Thoughts Sup Forums?

thoughts Sup Forums?

"Aside from keeping things realistic and allowing players to potentially rewrite history, the move also keeps things respectful toward those who risked everything to defeat the Nazis."

then all soldiers get honor. the war ended, there were drafts. its only fair

I just whant to play as a Nazi...
I don't identify as an American Or Jap..

>wanting a whole campaign of getting your shit pushed in/freezing to death

If I wanted to play as a jew I'd go buy an Israeli fps

Why do they always refer to them as "Nazis"? Alsatians who were part of the Wehrmacht probably didn't consider themselves as Nazis. That's what confuses me today when lefties want to "punch a Nazi."

It doesn't matter if you think Nazism is more of an ideology than a political party; there haven't been any Nazis since the mid-20th century.

The closest you'd get now are just National Socialists, but I guess that just doesn't get the clicks.

Don't stress though, you can probably play as the Wehrmacht in multiplayer.

Jesus Christ it was 80 goddamn years ago who cares.

But playing as the Soviets and shooting surrendering soldiers in COD 2 is A-OK

Remind me what was happening to the jews?

Can't wait for holocauster tycoon.

What is leave no Russian.

>Literally killing droves of civilians in an airport with a 240B

Honestly, there were any CoD campaign that let us play as nazis?

If you really wanted to play as a jew you'd get Ashtray simulator 1939


The other WW2 CoD games didn't have you play as Nazis either.

i only know of one and it was really shit , other then that there's the hezbollah farcry mod but its terrible and you play as hezbollah .

best FPS where you play israel that actually has a decent active community is project reality .that is until\if squad release an israeli faction.

It's okay because it was evil Russians, not sand niggers

>caring about COD
best WW2 game ever is red orchestra senpai

atleast you didnt play as a nazi

The irony being the level was designed by one.

>"Game designer Mohammad Alavi was heavily involved in level's development."

Assuming the holocaust Happened as they say it did, what the soviets did was immensely worse
66 million killed between 1918-1958

In multiplayer you did

CoD has never let you play as the Nazis and they're definitely not going to start now with the first CoD game that actually showcases Nazi atrocities (the Holocaust only been directly portrayed in two games. Velvet Assassin and Wolfenstein: the New Order).

In this politically explosive climate, you'd probably have an easier time convincing the devs/publishers to let you play as an alternate-timeline version of Anne Frank who manages to escape the train bound for Auschwitz and winds up becoming a partisan sharpshooter/lover of the main American protagonist.

why not?

why no campaign where you invade poland and France?

Shit would be cash

Finally a Jew with actual taste

It doesnt say you cant play them in multiplayer does it you fucking retard

CoD world at war, you played as the Wehrmacht in multiplayer

well have fun with me not buying this game then

We'll I don't know, there's no fucking link

is there any game that let's you be nazis?

Demonizing anyone who disagrees with you as a "Nazi" is straight out of the Soviet playbook. Even when actual Nazis existed most German soldiers thought they were fighting for their fatherland, not for the Nazi Party (just as the vast majority of Soviet soldiers weren't Communists).

>tfw there will never be great German campaigns like Company of Heroes had ever again

you could never play as germany in cod, why would they suddenly change it

u exited for the gook cooking simulator senpai ?

>Still playing Call of Duty
>Wasting your life on the jewdio games

Do you want a pacifier too?

>Israeli FPS
>Goyim 1p
>Children double points
>Allies .75p
>Collect goy foreskins and matzos to heal up

That could still be really good if done well.
Alien Isolation didn't make me feel like a big tough man but I still liked it.

Well of course they did in multiplayer. You can't have multiplayer without someone playing the bad guy. But they've never let you play as a German in a CoD campaign and they're not going to start now.


Because it's impossible to promote their diversity agenda with Nazis.

Black gay females can't be portrayed as Nazis, only evil straight white males.

Therefore ban Nazis from playable role in game.

Only kill them with U.S. First Feminist Tumblr Division.

Not surprised, any developer who even attempted to do such a thing would probably be forced out of the industry.Ever few years a game about the invasion of Normandy comes out to remind you about the evil nazis who were stopped by the highly diverse and courageous Americans.

The best way to do something even remotely pro-axis would be to do an extremely graphic and barbaric Soviet campaign involving going from town to town executing and raping as you go.

Nazis have literally never playable in a cod campaign.

Even an actual full campaign would be awesome. Easy first missions gradually getting worse and worse seeing everybody's morale plummet as the war progresses. Like that short movie series generation war.

DLC: the game

Just play HOI4 with the millenium dawn mod and take over the world as Israel :^)

But actually, I tried to do that, it's fucking impossible, you guys are too small to actually do much of anything. I'm 100% certain that if we stopped supplying arms to you, you'd be overrun in a week.

I mean I think we all know that everyone wants to play a WW2 shooter campaign from the Japanese or German perspective.

the problem is that despite Hitler being wildly popular in Germany until post-Stalingrad and the shortages really started hitting hard the developers will probably develop some cucked storyline arc about "muh unwilling participant in this" and "muh disenfranchised innocent Germans." the protagonist will be some faggot who realizes the Nazi cause is wrong or some shit in order to appeal to cucked sympathies.

But you can easily portray a sympathetic German. Have some elderly Volkssturm who was pressed into service for example.

It's really a shame because the eastern front would make a far more epic game than anything they ever make

Why? I want to play as all sides, the Communists, the Nazis and the Brits, French and Americans.
If I had to choose 2 I would choose Communists and Nazis, or Brits and Nazis.

Idiots. Virtue signaling and politics in video games is such trash. I can't wait till my dev company kicks off, I'm making a WWII Game where you play as a Nazi. I'll probably even have the player start off as a lifeguard at the auchwitz swimming pool.

Trips warrants a response.

If Nazis don't libs, coloreds, fags, etc, then they shouldn't expect them to cater to them. Fucking Sup Forums faggots are the reason why I STILL have to mod Nazi flags into games.

>being the soviets who killed far more people is okay
Fuck Cawwadoody.

>you will never get to play as him

>not the SEA theatre

>we don't want to rewrite history
>put more female soldiers into the game


millennium dawn dosnt simulate israel correctly senpai , taking over the world as israel would be fairly doable if it did (especially if the game simulated bibi correctly)

Admittedly I haven't bought one in a while, but the COD franchise is now dead to me, left wing parasites

>why I STILL have to mod Nazi flags into games.
Isn't that because its illegal in Germany to have the swastika present?

I don't get why nazis are so negatively viewed but commies get a pass while having a body count literally hundreds millions higher.

Go to any major city in Europe or the US and fly a commie flag and dress in typical soviet uniform and people don't hive a shit, some would even support you.
Go fly a Nazi flag and dress like a SS officer and everyone will attack you

And also an attempt to redpill millions. If they did it right, like the main character being a proud Nazi soldier, just wanting to fight for his country and culture, but gets trapped inside the horrors of war and watches as the Allies take everything from him.

that or I'm high

I'm high ayy lamo

unless we get to play as RAF lancaster crewmen and raze Dresden to the ground with incendiary bombs I'm not buying it

Hell yeah.

I just wish the devs would hurry up and do an alternate history Cold War gone hot Red Orchestra set in the 1980s/1990s. It would be even more fun to charge across the Fulda Gap in an M1 Abrams or clash with Soviet forces for control of Afghanistan (lampshading the actual war in Afghanistan).

Come to think, I always thought it would be cool to make a pair of games, the first where you play as an American soldier in WW2 who at the end takes some Anne Frank lookalike (or just Anne Frank directly if you want to be edgy) Holocaust survivor for a wife. In the second game, you play as their son who commands a company of US soldiers in Germany when WW3 breaks out and you wind up fighting through many of the same locations and confronting the great irony of fighting your father's former Allies (the Soviet Union) and fighting alongside the descendants of some of the people who murdered your mother's family (Bundeswehr). It would give unique insight into the Cold War and shifting alliances imo.

> you guys are too small to actually do much of anything. I'm 100% certain that if we stopped supplying arms to you, you'd be overrun in a week.

But you gave them nukes already you Amerinigger.

I think there is a mission where you play as a turret gunner in a B-17 if that's worth anything.

It's just called No Russian you uncultured fuck


Or play World in Conflict, its has some pretty good characters.


I know, it's insane! In reading Gulag archipelago atm, he's talking about the torture they would preform on prisoners before sending them to gulag
>acid baths
>sleep deprivation
>stepping on dicks with Jack boots
>branding the inside of someone's asshole with a hot iron
>throwing people into cesspools
All to get them to sign a confession for a crime they didn't commit

The Nazis never did ANYTHING of the sort

Men of War had a decent German campaign with even a mission on the conquest of Greece. Normally all games focus on WW2 post-Pearl Harbour, and allies gaining ground.

Rising Storm 2 sucks. I played the beta and it has serious issues, Rising Storm 1 is better.



1 big quality campaign is better than 2 short ones

More time for character and plot development

Also why play as the biggest loser in history?

> White washing history to make yourself feel better.

Worse than the Nazis they don't want you to play.

Solzhenitsyn at one point says that the Gestapo tortured people to get true confessions, but the NKVD tortured people to get false ones.

Wait if you can't play as Nazis how is multiplayer going to work? Allies vs. Allies?

Except that's a strategy game and they're not doing a sequel for it in the foreseeable future sadly. Shame too, I thought it had great potential as a franchise.

The idea I'm talking about would kinda have to be an FPS because an FPS is a far more personal experience, especial in regards to location and character interaction.

I'm disappointed, but not surprised.
Nuance is hard. Cartoonish villains are easy.

You're missing out by dismissing WiC just because its a RTS. I highly recommend playing it because the characters are fucking top notch.

Well the online surely will. They rarely let you play on the 'bad' side, BF1 was an oddity


Lancasters are far more aesthetic aircraft tbqh

Then who do we fight in multiplayer? Other american soldiers?

The fame does not include the war in the pacific at all, so it aint japs. What is happening

I have WiC and I loved it. But it's a 10 year old game and the developer shut down 9 years ago. So we're probably not getting a sequel/spinoff ever.

ngl boeings are pretty based but lanc looks better imo
and you know the lanc can carry a blockbuster bomb too

>Lancasters are far more aesthetic aircraft tbqh
>ngl boeings are pretty based but lanc looks better imo
>not the Halifax

>developer shut down 9 years ago
They're working on The Division.

paddy have you ever played world at war
ofc you can play as the axis just in mp

You mean the "cookie"?

Why would you want to larp as a looser?

>firebombing Dresden to oblivion while God Save the King plays on the aircraft mini radio

>tilt the camera to the side and there's a small picture of ACM Harris on the fuselage, compelling you to continue your holy mission

I'd buy it in a heartbeat

Wait you can play as a Jap? They did worse to the Chinese than the Germans did to anybody.

The other team will always appear as nazis and you will always appear as a good goy.

Stop playing shitty videogames made by sjw cunts.

I know, assholes make the campaign around Hurtgen Woods and won't even let us play on the side that won that battle

Even bf 1 they didnt let you play german campaign. Right? They need to stop this shunning of germans. I bet most libs these days actually walk arround thinking that ww1 was fought against nazies

Apparently Massive Entertainment got absorbed into Ubisoft and now work on Ubisoft projects exclusively. So yeah, we're probably not getting a sequel ever, same with Brothers in Arms.


So it's the same as all the other WW2 CoDs then? What is everyone crying about? If you want to play as the losers they'll let you do it in the multiplayer as usual.

>call of duty

Sure, why not.

That was a fucking great series. Its too hard for kike movie directors or game studios to make stuff like that anymore of course so all we get is (((SPIELBERG))) tier garbage.

This is why you play Red Orchestra 2 instead.

Its a shame but nothing awful, it wasn't left on a cliffhanger so I don't mind.

medkit knows

Stop playing vidya and SORT YOURSELF OUT!