I thought Sup Forums was always right?
I thought Sup Forums was always right?
Then they don't want their son's murder solved.
>6,000000 shekels have been deposited into the "Rich Family" account
their kid was a bernie supporter. so what do you think their politics are ?
do you think they want the entire democratic apparatus taken down and exposed as murderous and corrupt as they are ? lefties are delusional. look at the dad there, clearly fucked leftist.
they dont want the truth - they probably believe trump is literally hitler and think russia is involved and their kid had nothing to do with wikileaks
the truth is more important than their feelings
We are.
they're just protecting themselves from being 'robbed'
You Drumpfturds think your so fucking special, dontcha? Does it warm your heart to think you're actually making a difference? That you're gonna bring the big bad people to justice? You don't give a fuck about Seth, his parents or justice. You only want to be perpetually outraged for partisan reasons and do fucking nothing. Must think you're getting close to the truth, huh? Well I'm here to gleefully inform you that your nowhere near the truth. You will never find the murderer, the motive or the truth. Play with the horns, expect the bull Drumpfys.
Fuck Seth riches parents , no ones doing this shit for them and no one gives a fuck about them , it's about Jews killing patriots you shill
I see a lot of "neutral"((Libcuck)) youtuber pushing this shit too
It's must be depressing posting this shit unless you're getting paid lol
Literal retards, all of you.
>Please stop investigating our son's unsolved murder. Even if the police and FBI refuse to release any details or inestigate further, we should leave it to them.
t. (((spokesperson))) for the Rich family
We're solving theit son's murder whether they want us to or not.
Kinda weird how the dad mouths his wife's words at 40 seconds in this video kinda like they're reading off cards:
Wouldn't it be ironic if he survived the shooting and is in witness protection but your prodding interferes with the case they're building?
>lawyer """"representing"""" seth rich's parents plead for conservatives to stop digging into a case with very clear political connotations
Really peels my onions.
Because they lack the moral and intestinal fortitude to discover the truth you larping kike nigger faggot. NOW PISS OFF
wow wtf
also here's a video of them thanking that this is being brought up
That is so weird OP.
"The family of slain DNC staffer Seth Rich is calling on the Washington, D.C. police department to go public with details of the murder investigation, after ten months of near-silence from law enforcement officials and as theories continue to spread about the mysterious circumstances of Rich’s shooting death last July."
That article is from may 23. I just want to know, have the DC police gone public with the details? Like the bodycam on the police? Or...I could keep going.
>trying to bring your son's murderer to justice
this is fine
>trying to bring your son's murder, who happens to be a democrat, to justice
Old/pol/ was almost never right. Nu/pol/ is absolutely never right.
They're the ones who hired detectives, you fucking shill piece of subhuman untermensch garbage.
We REALLY need to start euthanizing the retarded.
>trying to bring your son's murderer to justice
That is so beyond not what you pieces of shit are doing.
this is more important than seth or his family
request denied
Yeah, because you think it will help you politically.
sniffle sniffle
Trayvon was killed by a racist cop. Everyone should be able to come together on the Trayvon issue.
Yeah man, if the Democrats are running a network of assassins, we shouldn't hold that against them.
I don't care about the family's feelings, I just want the truth uncovered.
>B-but muh conspiracy theories I just made up with no basis in any fact whatsoever!
>(smugly) what now, libshit?
God I really really wish we could have eugenics now.
I think they don't want another (((burglary))) to turn nasty at their house. They took the money.
>We'll Fucking Kill You
Is the only one who wants it to stop.
Why you call me the f word?
They're afraid they're next.
not since rump shills turned this place into a /x/ tier shit hole.
I smell nigger.
>Why else would they allow a DNC crisis p.r. faggot represent them.....
They look like diehard liberals who pushed their son into liberalism.
>Can someone say cognitive dissonance
I believe this to be 100% accurate.
Their opinion doesn't matter anymore. This is not about them, the truth is more important.
Hi, Mr. Spokesman. I'd advise you to lurk more before posting, please. :)
who gives a fuck about these 2 fat rats
Who the fuck are they to say such a thing.
Murder of Seth is political and has gigantic implications on the socio-political integrity of the Entire country. But hay spewing nonsensical platitudes is more important i guess.
What changed since this video was released?
Looks like a shillblue in camo... tryin so hard to be authentic Sup Forums
I told 'em "STAY OFF THE TV SHOWS" now I gotta break his other wrist. That fuckin' dumb jew bastard. You heard me say that right Richie? "STAY OFF THE SHOWS" is what I said
>back the DNC over getting justice for their sons murder
This is like when cuck parents forgive their child's murderer
As far as I know. Only that they went out may 23, 4 days ago and asked the police to go public with the details of the murder.
I can't find the video OP is talking about. Would like to see it to be honest.
Do not stop Sup Forums. It's not in their hands anymore, do not "respect" their wishes and cease the investigation, you are helping them solve the case of their murdered son it's not their right to tell you to serve justice. Fuck Democrats, fuck Shareblue, fuck Hillary supporters and fuck CTR and all those scummy NeoLiberals.
This, if they don't want the truth then fuck them. Not trying to be an asshole but seriously, this is a Very Big Deal.
(((They))) have shut them down.
All this digging is making me a little sleepy. I'm going to lay down and close my eyes. I think you anons should take a break from all this.
Meh, solving his death is more important than obeying his parents' wishes. This country is bigger than those old sacks of bones.
Fuck them. Deluded leftist boomers. Just like my parents.
Dat broken wrist
We are. We always said leftism was a mental illness, and the fact that the father sticks with his terrorist-apologist agenda even when it killed his own son is proof of that.