Good places to meet decent women?


"Decent" women...

Church, pickup sports teams.

There are no decent women



>decent women
>current year
>in the western world


Not in Sweden

No decent woman exists. Might as well settle down with a roastie

>decent women


eastern europe or rural western europe

at your place of work if youre a professional or church.

that's pretty much it and both are probably a 50/50 at best.

Go to any secluded place such as Tibet or Nepal for example. The women there are probably not exposed to western trash so they should be decent.

At political rallies for feminism.

I beg to differ. I think of myself as one. I may be a bit 2 old though. lol

Outside would be a good start.
Or inside in my case because my little sisters friends are pretty into me

You wish

ITT: 3/10 autistic virgins talking about 'decent' women.

At this point probably only in high density among the Amish. Introduce some new genes to get rid of their inbreding.

all women think of themselves as one, meatflaps

Ugly omega males go back to your containment board. I bet all of you masturbate your tiny dicks to tranny hentai you sad pathetic faggot genetic failures.

Mormon church. If you stay long enough they give you a virgin with no life skills.

At a workplace. Because then you know you are likely both descent, hard working, educated and stable persons.

how old are you? also not to be disrespectful how many men have you banged?

at the local LUG
you may not like what you see tho

>implying pol knows anything about meeting women

This place is r9k overflow these days, lad.

Jesus Christ bunch of fucking incel pussies ITT. IF you can't meet a decent girl in your office, at a local bar, at a party or god forbid even a dating site, it's probably not a lack of "decent" women, you're probably just not fit, charming, interesting, etc. And don't bitch about that online, go do something about it stupid nigger.

Every woman except you right?

Projecting much, Susan?


Tinder in a foreign country, since in Sweden every girl is your cousin or pewdiepie. Opening lines should include that you are a national socialist.

Don't Swedish deluge to Poland though, as we are full.

Engineering program at uni. Found myself a qt autistic virgin. Well she's not a virgin anymore...

are u a greek grl?

51 and 2. Choice of words may be a bit disrespectful, question is not.

better odds than anywhere else

Catholic church.

It's not disrespectful for a man to ask a woman's partner count. Unless it's disrespectful for a woman to ask a man his income.

there is no secret place. go out into the world user. take off your space blanket user

>At political rallies for feminism.
Sure, if cuckoldry is something you enjoy....

No, there r more of us out here

as long as you were fit i'd date you. my last GF was 49. do not expect marriage though.

well it's pretty decent here
and i thought maybe it's the same for you

Work hue hue hue, then she dumps you and every day you are reminded about how shitty the breakup is until one of you quit.

University of Science and Technology


Sadly this desu.

small town girls that aren't too bright tend to be more conservative and decent, especially those with a strong father growing up.



>decent women
>being this retarded

Tits or GTFO

Church, parachurch campus ministries.

the guy on your pic got married

LOL I do not expect to marry anyone. lol I am good he way I am. What I have worked for will always remain mine.

social media you fucking retards. it's pretty simple. or working. stop being a bunch of NEETS that literally can't even internet. all girls are normies, all normies use social media.

pretty basic shit. finding a girlfriend has never been easier than it is in the 20th century

They don't exist.

LITERALLY EVERYWHERE with less then 1000 people living on the same place


The christian church is co-opted by the lgbtbbq movement now.

Your dreams

See, that's why u will NEVER find a nice girl

What bugs me is that even if you find one (which isn't impossible just difficult) the world around your future family will be so fucked up that it will be hard for it to be kept together and not devolve into degeneracy... This thought is what makes me contemplate converting to Islam

The morgue

>pic related

I hope you're into asians user, the only "decent" women left are in Thailand.. and they are a dying breed there too.
The thai women (inb4 >women) I have met over there are polite, clean and subscribe to the old school of gf/wife model. They love the foreign men [unless you are black in which case they run a mile]. Lots of money grabbers though. Choose carefully.
The downside is, assuming you bring them back to farangistan, everyone will think you have bought them on the internet

Sup Forums Sup Forums seems like a good place

>meet decent girl at local bar, or party
degenerate whores do these activities.if that is your "ideal" place to meet a good woman i hope you enjoy divorce and Jamals kids.

you are just going to have to settle for a fickle woman, like everyone else

In another country.

If u say so

>he asks the vietnames painting website where to find women

Japanese Cartoons.

lol... source?

There are very little decent women, and they cannot be "picked up", you need to be a decent man yourself and FIND one.

uh no shit you are over 50 you cant produce children. There is no reason to marry you.

hahahaha. Maybe if you could settle for a 4. Decent looking women are only capable of short term flicks and no none of them are "decent

I said choice of words was, "banged", QUESTION was NOT

you need to be a decent man yourself and then find one*
Also if you are referring to looks only, not for a woman to be decent, then literally all you need to do is leave the house, you live in Sweden, some of the most beautiful women live there f@mpai.


I was at a church charity lunch last week. Spent an hour talking with the priest about the crusades and abortion and excessive tolerance.

There's a definite strain of modernist SJW shit in Christianity right now, but you can usually find one that actually adheres to the books.

You're never guaranteed a qt redpilled waifu, but church at least has women who entertain basic moral decency.

Slavic women, they don't take any shit ever

You just gotta be careful with her around your future children, they have a tendency to psychologically manipulate and lie for their own perceived independence.

>I'm independent because I force others to do things for me
>if I can't and no other projection works, I'll just say I'll kill myself

I think I have mom issues

Over 50 and a burger and you can't even write full sentences correctly. Sad!



>20th century

A literal retard

maybe in sweden, but then again what in sweden hasn't be co-opted by the lgbtbbq movement

>decent women

Don't come looking here, the past four girls I've hung out with have been fine with fucking without a condom on the first date. Sex is fun and all but when it's all there is to a relationship, it's tiresome.


You fucking numbskull. I'm in college and also live in an area thats 95%+ white because I'm not fucking impoverished. I'm sure girls swoon over how you don't participate in the degenerate activity of social drinking. Fucking white knights.



expensive resorts
same clubs
beach resorts

This. I hate the Mormons, but I have a mormon neighbor that has a skillless mute wife.
Its like he never lets her outdoors.
I live in southern commiefornia.

>decent women
>in 2017

Good luck.

>that image
what an absolutely awful and evil person


religion of decency

>women who LARP as jews LARPing as nonjews
>women who play sports

your best bet for the most part is just finding someone with suitable genetics (same eye/hair color, smart, etc) and just do the best you can with that. aryans in america have it rough

>had sex with not one, but two men
you no longer have your virginity, which is the standard minimum for marriage. if you had sex with somebody who isnt/wasnt your husband then that is a failure and you're basically a whore.
prime childbearing years are in the twenties. you are pretty much worthless

At your local mosque.

arab girls

Even the rural west is totally fucked.

I live in beautiful countryide with 99.9% white population and every girl is a single mother by the age of 20. They have no interests because they're women and there's no distractions here so they immediately get knocked up usually at 16 to 19 years old.