I am Richard Spencer. AMA.
I am Richard Spencer. AMA
Would you fuck Trump?
I'm actually getting laid again. Mike Enoch and a few reporters are doing the job. But yes.
you know the rules
tits and timestamp
Why are you undercutting every reasonable effort to preserve Confederate monuments?
Why are you so autistic
I won't timestamp, but I'll upload my gf's tit's later.
My ego is frail, and I have to be the center of attention. Be ready for news next week.
this sage
How can I be autistic when my gf is hot?
Hell is for ever!
when will you get rid of your faggot haircut?
Op is a faggot
Fuck off rich, nobody cares about you here. Go to reddit if you want some attention.
OP will never deliver timestamp or tits
have a vaporpapor instead
Are you black pilled about the inevitable destruction of western civilisation?
Nigga, you got fat and you're a closeted fag.
I'm Richard Spencer
I suck dick, let people fck my ass, but I'm white, love me
when will you lose weight. we can't have a fat-assed fag as our leader
what's antifa spunk taste like?
Why do you wear that stupid ass trendy haircut you fat fuck
Why are you such a kike faggot lover?
SVC and heritage cucks werent effective either. Spencer wasn't in NOLA and the statues came down. Spencer was in VA and the statues remain
We need proof that you are Richard Spencer otherwise you are just another faggot trying to waste our time
Who wouldn't?
how is the gym search going?
You literally just came over from a Sup Forums thread about how you can take him down.
He never denied he used to associate with Gottfried. He was a fucking DC journo, ofc he was around jews. Like all of us, he wasnt born "woke". He came to the JQ late, for years he was towing the paleocon jared taylor line. He names the jew often now, so I don't see a problem.
what do you tell your barber?
How much does the FBI pay you?
Why the fuck do you think this is Reddit and AMAing? No one gives a shit.
What product do you use for your hair?
>on Sup Forums
>concerned about wasting time
that looks like some DIY work m8
I don't think a barber would do that to somebody, I think it's against some kind of code to do no harm
Exactly how much does the Bush family pay you to make us look bad?
How can you know that? aye thats right... newfag i know
Have you always been a gay icon? What skin lotion and conditioner do you use? What are the alt-right boys like? Favourite posich?
MODS now
dis bad
delete this, wtf mods?
What is the name for this particular hair style?
delete this now
What the fuck man
Wtf is going on here
Oh yeah... haha.
ofc its a muslim
Why are people posting CP in a spencer thread?
I thought he wasn't a threat?
Why are you so handsome? Would you consider snuggling lovingly with an ultra fashy bi aryan male?
Fucking sick bastard
based balkan bro
Explain I just got in here
Toddler with a dick in his mouth
A bosnian posted CP to disrupt this shitty thread. There was a high-res image, too.
i dont know alot for richard spencer work and speaks but i make for laugh hard for his head man it see like egg head hahah wtf why he make for hair short on top of head if he head is shape funny like for this? richard grow hair for a little longer to cover bro hahah
mods wtf
What the fuck is with the overreaction here? Jesus, I swear those reddit refugees are probably literally shaking in fear of being persecuted.
for fucks sake dude
Why do you keep using beards?
You obviously like cock.
Seriously what was with the Laura Bush picture? How did that come about and how do you explain being that close to a member of the elite without trying to harm or kidnap them?
Spencer was in VA and now there's a new push to remove the fucking Monument Avenue memorials. Memorials that stood unquestioned for a hundred years.
The SJW argument had no traction in Virginia until a couple years ago when BLM managed to turn it into a white supremacy issue. Now we have an actual white supremacist feeding into their narrative and making it hard for normal Virginians to stick up for their states' history and heroes.
Spencer is doing more damage than that Charlottesville nigger ever did.
The new one is super hot. I'll be in Indy next week if anyone wants to hang out.
Richard, why are you such an attention whore? Why did you reveal you power level way too early? We were doing so well before you went full autismo with heilgate.
even on Sup Forums that shit was mostly welcomed by edgy newfigs