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thats a nice digits reaction
a whole month of eating all night long
why do they call it fasting?
Muslims look like that?!
It's called
you dumb half-german.
Fast for 14 hours or more
>muslims are puppets
what did they mean by this?
How come Christians who practice fasting for Good Friday don't get the same respect from (((Sesame Street)))?
Did they wish catholics a fruitful lent?
>purple puppet pointing the index finger to the moon God indicating that "there is no God but Allah"
What did Sesame Street mean by this?
That's not how this works, newfriend.
"NO" is for those who are intolerant bigots.
Look at the picture, this is "SWEDEN YES!"
Gotta go fast.
Fasting must be really easy for a muppet.
you misused the meme fuckhead
That image always cracks me up kek
For a 12 year old?
>not defunding PBS
>autistic muppet suspiciously absent.
its insanity and illogical. its only fasting if you dont eat for at least 3 days. what moslems do is binge eating month.
>real world
fasting = emptying your stomach for at least 3 days
>illogical fairy tale world
fasting = dont eat all day because its too fucking hot anyways and then binge eat and drink for hours every day
join the right side of history now
The kikes are shipping them into Europe by the truck loads to taint its pure white culture.
Mfw you take off the muslim puppet and the hand inside it has a star of david ring on it.
>In her place now stands a bloody pile of stones
>fasting for a month and gain weight
>its a muslims life after all
fucking this, they got fat instead of thin
all moors here are fat as fuck
When memes become reality.
Watch how Muslims will respond to THIS by saying it's disrespectful.
Makes sense. Muslims probably work in production for the show. Easy access to little boys
Check EM
For you.
>recommending carbs even though keto works much better with IF
Muslims working together with the Jews CONFIRMED
lmao wow, nice find user
welcome to Sup Forums, newfriend ^_^
intermittent fasting, m8, been doing it for years. do you honestly find one month difficult?
this is how fasting looks like in the muslim world
The nastier muslims get the more the cucks fall over themselves to suck up to them, sick really.
Elmo's face while he contemplates Moo-hamed riding a magical horse up to the moon is hilarious
natural selection, they know they are inferior and have a death wish, muslims are the most capable of delivering salvation for them.
This, eating one meal a day is easy.
The more difficult (and unhealthy and stupid) thing they do is not drinking water during the day either I believe.
SAVED! SAVED!! SAVED!!! MUST post this on Sup Forums for all of our brethren. Very excited to use this Sesame Street Get Meme in the future. Very much fin will be had with this Sesame Street Get Meme. Spread this meme NOW!
Great, now some radical will detonate a pipe bomb outside Mr. Hooper's store because that one Muppet isn't wearing a burka.
They still have Mr. Hooper? Shouldn't he have died by now and been replaced by a genderfluid?
He died during gender reassignment. The store still carries his name, I think. May be Xhe's Hooper's store now.
It's just that I think it could offend somebody if we still had that patriarchy running the store. It reminds me of slavery.
Is he the only uncucked one?
top lel oscar was my favorite character as a kid
Perhaps no surprise I found Diogenes to be an inspiration.
His brides look pretty happy. But I don't know who the women with the headscarves are.
>show targeted at third world and ghettos caters to third world religion
What a surprise
i hope none of you have AMD inside your PC
Now Sharia street
Very quick fix
Lel. I don't think AMD understands how much they're screwing themselves by having by driver software. I would totally buy an AMD graphics card, but I don't because of their stupidly bad drivers.
god damn it.
she looks like she could use the fast
has merkel started making you fast yet so the slimes dont feel oppressed?
what is that pure butter?
>be american
>get cucked by sesame street
just came back shopping at aldi. there was an arabic family preparing for their fasting tonight. bought a full cart of burgers etc.
Islamic women are mostly absolute hambeasts.
I don't look at them not only because of the headscarf, but because I feel like I'm getting fatter by looking.
racist nazi leftovers btfo
Intel give money to feminist frequency. What choices are left?
You can always hang yourself
This is something only kids under 15 would find funny
they all got the diabeetus too.
too bad they breed faster than they get sick
Every time a game launches it's always the AMDfags that have crashes/can't play at all.
I'll take my mini radiator thanks.
Exams are over.
God fucking damn it.
Some user made this last week. I don't read sand squiggle, but it's supposed to say something about Muslims fucking goats.
Happy Ramadan everyone!
It is. This will help it turn into a super anti Muslim meme which will totally make sesame streets virtue signalling backfire
glad their funding got cut
>that kids foot literally touching their retarded muzzy bread/tortilla thing
Do you not realize this is Sesame's Steet way of redpilling Muslim immigrants and their kids, so that the parents stop being all reserved and overly religious and their kids stay away from jihadi bullshit. Sesame Street makes them feel welcomed and part of a bigger community (everyone else who Sesame Street is aimed for; western families), and then it subtley instill western values of peace, unity, equaity, etc.
Muslim immigrants let their kids watch Sesame Street the same reason mexican immigrants do. It keep their kids entertained and glued to the sofa while they the mothers do housework, while teaching them english and its free.
No, recognizing religions besides Islam and Judaism is racist.
>tfw AMD CPU and GPU
Inb4 a peaceful refugee runs people over on Sesame street
When will Trump shut down (((PBS)))?
hiya buddy! how's sahri prep going?
Not in yurop. Got exams until end of June.
fasting 14 hours never got to me but the 14 hour thirst in BD tropical heat still gets me every time, I almost count the last moments till I could have a cooling sip of lemonade.
She barely existed
Fuck, how many dumb characters have they introduced to the show to attention whore around for a while and then barely acknowledge? I know the big exception is that Fairy muppet who is basically the mascot of the show at this point, then again wouldn't be the first time Sesame Street changed mascots (First from Big Bird to Elmo, then to this)
>Early Sesame Street
>Feel bad you fat fuck
>Desu Vult
>Sesame Street bombing by tolerant new puppet and muppet migrant.
>until end of June
wew, that's a long semester. thx
>mere days after muzzie killing 20 kids
>wish muzzies happy days
>neo-whites will stand for this
just kill me
allah akbar my bruddahs