>almost every interaction in the movie is between different races
>every evil character is white
>black fucking farmers
How can they be this obvious?
>almost every interaction in the movie is between different races
>every evil character is white
>black fucking farmers
How can they be this obvious?
in the movie no one ever heard of? who fucking cares.
Thats a pretty well known movie though user
Yes, the dark knight rises is one heck of a movie
>$607.4 million
>no one ever heard of
Thought i was the only one who noticed.
Also what happened? They had some kind of massive fucking war that shifted the northern US border to the ND/SD line instead of Canada?
>Black farmers
There's a region of the south called the Black Belt for a reason.
I lost my shit with the black family being middle west crop farmers.
They even made the kid have trophies of rodeo stuff, It was a big kek.
The movie is about white men dying and taking over by Mexicans moving to Canada because US is doomed.
That's in southern Ontario fuckwad
That's not the south. They are moving to North Dakota. In that moment of the movie they are like in Oklahoma.