Am I the only one who thinks RT is the only unbiased news source that exists?
RT News
No. I read it. Just to get some balance from all the bullshit US "news"
Putin never talks about Muslims either. They are cucked
>unbiased news source
*closing tab....
There is no such thing as unbiased news.
Still there are different tiers of biased
I make sure to get all my news directly from the Russians because they don't fall for the commie liberals lies.
There isn't. Just don't. You say that because you only follow sources that tell you what you want to hear.
Actually RT is a good news source for US news because they are actually harder on the US. Now I wouldn't really trust it for Russian news though. I gotta say though now that we have influx of redditors on here they seem to really hate RT.
>the only unbiased
Can't come soon enough. (pic related)
> get some balance
I drunk the strong acid, now I'll drink the strong alkali.
RT is hilariously biased, like all news sources. When the plane was shot down over ukraine they had fake news blaming USA within 1 hour. Their "evidence" and story kept changing, shifting the goal posts constantly.
When Russia isnt involved, they are pretty unbiased, although they are typically trying to udnermine stability abroad with what they cover, they're reporting of Russian topics is hilariously biased. they are about on par with Al Jazeera
Ironically Russian based news are more trustable than (((western))) based news. The propaganda did switch sides huh?
>they don't fall for the commie liberals real lies
Go back to plebbit
>Actually putting your trust into a single media company/corporations
All companies and corporations, due to the way they function internally, has a chance to be biased and corrupt, due to the total lack of accountability from the leaders to the general populace. So instead of informing yourself form a single source, inform yourself from countless sources and compare their articles, especially about topics of international scale.
You'll be surprised what you'll find out, the way the articles are rewritten and modified in a way as to influence the prime target audience for said media and how it follow an actual modus operandi, made obvious by how unilaterally medias companies speak of the same subject will speak of it in exactly the same way across hundreds of stations, except its and bits that get modified as to make it more ''digestible'' to that specific readership. Said its and bits are so systematically targeted and with such precision that the only way they could somehow do this is due to the influence of an higher authority which inform them which subjects are to be censored or not. In exemple it isn't a coincidence we hear absolutely nothing of the war in Yemen while we get shoved propaganda about Syria every week, they are being told to stay the fuck away from the subject because it could make their Saudi finances uncomfortable. Of course they can't work at 100% percent efficiency, especially in the modern age where medias try to shit out fake aseptized news faster than the autist on the internet can rip them apart like the bunch of blatant lies they are, hence why discrepancies happens when they put it all on paper, by the time it hit the presses the information in it already has been analyzed by countless peoples of all roots.
RT = CNN antidote
Are you retarded? Putin talks about Muslims all the time. He's also one of the only leaders in the world actively fighting Muslim terrorists, effectively protecting the cucks of Europe.
It's obviously biased but less so than CNN and MSNBC.
>All companies and corporations, due to the way they function internally, has a chance to be biased and corrupt, due to the total lack of accountability from the leaders to the general populace. So instead of informing yourself form a single source, inform yourself from countless sources and compare their articles, especially about topics of international scale.
Hey look, it's another leaf with a retard-level understanding of how businesses work. Why is this a recurring theme?
It is the best news source for any event not directly involving Russia.
You don't seem to realize we have the same kind of aseptized, local fake news inside Canada. Especially written as to cause division between the anglos and Quebec, anglo medias eagerly promotes insulting articles that refer to the entirety of Quebecer as dirty and xenophobic racists with the writers of such things being given a free pass all the fucking time, but if a Quebecer even dare promote sovereignty he get called a neonazi skinhead, I'm not even fucking kidding. Shit happens regularly too. Hell there is even blatant censoring on some subjects (especially when it comes to ones about muslims) like that false flag bomb threat on a university by some muslim scumbag, in every single local media they only spoke of the false flag itself and how it was a proof that quebekers were inbred racists fucko when it was found out nigh instantly it was total bollock.
want proof? Here an article as how the Quebecers were told about it:
And how the rest of Canada learnt of it:
They even white washed the fucko picture, and refer to the guy as a ''montrealer'' while in fact he is as much a guy of Montreal a illegal immigrant who don't speak a single word of english is an Englishman.
No your people can elect the media. People rip on CBC but I can assure you they only hire investigative journalists that ask the tough questions. State sponsored media is not bad because they do not have to balance the (((books))) like the corporate media does.
of course it's biased
just mix it 50/50 with some american news channel and the bias would balance out
its Russian financed and has pro-Russia bias
but even that is better than what most western MSM have become
just ignore everything nice they say about Putin and Russia
this also things involving russia that don't directly involve putin or russian national security
i mean they report on shitty state of russian housing or corruption among mid-level officials, things like that
I know my original post was just an exagerration. I like going to them for world affairs cause they only alternative I use for Europe is stuff like Sky News HD on Kodi or Al Jazeer and that one is funded by Quatar. Russian newsanchors are generally whtie too and good looking.