Why are you so against raising the minimum wage?
Other urls found in this thread:
>work 40-50 hours a week
>live in poverty
weed money
If there wasn't such a huge supply of unskilled labor thanks to democratic policies they wouldn't be paid so little.
(((sanders))) has yet to show how someone can work a full time job and be below the individual poverty level
>have a cell phone
>live in poverty
Comrade Bernie still pushing class struggles.
8 kids, drugs, alcohol, have to buy latest Jordans, leave work early so don't get full hours.
Because no one should be comfortable getting minimum wage. You shouldn't aspire to get paid the lowest legally allowed.
flipping burgers is not a 15 dollar an hour job. any retard can do that job.
> supported Hillary
> enough of the damn emails but more muh-Russia
> took the cue from Dem establishment in lionizing Dubya for the sake of attacking Trump
> doesn't mention that not even the Dems would support a minimum wage if they had a chance of passing it
Bernie can go pound fucking sand. Stupid fucking phony.
This. I hate when I see a woman working at McDonalds and she bitches about the low wages.
>muh entitled
>muh gibsmedats
>muh laziness
>muh poor life decisions
Grow up and earn what you want, not steal it from those who did. You reap the seeds you sow.
Illegal mexicans that are treated like slavery lite in America with tiny wages thanks to their non-citizenship, but leftists argue that they somehow come here for a better life.
He's right. If you're working over 40 hours a week and you're still in poverty, you're either an illegal working for pennies, spending all your money at the track, or something is wrong with the system.
I'm getting job offers to teach overseas, and I'm going to be able to save a fuckton of money because of the low cost of living and low taxes. All are working 35-40 total hours per week, with 20-25 teaching hours.
didn't Bernie just buy a million dollar house somewhere, and doesn't he drive like a $200k sports car?
also raising minimum wage will just result in inflation. You raise the minimum wage in a state and it means prices of goods and services have to increase to accommodate the wage increase meaning that the money doesn't actually go much further anyway. Unless the governments going to price fix goods and services then it will always just result in an inflation following any minimum wage increase
Basically, this.
Poor people are stupid and spend their money on drugs or alcohol or bad decisions like children with no future or stability for themselves.
Literally the easiest and most available job opportunities in healthcare like nursing or elder care pay well above poverty and can be attained with a certificate from cheap as fuck community college in 2 years or less. Being poor even helps the courses cost nearly nothing because there are so many financial services available that blacks take advantage of...
People are just downright dumb, especially when so many of their needs are taken care of like housing or childcare by the state.
It's ridiculous. If its still true, its something like $50,000 the average welfare poor bastard gets in benefits.
Why wouldnt an employer offer minimum wage.
Because it will lead to more unemployment
Fuck poor people honestly fuck the fuck out of them.
yes, when you live in a expensive place by decision and live a expensive life style on top of that.
if you raise minimum wage, price of living raises too. Businesses will close.
If you are working in food past 23 you are part of the problem.
Cost of living varies by state.
I make just under $20/hr full time and it's just enough for an old efficiency apartment, with an hour commute to work. The same in a more rural area would go farther, but my job doesn't exist out there so I'd end up working for less.
My coworker has to use housing vouchers to afford a home and is realistically below the poverty line.
Why don't we stop letting in immigrants and illegals so wages stop stagnating and it raises on it's fucking own you piece of shit?
Because you want to destroy this country, you fucking traitor.
>didn't Bernie just buy a million dollar house somewhere
He sold a house that was inherited and used that money to buy a new home, which was less than $1m
>and doesn't he drive like a $200k sports car?
He doesn't. This was never confirmed and all the "evidence" is one unclear photo.
match me!
yeah thats hella rad dude
You know what's radically unbeliebable?
The fact that Bernie Sanders doesn't understand basic economic principles that are unchanging based on all of our knowledge of human behavior AND that he considers cable, iPhone ownership, a closet full of clothes, and internet access "poverty."
This is incorrect. People who work full time are not impoverished.
Jesus what city?
I'm not. Most people I know are underemployed working 2 jobs because neither will commit to full time. Even "full time" retail jobs constantly cut hours. The argument of "will give people less hours" is already a reality, so i'm all for raising it.
My city recently raised its Min wage to $10/hr but now the state is trying to shut that down.
because the dumb niggers who can not even get a big mac with no pickles right do not deserve $15/hr.
minimum wage workers are there for a reason. they're fucking lazy, dstupid, and have a bad attitude all the time. 15/hr you have got to be fucking kidding me
not to mention the skilled labor and other workers that make near 15 will be pissed off over the devaluation of their labor and skill
Because it tends to become the standard wage (look France and their SMIC).
Educate yourself and lrn2negotiate your salary.
>My labor is worth more than its market value if I sell more than an arbitrary amount of it per week
American "industry" became more and more substandard service jobs over the past 40 years, and when industrial line jobs pay like McDonald's, people stick with burger slinging. Good blue-collar positions often don't exist in a community.
You'd be insane to make the minimum wage $15 a week in places like Wyoming and Montana with low costs of living
ohh... a true master of "facts"
Fake and extremely fucking gay
Everyone here is saying dumb dogmatic bullshit.
Let me give you some real reasons.
Many small businesses operate with tiny margins. We generally pay senior employees & those with more training & responsibility higher wages.
We generally pay trainees, new employees & summer teenageers minimum wage.
If the minimum wage doubles, every price for everything will have to go up, so that businesses can afford to pay it.
If minium wage doubles, will everythig else.
You wanna pay someone $15/ hour so they can buy a $3 gallon of milk? Well, now that milk will be $6.
That $900 apartment they can barely afford? You're gonna fix it by paying $15 ? Well it just went up to $1800.
It just feeds into an endless cycle of inflation.
How many people escaped poverty after the last min wage increase? I think the number starts with negative sign in front of it.
Venezula has like a 50 min wage and, free marbles.
It's amazing how people like you are "just so screwed by the system!" meanwhile people like me get by just fine. And I have no family support, I have two kids and I'm divorced and I'm a college dropout
I must be a wizard
probably san fagcisco
Why cant he even like...double check? Forget understanding economics, just look up whether or not this crazy assertion is true.
>You know what's radical?
Part of the reason I'm doing so well is because other people out there are getting fucked
wealth is a finite resource
You are absolutely incorrect.
The cost of living is crazy high.
>start at $10 an hour
>get a new job, start at 11 there
>work my fucking ass off for months
>become their ace employee
>promoted to managerial position, get a raise to 15
>some fucking whiney cunts on the internet want more money for less work so they cry hard enough that the government raises minimum wage to 15
>suddenly I'll be making as much as Randy down the street even though he only works part time as a fucking fry cook
That is such fucking bullshit. They better not raise the minimum wage. I worked hard to get where I am.
you know what's REALLY Radical? getting a 500k beach house to sell out your morals. oh and Islam. xD
Wrong. In America, the min wage was explicitly created so anyone who worked could afford living expenses. This idea of "temporary jobs for teenagers" is a myth created to deflate wages, and a form of pseudo-wage-slavery.
>I don't know how economics work
You can't just pay people more money for the same labor output without inflation, bankruptcy, outsourcing or automated machines replacing labor force.
This whole myth the likes have you sold on of "having more money means spending more" it's nonsense. Business are always going to look to increase profits as high as possible while lowering production costs, it's just how it works. Now grow up. Learn a trade, and get a real job.
Also sage and slide.
because regulation that increases wages for shitty jobs like McDonalds cashiers will only drive up wages for other shitty jobs, and make life worse for us all. also, say goodbye to cashiers, concierge, etc
ok but who works during the school year and at night?
but the hard work wasn't worth 15 an hour?
Or you live in a different area.
Wow, so hard to figure that out.
The cost is hidden behind government supports at the state and federal levels. Subliving wages = needing more low-income housing, welfare, food stamps, etc. because the actual corporation doesn't pay, nor often do they pay much in taxes.
The money goes to the top, some small amount greases the right palms, cycle of poverty and profit continues.
The Labour market is not so different than other narkets. Lets take the car market, there are a lot of different cars, their sizes their functions and qualities so they vary in price, would you want the government to say "fuck it, everyone has to pay a minimum of $40,000 for a vehicle, regardles of what car they buy" if someone is flipping burgers, its not the employer's job to make sure that they also have enough money to buy a cell phone car, food, house payments traveling etc... go acquire the skills and make yourself more useful and valuable to an employer or soceity, rather than trying to do the bare minimum and forcing someone one to pay you more, when the government controls the prices of markets then your starting to tip toe into communism
you're not raising wages for everyone, not inflation. outsourcing and automation happens regardless, 4 dollars an hour would still be incentive to do that.
Then why don't we have a lower "youth & training" rate?
Minimum means the *bare minimum*.
higher wages for other jobs sounds good to me
Because they will just loose their job instead of getting that wage. The GOOD thing about 15$ minimum wage is that it will plummet us into a fully automated society faster.
>but leftists argue that they somehow come here for a better life.
Homeless in San Fransisco probably live a better life than most fully employed in India, so they have a point.
It's crazy how you can sit there and explain exactly why capitalism is so shit, and then just say "that's how it works". How are people this cucked?
There aren't enough "real jobs" for people, even if everyone could all magically just "learn a trade".
The problem is you're comparing your salary to others, which only creates infighting and bitchy workers. How much money I make should be private. Base your expectations on the market as a whole, not be a cry baby because some lazy co-worker with less responsibilities is making the same as you. Life isn't fair.
I would rather have less jobs, but all pay well than many jobs but most pay like shit. My time is a limited resource, it shouldn't be auctioned off to the highest bidder.
$15 jobs and hour will become the new price floor. We need more jobs > $minimum wage, not minimum wage jobs > it's value.
You can't just dictate how much wealth there is. It doesn't respond to laws. It responds to actual fucking production.
Want to make more than $8 an hour? Make something worth over $8, every hour. Otherwise it's just stealing from someone else.
it very different, the employee will make you money
Thank you. This whole starting job shit is fairly new.
Washington DC area.
Highschool grad, worked my ass off to management from the bottom, live in one of the highest cost of living areas in the USA. How about you?
Don't forget: payroll taxes also go up : more money for government + even less for small business.
Fuck corporations. They can afford it.
How about $15 min wage for businesses with more than 500 employees?
This jew gets it
no, jobs are created to meet demand, not out of affordability.
Because the Democrats think people only live in LA, New York, or San Francisco where the cost of living is through the roof
Shame that kikenose sitting in his penthouse suite trading stocks is the one who determines what's worth over $8 an hour
We do in the UK, but idiots are trying to get rid of it because they think it's ageist
Fuck off, leaf
employers aren't going to do that, so legislation is the only route we have
Nope. Plenty of faggotry in DC, just not liberalfornia. In fact, I'm a transit worker for the richest county in Virginia.
You need to cut your costs more somehow.
Side gig whatever you do until you are sustainable or to save money.
A computer nerd should be fixing computers on the side for a couple hundred a week to just stash away if 9-5 isn't cutting it.
It's like asking why so many boomers drive Corvettes when they retire... because they can finally afford it.
Im sorry but people working in USA even at walmart dont know real poverty.. go to a third world country and then you will see real poverty.. dont have kids if you cant afford them
man I wish I got paid for my production
there's a reason we're paid wage and not production, it is much cheaper for employers, we make way more product than we're paid
So are people who are currently paid 15 an hour getting a mandatory raise? I can see them bot being happy about this.
>Most affluent populace in the history of mankind
Do they mean they can't buy them they Jordans every six months?
>your company doesn't give you a raise lest you find easier work for your wage
yes, under a certain wage, if they are being overpaid, they become a burden, but rather than closing the business those costs will be higher prices or a move to automation
It can easily be tied to living at home or not.
A scrappy 15 year old trying to make it on his own shouldn't be paid less, but a kid working an after school job & living & eating with parents doesn't need the same rate.
I hate these shill threads I fucking hate them I hate seeing some faggy tweet thread on this board 24/7. I hate seeing copypasta bot threads going undeleted.mods can't do their jobs properly I hate the mods who allow generals to happen. The new international board is already dead and no one bothers to use it the mods can't even filter shit to the right board. I hate whenever some fag op puts an old commie fart tweet thread for the thousandth time with the same comment attached to it I hate you copy paste niggers who ruin this board mods can't do their jobs they should kill them selves
small businesses are generally the ones paying better wages to begin with
its not a huge problem, just kinda pointless. If you raise the min wage then business will have to somehow get this money back which will either hit the suppliers or the consumers. So you may be on more an hour but now everything you buy costs more as businesses are forced to pay their staff more. So you end up where you started.
No you fuckhead, we have people living in the streets & children who routinely go without dinner.
Why don't you peek out of your hole?
Fuck off britfag. If you're in the rural US the low cost of living is offset by poor wages.
Or you reduce the population, making the value of labor increase.
Hint: The first step is mass deportation and infrastructure projects involving walls.
Because people making minimum wage make minimum wage because they are stupid and or lazy. Even in my part time college job I made more than minimum wage because I wasn't retarded
>dont have kids if you cant afford them
Just saying that is useless. And I'm pretty sure a lot of people (and niggers) have kids specifically for welfare and tax returns anyway. They don't care if they grow up to be worthless to society. It's a cycle.
I am a strong supporter of living within your means but after researching the topic there is a legitimate series of uncontrollable events that can leave you fucked.
For instance if you were born into poverty in NYC which is becoming expensive as all hell, the job availability doesn't match the increasing rent. Rent goes up but the only significant job growth is fast food retail and food service.
>just go to school and get a good job
Let's be honest, even with scholarship opportunities not all impoverished people have the smarts to finish any degree program period
>just move if you can't afford to live there
Sure, but it is extremely hard to save for moving when part time minimum wage jobs barely cover food and shelter hence the 60% of americans living check to check.
Not trying to make excuses for people but these are their actual situations. They may not have family or a support system due to inner city crime, drugged out extended and nuclear families etc.
All of this coupled with them having children born into does not help either. At this point in the debate eugenics typically come into play and i'm not getting into all of that.
And yet we are gonna be hit the hardest.
Our good wages will now be minimum wage or less.
the certain wage is pretty high. Dont forget the lowest paid workers arent the only ones, people are making hundreds of thousands and millions at these businesses as well, and affording to do so. They can take cuts.