
>If a woman wants to get estrogen she just has to say she doesn't want to get pregnant and can get it over the counter
>If a man wants to get estrogen he just has to say he identifies as a woman
>If a woman wants to get testosterone she just has to say she identifies as a man
>If a man wants to get testosterone he's breaking the law unless he has less testosterone than what's considered low for an old man in which case he gets prescribed just enough to be at the very low end of normal
When will this end?
>inb4 betas unironically claim having more test is bad because it's legally classified as a "drug"
>inb4 some faggots claim vitamins, lifting and nutrition can have a fraction of a percentage of the effect exogenous test does
>inb4 bluepilled retards unironically buy into the propaganda about normal test usage rendering you infertile

Other urls found in this thread:

My plan is to blast until my LV fucking blows open 6 months so far.

how about you staop being a fag

Test is literally the injectable redpill. Considering trying trenbolone in a few weeks.

>letting low test betas take pills to stop being betas
This is how bad genes get passed on

Does injecting test have bad side effects? How do I get some?

they are putting chemicals in the water

I thought sauce was legal in bongland brittbong?

The reason behind it not being legal in the U.S. is:
>emasculating of males so they are easier to control in masses. Testosterone == Mans will to survive and do what is necessary to survive against the enemy.
>Second reason here in the US is the NFL. Srs. They are largely illegal because of professional sports but the average user can't safely take pharm grade sauce because of muh nfl.

does exogenous test make you an addict for life?

id love to juice but i refuse to if my balls are gonna fall off if i decide ive had enough

Until you fuck up your hormones while your balls shrink and you start balding.
Stop believing everything on internet.

Yes. It fucks up your natural hormonal balance which leads to your balls shrinking and stopping testosterone production which can stay permanent. You'll also develop tits and acne.
Besides that, various cardiovascular problems and problems with liver.
Finally, it's a fucking fraud. You can easily look nice and be strong without steroids, it just takes a bit more time.

If only that were true m8
It will just hypertrophy until your cardio is so shit you can't even walk up stairs without taking the rest of the day off.

>universal healthcare

This is how bad genes get passed on

ok, mate
what about the balls?

If you come off properly using a SERM and/or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin you will recover close to 100% every time.

Screwing around with hormones is a bad idea in general.

balls should be situated above the dick

how about people that get 2 scoops instead of 1 scoop? What about 4 scoops?

>Be man
>Say that you are a woman
>Say that you want to transition to become a man
>Anyone that doesn't give you testosterone is a problematic oppressive shitlord

let me break down your line of thought
>only people with bad genetics can't afford health care
>so being wealthy means you have good genetics

but poor people have way more kids than rich people either way..

so what you mean to say was:
>this is how bad genes get passed on

Montenigger is being a fag.
Look up post-cycle-therapy. Basically everyone maintains a different ratio of Est to Test. What happens when you dump a bunch of test in your system is it turns to E to maintain that ratio after a period of time. This is why people get bitch tits. You need to inhibit the E production. Read up on it. The ball shrinking effect is another thing related to T levels that you need to work into your cycle. I think Clomid or some shit is what they use to retain their balls.
Steroids isn't a magic bullet. You need to cycle various different shit I'm not going to bother trying to elaborate on. check out eroidz .com to get started.
Don't take fucking pills they do damage to your liver.
If you repeatedly cycle you will have a small dick and likely end up with gyno at some point due to a sloppy cycle or overdoing things.
Steroids aren't inherently addictive, the effects are.

Depends on what kind of use are we talking about.
If you expect major results you're gonna need a lot of roiding.
I mean I make it look like heroin, it's not, but using steroids only makes sense to reach your limit faster. Then you can get off like you say.
If you go over your natural limit, you're gonna need constant cycling, which makes it pointless and quite similar to drug abuse, and makes it more probable that you will suffer long term effects.

r8 my natty physique

Test does make you infertile
Fuck the blueshills think for yourself
>Natural test , own babies
>Inject test , your body stops creating it , you are just shooting some byproduct waste of your injected test

This seems like a non problem if you don't associate with beta faggots. Associate yourself with people that view fitness or nutrition in a positive light you stupid idiot

More like

>if a man wants to get testosterone he goes online and buys it, essentially risk free

Natural limit is grossly underestimated by most.
If you're 6ft you can easily reach and retain 95kg lean after 2x 12 week cycles if you're not a retard with diet and training.

But who was calves

This is what Sup Forumstards don't understand , they know nothing about how steroids work


>those delts

I never said steroids are addictive. Perhaps psychologically.
What I said is that steroid use is kinda pointless. You can obviously reach your natural limit without roiding, it just takes time and dedication.
For an average 180 cm tall guy, that's like 80kg of lean mass, maybe more.
If you think 80kg of lean mass is ''weak'' or looks bad, you need to see a psychologist because you suffer from body dysmorphia.

at least it helps us weed out the low test faggots. a man who is young that supplements testosterone is a genetic failure and a boy

Shoulders are underwhelming DESU. Throw in lateral raises if they aren't already in your routine

>95kg lean
No, that's just not possible.
Genetic freaks can reach 85kg+ with that height. Anything above 90kg is just impossible.
Just to make it clear, I'm talking about lean mass, not lean+BF. If you meant that, I apologize.

You can never go back to natural levels of test after injecting , your body stops creating it once you inject and you need to take estrogen blockers to get even the most minuscule amounts of natural test back

Buddy you don't need faggy doctors if you want testosterone. Plante of ''underground'' shops selling high quality stuff online. Just don't be a dipshit and expect to look ripped in a week just because you're roiding, it doesn't work like that.

already have
if every male on the planet did one cycle of trenbolone leftism would be dead within half a year

You can. Depends on what kind of use are we talking about.
Not in a week, but roiding is literally magic. You'll gain muscle without even doing anything.

Do you lift ? It's impossible to stay lean without losing muscle , unless you're one of them fags that only looks good on camera and a size L shirt looks like a bag on in real life

>Not in a week, but roiding is literally magic. You'll gain muscle without even doing anything.
Sure you do, but it will go away just as fast once you stop your cycle.

reminder that Arnold was on and off steroids from the age of 15 and had kids fine and that Dorian Yates was blasting grams of stuff every week for years on end and had kids fine as well

>it's impossible to stay lean
What do you mean by lean? To me, being around 10% BF is lean. And that's perfectly possible. It's just pain in the ass, obviously.

I see where you are coming from, but raising your test levels naturally isn't all that hard. Don't eat like shit, run & lift, take some ZMA, and don't jack off. I was feeling off and got mine checked, kinda low for where I was at in life, more than doubled them after a year of being healthy. Quit being a piece of shit and stop trying to take shortcuts. Friends of mine have cycled test, I might too at some point, but you have to be very on top of your shit if you don't want negative side effects. Even then, you cannot control acne, balding, etc.

Men or women rarely possess conditions that neccesitate hormone therapy, test is regulated harder because it is profitable as fuck for pharma companies because most lazy NA males are low-t as a result of their lifestyles. Grow up and go outside, OP. Pick up some weights and run around. Or, better yet, kill yourself.

You need to be 15-20% if you're natty , anything lower and you look like someone who doesn't lift once you put some clothes on and stop flexing

>jack off
This meme really needs to die. Masturbation is totally irrelevant, and if you aren't having regular sex it's actually healthy.

What do you guys thing about doing a clen cycle with just cardio to drop about 25lbs of fat before one starts lifting heavy

Twink homo/10

Lurk more
If you take the proper post cycle you will never drop below 90% of original test levels.

Estrogen blockers aren't used to increase testosterone after you cycle off you spastic. SERM increase estrogen in joints,membranous tissues & some organs, and decrease in adipose tissue.

HCG is the only reliable way to return test back to normal.

Not really but yeah, you won't look huge. What's your point though?
It's all in your head. You don't need to look huge.
Having low body fat and exercising is good for you in both physical and psychological sense.
It's also fun.

I'll PCT when I'm dead

My shoulders routine is typically
>seated db press
>bb upright row
>side lateral raise cable or db
>rear delt fly multiple variations
>bb shrug

Definitely a lot bigger and defined than a few months ago. more size and separation would be nice. Trying to get my shoulders strengthened after a couple AC joint injuries so I don't develop tendinitis.

Nothing to scream about, but youve put in some work clearly. Good on you user, keep it up!

It's better to keep the fat , lifting burns a lot more calories then cardio , only cucks with no muscle do cardio and it also ruins gains

Don't listen to faggots your shoulders are fine.

>never said estrogen blockers increase testosterone retard
If you stop taking test straight up you will turn into a female , if you take estrogen blockers your body starts on a slow process of creating hormones again

>Test is literally the injectable redpill. Considering trying trenbolone in a few weeks.

Making steroids illegal in the 1990's was literally Feminist base history platform to deprive Beat males the chance to be alpha.

Coincidentally the next time your dick will get hard is when you're dead too.

If you don't have the discipline now to cut 25lbs of fat without drugs you're in a bit of a mess.

>Making steroids illegal in the 1990's was literally Feminist base hystery platform to deprive Beta males the chance to be alpha.


I really meant porn, but lets be cucks are argue semantics. Most people jack off to porn, porn lowers test. Masturbating is only healthy if it is infrequent and done without porn. If you dont watch porn and dont jack off, like myself, no need to worry about muh health, as you'll just occasionally spooge your pants at night. It doesnt happen often, usually after a week or two without sex, but its the bodys way of taking care of itself. Stop jacking off and go find a woman.

I've already cut about 20 since I started taking care of myself 6 months ago. Diet was the most important. I was lifting fairly frequently to up until about 2.5 months ago. Beach season is coming, I just want to be lean

Your dick isn't affected by testosterone, retard. It's your balls that shrink under heavy testosterone abuse. They will grow once you stop and your hormone levels are normalized again.

All I want to know is if clen with cardio will help me shed weight faster. I have no problem cutting weight and hitting the gym but everyone I talk to says it's stupid to start lifting on a cut like I was so I just run now

Its honestly highly variable from person to person. Some can come of cycle no PCT and recover in a week or two. On the otherside of the spectrum some won't recover for the best part of a year and not to full levels.

Either way your body simply does not produce enough estrogen on or off cycle to have any noticeable feminizing effects. In fact, natural estrogen production is suppressed from taking testosterone and the only reason estrogen levels can get high is because of the aromatisation of the exogenous test.

Just lift and do cardio afterwards if you're trying to shed fat. Cut out sugars so no soda, fruit, candy, etc. Eat lean sources of protein and some whole grain carbs and fibrous vegetables. Limit eating carbs before bed, get some fat free Greek yogurt or other casein protein and eat that before bed. Be highly intense in your workout and regulate your in between set breaks.

Generally people try to avoid cardio with clen because you can get arrhythmias and MI.

>implying you need to inject that shit
Just stop taking hot showers, eat some brocolli and decent fats, fast every day while exercising and you're good.

You look like youre wondering if you just sharted or not

Also, if you haven't lifted before you can put on a considerable amount of mass while losing fat in your first few months. Just make sure you have enough protein.

I wish I could have half you muscles.
But you're still a tattooed degenerate.

Was a nookie 6 months ago, lifted 3x a week w/ 30 mins cardio on 1500 kcal high protein diet. Didnt see much muscle gain but definitely lost a lot of fat. (Started seeing my collarbone, veins popping in myour wrists) but then I just stopped and kept eating right and hovered at 190-195 now I'm back to running but 4x a week and I feel good tho my diet isn't as regulated as it was for those 3-4 months, I haven't gained anything back, I just eat less. Maybe i should just be lifting too and load MFP back on the phone

There's your problem

Just kidding, the scientific literature says cardio doesn't actually kill gainz.

Unless you have naturally shit test then its probably either your diet or your training.

For hypertrophy reps/set don't actually matter as long as every set is to failure. Providing that happens the only thing that matters is total volume (mass x reps x sets). Plenty of peer-reviewed literature to back that up.

I feel like it builds my calfs lol honestly my legs are pretty beastly from being overweight most of my life.

This is the program I was running

Think I'll hop back on today and keep the cardio. Main goal right now is fat loss