Why does Donald Trump make people so angry?
Why does Donald Trump make people so angry?
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Bullheaded, stupid, first grade interpretations of most things, he is a nationalist during a time when our country is full of dumb fags that want to open up their assholes to other peoples and countries because they think it makes them intellectuals, and he is "R, Red, Republican, He's on the bad team!" since the media is selling that everything he does is a disaster, and he wants to end American lazyness and gibmedats which is going to upset lazy Americans receiving gibmedats.
That about sums it up.
fpbp, but don't forget about the time he got two scoops
because they're entrenched in the "hes a nazi" meme and now admitting they're wrong would cause them to lose face so they double and triple down on the meme despite him being just a bog-standard globalist kike.
nothing can change that opinion. changing peoples minds when doing so would cause them to look foolish is impossible
Just fucking look at that puckered orange asshole face of his. Christ, I can't even look at him without a wave of nausea and hatred flaring up.
And the way he talks, too. It resonates with some people but not me. His fucking word-salad stream-of-conscious monosyllable style is as appealing to listen to as experimental rap.
He's a D-list celebrity clown, a hypocrite, the last putrid scrape from a can of long-expired Baby Boomer generation ideals. If he's not impeached before the end of this year, he's going to resign because he's an insecure little man-child
I don't like goy who guzzle kike cum so shamelessly. It's an embarrassment. Most whore politicians aren't exhibitionists and at least try to be subtle about it.
Because the truth hurts
Hmmm... nothing about the nuclear codes etc.?
U mad?
Great copypasta. Where did you find this lmao
The same reason people get angry at Trudeau. They're butthurt at someone who is winning.
He's dumb as a sack of bricks about anything that isn't real estate.
He's a rich white old guy.
Because they are not getting their way!
I love Trump. He doesn't make me angry at all. barry obummer on the other hand, makes me angry.
They've been conditioned all their lives to react to certain stimuli, the media is cashing in on the brainwashing and repeating it over and over causing the average retard to explode.
We are fine with him, invest in Spen
Spen is a great place Spen is a great country
He doesn't. The TV tells people to be outraged so they follow instructions. Why does the TV tell people to be outraged? Because he's a threat, for the first time in a long time.
He dares go against "the progress of humanity"
The (((media))) cannot control him.
He defies all things liberals have been doing for the past 30 years.
He's a cunt and needs to come back home from that phony party and clean house.
The people left in his stead are fucking up.
Because while everyone else gets 1 scoop he gets 2 scoops.
After 6 months of campaign, I can freely say he didn't really deliver on his promesses.
All he has done so far is talk down to Obama, contradict Obama and shut down all his laws, healthcare and politics. He's making the opposite of Obama. He wanted to become president only to piss off Obama.
Now that he has realized being president it's far more complicated, that he sees how everybody operates and that he is a useful tool to those who truly control the country, he's making an ass of himself .
He really doesn't care anymore.
It's sad that this will have bad consequences towards conservatives
He's a white male and not a numale.
Millennials have never seen an unapologetic white male of old.
It's a boogey man to them.
Also the other races hate whites therefore they hate him
Pretty much a race war against white men.