this atheist kgb shill is such a troll
this atheist kgb shill is such a troll
Orthodox Church looks cool.
how do you know he's trolling?
It's called Byzantine Symphony, look it up.
>what is the Noble Lie
American neocons (who are an offshoot of Trotskyism) were pushing religion for similar reasons.
Is it any wonder, that the USSR suffered when it persecuted Jesus? And the Russian Federation now flourishes now that they love God? And Europa flourished when they loved Jesus? And now that they have persecuted Jesus, they suffer many afflictions?
What mystery, that the people are hardened and disbelieving of the truth!
God has favored Putin and Russia. Mock them all you want but God is real and does not tolerate fools
>Russian Federation
Pick one.
I doubt there even is a russian word for prosperity.
who are you again?
He banned a Christian group instead of Islam. That's all I need to know about him.
banned from what and why
He banned Jehovah's Witnesses from their nation. But he hasn't banned Islam.
A lot of people may not like them, or agree with their views of the Father and Son being two different beings. But they are Christian.
Islam though, no ban for them.
Money laundering pays well.
have you got anything bigger?
Is Putin /ourguy/?
>jew proxies detected
meh I think he's like most Russians
goes to church like five times in a lifetime, or once a year at most, but still thinks it's part of our culture
than again there are many ex-kgb or ex-military who are rich, influential and religious, he might easily be one, how would you know
> JW
> Christian
They are annoying fucks
your totalitarian sect has as much to do with christianity as heavens gate and aum shinrike. high-ranking pedophiles in jw can escape prosecution in america due to watchtower lobby in u.s. senate, but here in russia you have to comply with federal laws
Orthomemery is not Christianity. The only Christianity is Trad Catholicism.
This, I have no love for the EU. But Putin is a sneaky snake himself. Right now, I'm putting more and more belief in Poland saving the West. And I still think Britain has potential if they ever manage to actually Brexit.
And Islam isn't? No ban for them.
>Hurr look I drew lines in a shape that broadly follows a group of anglo masons, must be a conspiracy
Why isn't Islam banned?
you have to go back to 9gag
because grand mufti of russia follows the russian law. the law, brainwashed subhuman, i know the concept is an oddity to you
Russia wenth throught communism and survived, western nations will not.
Seriously you don't get it poor souls, you don't get what this ideology did to the eastern people, it infect the minds, the spirit, the soul.
Putin fags, explain this!!!!!!!!!
one is a sect
another, religion
wahhabism is not banned, for example, but some fringe texts are, and clearly prominent religious leaders in dagestan/chechnya etc are profiled by FSB.
Orthodox Church looks amazing.
>Islam is good, the white American is the subhuman.
>it's impossible to imagine russians have opinion in russia
They are a religion. They are their own religion, just as much as Islam is. There are just more Islamic people.
Ban Islam you faggots.
It's not about disagreeing with their views, they are straight up a cult that controls people's lives and splits up families if they don't all believe.
>it's impossible to imagine cockholes having anything in porkistan.
you converse like a braindead fanatic and make an assumption you're entitled to immunity from legal prosecution just based on the color of your skin. a testament to social ineptitude and infantility of a regular jenowah zombie
They are a legit religion that kicks out degenerates for being degenerate.
Islam is straight up degenerate and gets no ban.
eh, he's just a president
that Sup Forums loves him won't make him genocide jews or make war on tatars
Russia's just reasonable on racial relations, not batshit multiculti, and not full hitler. but I personally think it's funny that Russia of all places is supposed to be some white supremasist's paradise
my theory is that pol got that idea from how many neo nazi gangs we've had in the 90es and 00s but we're 20% muslim and nobody seriously considers tatars or buryats inferior. we only hate minorities that deserve it
>it's impossible to imagine pidoraha not thinking about anal and ukraine
I said nothing about people having immunity based on skin color.
That's complete bs, that your making up.
I fucking love Leningrad.
4 Rabbis removed in a year, is your response?
JW is a full blown cult. I don't know if it's the same in US, but here they do extremely shady shit, easily worse than scientology or something. I'm glad that they're banned.
>it's funny that Russia of all places is supposed to be some white supremasist's paradise
It is really funny. It's just cheap anti-russian propaganda about neo-nazi gangs and whatnot backfiring in my opinion.
Хoхoл нacpaл нa пoл
This. Muh Defender of Christianity, it's propaganda run like the very poor man's Hollywood, There are orthodox monks that are poor as fuck that are more Christian than these fucks.
they hold a lot more political power
What shady stuff? Anything different than what Catholics have been accused of around the world?
Are Catholics banned in Russia?
by the way, love greek/russian orthodox chants
This looks more like a cult than anything I've seen from Jehovah's witnesses. It's just a really big cult.
well size is one of the basic differences between a cult and religion, after all
Well yes, just wanted to counter shitty infographic with an appropriatly shitty point, that already crumble half of the narrative presented in that infographic.
I guess I should have my wording to extremist fanatics.
That's 4 people were removed doesn't counter anything in that post.
how is he trolling? Russia was christian and flourished in the arts/music/theater until communism destroyed all of it and turned it into a shit hole. Russia was a beautiful country that has turned to garbage thanks to their abandonment of God. They're still recovering.
>Anything different than what Catholics have been accused of around the world?
>What shady stuff?
Classic cult things. Forcing people to cut off ties with their families, moving them to remote shitholes and using their property like apartments for profit. This is what i've seen personally, there's probably more of the same. There's also "harmless" stuff, like demanding donations and so on.
It means that Putin doesn't care about jewish community any more than he cares about christians' or muslims'. They all can get the fall if they would start to make a trouble for his system.
Kicking out degenerates is not shady.
They don't "demand" donations. They ask for donations. And unlike other churches don't even expect people to donate. They put the money box in the back and don't watch people as they put their money in.
And I have no idea what you are saying about using apartments for profit.
That's the entire point, to be like the first Christians.
Problem is, muslims in Russia are native. Russians conquered their lands and put them under their crown. They have a historic legitimacy to practice their religion, as long as it is controled by the state in order to not cause problems.
JW aren't.
The Russian Constitution promises freedom of religion, no matter if they have been there for a long time or not. That argument is invalid as being the difference between the two.
>And I have no idea what you are saying about using apartments for profit.
You tell someone that they should move out of their fancy apartment and move to the JW compound 100km away from the city. Because they don't really need that apartment anyway, apocalypse and all. Why not just give it to the church so they can rent it out or sell it? The church will be able to spread word further with that help.
>And unlike other churches don't even expect people to donate.
Citation needed. I'm not talking about your peaceful and somewhat annoying murican JW by the way.
Our constitution is a joke. Any federal law can contradict it and will have legal priority over it.
unless you're a moslem. then it's legal because otherwise ivans would shit their pants.
They don't tell people to do that.
It's an option people have if they want to volunteer. It's the same deal with Monks, I think Nuns might do that same thing.
It's a choice a handful of people have the option of making if that is what they want to do.
They don't pass a collection plate. They put the box in the back so that there is no pressure to donate and people aren't watching you.
Except there are like 10 laws in the Constitution on Religious freedom and they make it specific that they can't be contradicted.
>chechen man marrying chechen girl with approval of her parents
>all done within legal bounds
>And I have no idea what you are saying about using apartments for profit.
There was a plenty of religious cults in the 90' and 00' that brainwashed their followers to make them gift their property to a cult, untill appropriate laws weren't written.
Can't say anything about witnesses though. But you could guess why we don't like non-native religious movements.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
The law isn't the right. The law emerge from the right and can be changed considering the situation.
The burkini ban, for instance, is ridiculous if we only follow International law, because it goes against the freedom of religion. Considering we are under Islamic invasion, though, that measure makes more sense.
The Russian state considered that JW are a danger to traditional civilization due to their nonsense theology, their anglo puritanism, and their overal neo-protestant retardation sectarism. Considering they are very active and try to convert people to their (((religion))), Putin did the right thing. It is as much and dangerous a false doctrine than Islam, and they did the right thing to prevent false doctrines to be spreaded. As for Islam, it is already here since eight centuries. Trying to " ban it " will end in Russia collapse and separatism. Better to try to slowly convert than that.
They don't make anybody give up anything.
That's what it comes down to. They aren't native to Russia and they have been the victims of lies for being started by an American.
>They don't tell people to do that.
Citation needed.
>It's a choice a handful of people have the option of making if that is what they want to do.
Top fucking kek, you're entertaining. I'm talking with conviction here because i actually personally know a victim. Fuck you and your cult. You reap what you sow.
Give me a few minutes on that, I'll be back with some.
>turning a blind eye just so that chechens won't drive to moscow and murder you
it's fine
>letting that monkey kadirov have his own personal militia
it's ok
It doesn't matter what his personal opinions are, ideology of Russian state is far healthier than those in West in many aspects. And retarded in some, but that's another issue.
#1 divorce rates
#1 hiv rates
#1 krokodil users
Those are consequences of Soviet rule and breakdown in 90's. You can't really attribute that to Putin because all those areas improved during his rule.
Your argument is quite retarded my friend.
Furthermore, this ''Russia is the biggest threat'' meme is awful and anyone using it needs to have his brain checked, or is shilling for someone.
Strong Russia isn't a bad thing, especially not for East. It narrows down the options of Westerners in dealing with Eastern Europe because there's always strong (but not strong enough to dominate) Russia which we can turn to.
If you had some brains you would realize the advantages of this situation. Calm the fuck down.
Chapter 1
Article 2 "Man, his rights and freedoms are the supreme value. The recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen shall be the obligation of the State."
Article 4 "The Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws shall have supremacy in the whole territory of the Russian Federation."
Article 13 1. "In the Russian Federation ideological diversity shall be recognized"
4 "Public associations shall be equal before the law."
Article 14 2 "Religious associations shall be separated from the State and shall be equal before the law."
***Article 15 1 "...Laws and other legal acts adopted in the Russian Federation shall not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation."
Chapter 2 Article 17 2. "Fundamental human rights and freedoms are inalienable and shall be enjoyed by everyone since the day of birth."
****Article 19 2. "All forms of limitations of human rights on social, racial, national, linguistic or religious grounds shall be banned."
(Putting a limitation on a religious group is actually banned in Russia by the Constitution)
Article 28 "Everyone shall be guaranteed the freedom of conscience, the freedom of religion, including the right to profess individually or together with other any religion or to profess no religion at all, to freely choose, possess and disseminate religious and other views and act according to them."
Article 46 "Everyone shall be guaranteed judicial protection of his rights and freedoms."
Article 55 2."In the Russian Federation no laws shall be adopted cancelling or derogating human rights and freedoms."
Only good smithite is a dead smithite, fucking gnostic trash.
Burn those cocksuckers at the stake.
>Citation needed
You are asking me to prove a negative.
They don't ask people to do that. How am I suppose to have a citation to prove that they don't do that?
I know for a fact it's an option. Anyone who says otherwise is lying. It's no different than a nun or a monk making the same exact choice.
i never said russia is a threat.
it's a barking nigeria who invades former friendly states like ukraine or georgia. weak countries who were in their spehere of influence anyway.
this just proves what a paper tiger is, mount nigger.
They have nothing to do with Mormons.
Our "constitution" has this shit:
>п.3 cт.55 Пpaвa и cвoбoды чeлoвeкa и гpaждaнинa мoгyт быть oгpaничeны фeдepaльным зaкoнoм тoлькo в тoй мepe, в кaкoй этo нeoбхoдимo в цeлях зaщиты ocнoв кoнcтитyциoннoгo cтpoя, нpaвcтвeннocти, здopoвья, пpaв и зaкoнных интepecoв дpyгих лиц, oбecпeчeния oбopoны cтpaны и бeзoпacнocти гocyдapcтвa.
This basically states that any of our rights can be "limited" to the extend required in order to protect laws, morals, health, rights and lawful interests of other people, defense of our country and safety of our government.
Literally any federal law that contradicts our constitution can be argued to fall under this exception. That's why our constitution is a joke and that's why it laughable to even bring it up.
Read this
>Anyone who says otherwise is lying.
We're really getting nowhere, and as you probably know arguing with a cultist is just stupid. All you can really do is write some more funny letters or do some of your usual bullshit artist tricks. Probably won't work. So good luck with your apocalypse thing.
The rights and freedoms of man and citizen may be limited by the federal law ONLY TO SUCH AN EXTENT to which it is necessary for the protection of the fundamental principles of the constitutional system, morality, health, the rights and lawful interests of other people, for ensuring defence of the country and security of the State.
It doesn't say human right can be taken away. It says it can be limited but only to an extent, not completely taken away.
I live in an orthodox country. It's shit
Corrupt rich priests kissing and worshiping corpses and objects. It's disgusting
hey of course fat hirger-ups are corrupt as fuck, it's always been that way
but you have places like athon mount monastery
they're real deal
Where's the proof that it happenings? All i see is empty statement with no data to back it up.
And Kadirov already lost control on all of those units in 2016. They're a part of National Guard, which is commanded by the boss of Putins personal security detail.
I still can't get past the thinly veiled idol worshiping that pervades every aspect of it
Orthodoxy feels like a cheap joke compared to other branches of Christianity
>muh anonymous source
Apex proof
Monastery, do the Monks give up their world possessions and live a live for the Church?
Isn't that frowned upon in Russia? I keep hearing it's one of the terrible thing about Jehovah's witnesses.
ha, good one
difference is their expensive as fuck moscow apartments don't go to the church I guess
that's mostly because patriarch is rich as fuck as it is, but still
I repeat, any of the laws that contradict constitution can be argued to fall under this part. It doesn't need to say that "we can take all your rights lololol", legal loopholes don't work like that. Do you have trouble understanding this or what?
Religious laws aren't the only one that override it. We recently had a law that regulates governmental spying on citizens and it directly contradicts constitution. Or a law that limits our rights to gather and protests, which exists for more than 10 years already - also directly contradicts. There's a tons of them and all of them are argued to be basically "for the greater good" and fall under one pretense or another in that part of our constitution.
It's the same exact thing buddy. It's people giving up their world possessions by choice to live a life for the Church.
And nobody that goes has to give anything to the JW organization to go. They can give it to their family.
It's so much the same thing it's funny.
It says "only to an extant"
It it was intended to say, "completely if necessary" it would have.
I don't need a proof, since there's no argument.
If you want me to do something about JW ban you have to convince me. Saying that i'm a liar won't help you. I'm actually very comfortable with the status quo.
>It says "only to an extant"
>It doesn't need to say that "we can take all your rights lololol", legal loopholes don't work like that.
So, your saying your entire nation is a fraud, and the Constitution and laws of your country isn't worth toilet paper
well maybe local JW fags went too greedy and discredited the whole thing
not entire JW fault, but in other countries, keep an eye on out on your cult's corrupt managers