Will Sup Forums ever be in a good relationship?
Will Sup Forums ever be in a good relationship?
>how dare my boyfriend have any sort of taste regarding personal grooming
why would you be unnattracted to something that is natural?
why does western culture require these things for women to begin with? Is it related to peadophilia?
>you will never impregnate sarah andersen
>tfw wife's superior feminine genes keep her virtually hairless without shaving
Grooming is natural.
Not that kind of relationship. A woman who doesn't take care of her appearance doesn't respect you or herself
It is related to not being gay.
women confuse relationship with men wanting to fuck them and being willing to take thier shit briefly
Go live in a cave then nature cuck
So are selfies, right? And driving a car?
Some women are naturally hairless in some parts and men perceive that as attractive. So the other women imitate that.
The dating pool is like an arms race, once someone starts doing something to get a leg up on the competition everyone has to.
I wish I wasn't completely grossed out by things like that but I am. Not sure if it's a culture thing or instinct
>Is it related to peadophilia?
Stop being beta by feeling bad about it
modern women should kys themselves.
honestly dudes i think maybe ive just done too many drugs to give a shit about how hairy a girls legs are when im balls deep in her fat ass
Sarah is cute, CUTE!!
I don't really mind. It's a lot worse when it's short and spiky.
I smell libtards all over this
Sarah is literally /aregirl/
I'm just saying it would be easier to stay attracted to women if my expectations weren't as high
>implying niggers have the mental ability to have standards
pedophilia is CUTE
Sure, this art is cringey and it does a shit job of questioning society. Labeling things "GOOD" and "BAD" doesn't accomplish anything. women like sara wouldn't exist with their obvious agendas in their artwork if it weren't for the real societal problems that we have.
Do you think she secretly enjoys her fan art?
I do have standards but they are based on actual biology
Yaaas queen indoctrinate the youth
Shit is natural. Don't wanna fuck it.
I really hope so.
>Will Sup Forums ever be in a good relationship?
None so far, all women are treacherous whores, even the ones you think aren't treacherous whores are really just treacherous whores.
Nigger biology isn't the same as white biology. You fuck as many ugly women as you can to have as many children as you can and hopefully some survive
White people find the right partner and then have some children and take care of them
It's just different worlds
If women wanna be hairy beasts that's fine but you can't expect men just to change what they find attractive. Fucking PC bullshit.
Is this real? She's quite the little slut.
so you're at zero, right
animals groom themselves, they dont take selfies you literal fucking retard, jesus christ step back and think for a second how stupid you just where when you posted that.
Zero kids? Correct. I'm not going to start until I'm married and can financially support an entire family
I know that probably doesn't even register for you Tyrone.
You had your first kid at 17 and you have no problem abandoning your children and the sheboons you impregnate. You have African morals.
>you just where
>Sarah Andersen will never make you lose
Most of us here have high sensitivity to disgusting things. That's why we can't tolerate sand people and dindus. That's why we can't tolerate hairy legs and and body modifications. That's why we can't tolerate disgusting sexual fetishes or interracial relationships.
shaving yourself is body modification...
So is cutting your hair or scraping the plague off your teeth.
hot damn
You know what I mean. Shaving yourself is the same as cutting your fingernails, tying up your hair and washing your teeth. It's not the same as tattoiing yourself, piercing your skin or mutilating yourself in some other way.
>scraping the plague off your teeth.
Holy fuck what is wrong with you that you need to do that?!
those are all practical issues. there is no practical reason to shave your legs.
Autocorrect is a bitch. You know what I meant.
It looks nice. That's all the reason you need. There's no real reason to shave your beard either. No reason to wear fancy clothes or make up. No need to decorate your house. It doesn't make sense to season your food either. Except aesthetics and beauty. Which tend to be quite important to civilized people. I know you wouldn't understand.
Is that Richard spencer on the right?
why does it look nice
the need for a relationship is a spook
Don't know, don't care. Beautiful things are beautiful.
White people don't like women with a lot of testosterone. Again its not something you'd understand. Don't worry about just go get yourself a fat bitch and a banana
Good thing you didn't waste that get
Which sucks, because in both males and females testosterone is the main cause of sexual arousal.
We have computers, cars and airplanes for the precise reason that whites feel there's more to life than just fucking.
>Is it related to peadophilia?
No but it's related to paedophilia. Neoteny is all the rage among humans. Females look much more similar to children for a reason mate.
What does the author of these things look like?
>comic expresses how the cartoonist is insecure because she's ugly and weird
>cartoonist is actually a qt normie
Will women ever stop being attention whores?
Youth is unironically beauty
It's actually biological to be attracted to younger females, because they would have had a much higher fertility and a much lower chance of dying in childbirth
It's just at some point we decided that some point is too young
Honestly age of consent being 16 is alright, so long as pregnancy is not involved. Pedophilia below that age is still fucking despicable
did you just unironically prove my point
Sup Forums would you shave your heavily pregnant wife's legs?
Assuming they are a normal healthy individual: If they bleed they can breed.
God damn of course it's an ahmed. Are you allowed on the Internet during Ramadan?
>but it will
> never gone down on some Sasquatch-artgirl.
> never had that combo of scratchy leg hair and patchoulli entice the senses
> never run to the nurse for an STD check after
Conditioning innit. We're very susceptible to that sort of stuff
Does knocking up a girl who's addicted to speed and who might have hep c count?
>girl loves me more than anything now, unsure where to go from here...
>Implying Muslims wait until they bleed.
Stop defending Muslims on the internet kike.
I'm in a healthy relationship with someone who sees eye to eye with me on politics, religion, ambitions, children, and hobbies.
It's a good feel.
I audibly lol'd
>tfw dick too small to slam through a girl's cervix into her womb and direct deposit cum up into her babybag
Yeah you guys do love to fuck little kids. In the goat sense too. You have to go back
>12+ are 'little kids'.
So you're a feminist kike?
I feel better about the world become someone took time out of their day to make this comic.
I mean leg and arm hair is pretty much vestigal on humans. Pubic hair has more of a purpose but a lot of fags get upset when they see some bush. Those fags are like closet pedos that prefer prepubescent looking vaginas.
So when her husbands who takes her family name says "Don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again", you'd be the real daddy. Is that....good?
I love that uterus character.