polish nor German based on historical reasons would be a good option, but as I said I'm not an expert in that area's history nor current situation.
Easily shipped east into their Putin-loving shithole.
I never understood this map. How the fuck is Brasov going to join Hungary when it's 87% romanian and only 7% hungarian?
>Several cousins in the south-east of England
>Hundreds of photographs of English family dating back to the 1910s
>Have the entirety of my great grandfather's coin collection including 19th century coins and a medal for his service in the Home Guard
French part of Belgium should reunite with France , Dutch part with the Netherlands to form Greater Nederlands
>Divide et impera
fucking americans would love that
Stop stealing our land, faggots.
>niet vrienden zijn met het beste niet-nederlandse land
waarschijnlijk kom jij ook uit noord-holland
stop stealing ours
>still mad
>but this would cause conflict with the Poles.
Its not the only thing that would lol. If its filled with germans today it should belong to germany, if not then no. And I mean blood wise, not 'nationality'.
What part are you in?
Castile belongs to Leon and you know it. 1065 was a mistake.
>Beste niet Nederlandse land.
The irony when Sud Tyrol is the least shitty part of Italy.
at least you're treating them well m8
Hitler offered Poland a military alliance back in 1938. The world would be much different if we said yes.
I'll divide the zone between Poland and Germany in the next thread then.
Leon it's asturian claim, and castille has his germen in Cantabria.
WTF are you talking about... Where the fuck u came? jajajaja...
lol okay. I don't really care. I'm not Pomeranian or from germany or polish. Was just questioning the choice
duitsland is letterlijk het beste grote land in europa, frankrijk kan oprotten
>listening to the eternal anglo ever
You had a leader who was cooperative right? what happened to him?