Why do you guys hate India?

Why do you guys hate India?

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Because they're disgusting. We tried our best to teach them about toilets but they are too fucking dumb to understand, and instead shit in the streets. Not to mention they are breeding like rabbits, infecting the world with more of their filth

That hair is hilarious. I'm glad some 30 year old liberal leftist art fag student of bullshit created this fine piece of mastery.

>someone in the world actually drew that

Calm down Muhammad.
I know you haven't anything since morning.

Seriously, the bullying against Indian members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Indians are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only Indian man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Swedes or Germans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful country? Potato niggers get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in all of Asia.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful !
Would you call an Indian man a "poo in loo"(disgusting phrase) to his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and hard working salt of the earth Indian man that they are a "poo"? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?
You're destroying national pride, you're dividing whites against each other, you're doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now

>see someone getting arrested in front of Indian restaurant
>Owner of restaurant comes out and tells police to move from his parking spaces.
I don't hate them, but they can be strange.

I poo in the loo, how about you?

Sorry Ramesh, but I'm white. Also you should probably learn how to speak proper English before contributing to a conversation.

India would be far better off if they Balkanized and ignored their god awful caste system that literally keeps most of the country in shambles


In the last panel he looks like Carl.

HI, I'm your "designated boyfriend" from India.
*Poo himself*

Do you think we will ever successfully meme Indians into pooing in the loo? If we keep making fun of them for it maybe it would get to them and they'd finally change. Think of all the lives our memes could save.

roma people originated in india. enough said

I'm pretty sure it's a joke
nobody on this planet actually thinks indians are attractive

Every indian I have ever met has been almost entirely true to the stereotype of a socially awkward beta who makes women uncomfortable and lies way too much to make themselves seem interesting

because you took our MARO's


This is why I come here.

Not to mention they smell

Because I hate slavery, and India has the largest population of slaves in the world

HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!

Communists called all HERESY! fascism.

Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.

Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"

They call people who speak HERESY! names.

You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.

When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.

But it tells us ALL about YOU ANTI-WHITES.

They want milk our stalones to bread new intelligent race wich will bring Shindia to world power country

Because they can get a satellite into space but can't get poo in the loo. Talk about mixed priorities.

This is now a pickup line thread

>Don't turn this rape into a murder

My fucking sides, actually all the comments are gold but I'm not going to meme arrow all of them.
Anyone has that one from one indian calling a woman Nº1 monkey because of her name?

Personally I don't.

>Sup Forums wouldn't fuck this



indeed they just need 4 more Maròs to finally become a superpower

I had to be around indians

That was more than enough to confirm it needs to be nuked like 6 gorillion times


>I will put my lulla

I'm done xD

Because they dont have toilets, latrines, or sewers.

Because cleaning your own toilets is seen as slave work.

India would rather lose half their children and shit in the streets than debase themselves by cleaning their own poop.

Indians are sub-human.

It's kind of a joke. Plenty of poos are based. They are darker but up and coming whites.

Hi pajeet.

No, fuck off PIDF

Sneaky, slimey bastards. Honorary kikes.

Yeah they're shitskins but every Indian person I know says and does shit in weird ways and it cracks me up. so I like them.

I don't think anyone really hates them, we just wish they wouldn't shit everywhere.

Calm down you Fucking moron.
Go back to hugging a Negro and then stroke your Penis on how virtuous you are .Indian user's don't need anyone's sympathy


also lol at your id literally says IpooU



>Anonymous (ID: lPoU0cNE)
>I Po U 0cNE

>I Poo U ONE



>he fell for the b8

Kek vindaloo

Can i shit on your face?I just made "indian simpaty" pity its hides in pipes now . Rip ;_;

We don't "hate" India. We just find them repulsive and not even worth our arguing time.

Imagine Sup Forums is a big family in a gathering.
America is the fat, dumb brother who is always on facebook.
UK is the weak, fragile uncle who is single in his 50's who complains about everything and keeps bitching about he used to be a great car salesman in his 20's.
Canada is the ugly, disgusting, trashy aunt who hits on everyone and who believes in her sick and old mind that she is still attractive.
Poland is the grandpa who collects guns.
Brazil is the family monkey who jumps around the house, shitting in corners and just grabbing food and running away.
Peru is like the little autistic brother who is in a corner playing minecraft on a tablet and all he can talk about is Dota even though he is 1k
And India...
India is like the retarded cousin you never want to meet and who embarrasses you always. India shits on the dinner table, India is loud and can barely speak your language, India keeps saying memes from 2001, India smells like shit but he can't smell it because he is used to it. India has $22 in his pocket and he calls you poor. Thats India. We don't hate our retarded cousin. We are just ashamed of him and killing it or punching it would make us look like monsters even though we all know it would be for the best of everyone.

we need to bring ebola virus to india
population explosion is one of the serious problems that we now have



Poos, roaches, and monkeys will always be the most hated on the board.


> poland grandpa with guns

I'd say neiborghood plumber

Mate, i'm an indian and it's not a big deal, this is the fucking internet

Pajeets are fucking weird man, i get hit by them all the time even after i tell them that i'm a fucking guy.

Why shouldn't I?

Because there's shit everywhere, even in their wikipedia pictures.


you forgot Austria - the cousin that is completely devoid of any personality and pathetically tries to emulate his more popular cousins.

> Pakistan
Lmao. It's not like you guys are any better.

I'd fug Greek women

fuck off we're full you shitcunt

mate, I'm coming to straya next month to steal your women.

Who is this semen demon?


I was born here but ethnically i am indian mate

would say i'm australian but i get contradictory opinions on whether or not i am

Humaima Malik

id hide that picture she showing to much skin for your country

haha good one mate


Fuck off retard.

What I can't stand about Indians is their grand delusion of being anything better than subhuman shit.

they are not creative,

they are ugly as fuck

they are fucking stupid.

they function like subhuman animals.

they are comfortable in their own filth.


>that pic


get out of my country you disgusting shit covered ape.

Poos will be among the first in line on the day of the rope.

This. I didn't work my ass off so some brown little Pajeet can take away my opportunity because he is fine with being a slave to the Jews


This. Indians are the soon to be elites and they will fuck all our women; white, brown, and yellow - even red.

Bow down to the BIC



you live in the worst country in the world mohammad, i hope you realize that

>t. Indian

But I don't


Nah, I love it here. You can suck my dick burger

Not India but Indians in america. usually first generation american Indians. They are some penny pinching jews

>worst country in the world
What about fucking Somalia dude?

>I Poo U cunt

Has the meme broken the cage and escaped into reality ??


Implying the day of the rope will ever happen.

thats fine just dont be starting a nuclear holocaust over some land and allah you shitskin

>This has ever happened in the history of creation

Top poo.

Why do you care about it.

Pajeet, when the Day of the rope arrives, your turn is right after abominations (SJWs, Trans, Fags, Feminists, BLM), white traitors, Jews and Commies.