Who's worse atheists or muslims? Assume everything else about them are the same including race
Who's worse atheists or muslims? Assume everything else about them are the same including race
What's worse, heroin or crystal meth?
Muslims. Atheists are just annoying, but they won't wage organized religious conquest.
>claim to be Christian
>follow 1% of the Bible at best
Why does this happen?
It's kind of a big book, and people don't read books much anymore. It's also confusing.
Cuckolicks mostly
Get triggered Jew-lover
burn in hell dawkins lover
>le funny maymay
that wasn't even part of the question retard
I think people who feel the need to push their beliefs down others throats are the 2nd worst, Mudslimes being 1st
your answer.
>2 peosple represents 3 billion
yes but the atheists are the ones letting them in
oi vey goym, foigive you enemies!
>My god is all loving
>And if you refuse to worship him he will have your tortured for all eternity
Really activates my almonds.
A huge chunk of that three billion are Africans, also African Americans are more religious on average than white Americans.
>christianity is jewish
>The Bible calls jews the synagogue of Satan
please tell me where it says he is all loving. it talks about him hating people aroind 19 times
>africans are cucks
>he thinks God is soft on sinners and people who reject him
Rev 2:9 and Rev 3:9
john 3:16
Christians love to preach that shit. Also why worship an asshole? The moral thing to do is to defy the asshole who demands you worship him even if it results in punishment.
>choose salvation or choose punishment you deserve for your sin
>doesnt choose salvation
>is mad that he was punished for sin
really activates my almonds
Yeah, OK, Lucifer. Enjoy being king of your shitpile.
>Claim to love someone
>Punish them for all eternity
Your religion isn't a white religion by any means and the fastest growing parts are non-whites.
Sup Forums agrees with Islam on a fundamental level on 95% of issues
they only hate it because it is associated with brown people
atheists dont pose nearly the same threat.
>punishment you deserve
Pastor's daughter Angela Merkel, memeber of the Christian Democratic Union and chancellor of Germany, that invited them isn't an atheist. Neither is the German president that's literally a pastor.
Neither is the church and their various organizations like Caritas.
The real question is: why do you love jews so much?
>loving someone means you can never be harsh or punish them and must let them get away with anything.
i can love my son but if he starts doing heroine or joins a gang then im kicking him out of the house for disobeying against me and the family. if your son keeps defying you and wont accept grace then you can still love them but have a need to punish them in the name of justice.
>Gods demanded best cuts of meat from sacrifices
>Perseus thought humans should benefit from their labours and tricked the gods into getting crappy cuts of meat
>Gods punish humanity by taking away fire
>Perseus steals fire for humanity
>Gods punish him by chaining him up and having a bird eat his liver for all eternity (or until Herakles saves him)
Christians think Perseus is in the wrong, pagans think Perseus made a noble sacrifice.
>didn't read the whole verse
he loves you enough to be saved but if you reject him he doesn't care for you when you die
Well if you don't believe in him why would you pick salvation?
If there was evidence that Christianity is true i'd happily believe in it
He loves everyone, that's why you have a chance to repent, if you don't take that chance you're going to hell.
>muh non-white christians
>white countries legalizing homosexuality
>south africa has biggest white minority in africa
>homosexuality is legal
really makes me think
No, we hate it because the Jews are forcing an invasive and incompatible culture on us, and clearly causing the kinds of unnecessary problems that it always causes when it gets to be too popular.
We wouldn't care about Islam if it were to stay in its containment zone.
>t. libertarian cuck
because the price for sin is death
Seems like they are teaming up to spitroast rape then murder what's left of the Western culture
>butthurt because their fellow jews wouldn't convert to their cucked cult translates to them somehow not being jewish
>just ignore the mythology
>or the history
>and every key figure, most of which even proudly proclaim their jewish heritage like Saul/Paul or Rabbi Jeshua ben Joseph
Why do you love jews so much?
if you dont believe in him then you pick the punishment you deserve for sin
It's like breaking the law then you go to prison. Don't break the law and you don't go to prison.
So what? Greek myths are based. They tell you how if you act like a sensible person instead of a retard rebel without a cause then you can get along for everybody's benefit.
>Eternal punishment for finite crime
>This is okay, this is what love really is
This is like battered wife syndrome, god demands that you worship him and if you refuse he punishes you as badly as possible for all eternity. Not to mention your own religion constantly refers to you cucks as sheep.
Hell is not even in the bible. It was made up later on.
Why don't you explain why you love jews so much, user?
romans 5:8
galations 2:20
But why?
Prisons exist for a reason though. To benefit society by isolating anti-social elements. Who benefits from hell? God?
You guys thought of maybe changing your recruitment policy
Might "save" more people if you tried using less threats
Agreed. I've met many people with an irrational hate for something they don't understand because it was forced on them.
>i can love my son but if he starts doing heroine or joins a gang then im kicking him out of the house for disobeying against me and the family.
That is not the same as going to hell.
>If my sons starts doing heroin I'm going to drag him down into the basement, skin his dick and pour salt on it before stitching the skin back on and letting his dick heal before repeating until the end of time.
You are talking about infinite punishment. That is the issue. If god said
>Hey you sinned, and you didn't believe in me, so you are going to be punished for the things you did
>You earned 20 years in hell so you can appreciate life and shit
That I could understand
you choose to sin against god, instead of instadeath, the price of sin, he gives you grace and a choice to repent for your sins or to reject him. you cant reject god and expect to live in eternity with him. hell is eternity without god.
Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus. Even atheists are better.
And Christianity teaches you to just bend over backwards when anyone harms you and to just be complacent with tyranny. The bible is full of stories akin to Perseus' where god is being a dick to people and god is always portrayed as being right and people who dislike his dickish actions are portrayed as bad.
That isn't all loving you retard.
truth hurt man, but this is the only way. unless you accept the salvation in the sacrifice of christ then you dont deserve an eternity with god.
No it doesn't. That's a misinterpretation.
That I can agree on. Most Christians I don't mind even if I dislike their religion, Evangelicals are concentrated cancer.
go back to israel, you fucking jew-follower
You mean Prometheus, Perseus was the guy that cut Medusa's head off.
>38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.
How the fuck do you interpret that as anything except submission.
Thanks for the link, will give it all a thorough look :)
Fuck. I have been doing that a lot lately. I knew who I was talking about but mixed up the names. Thanks for catching that.
Easy. The way to fight evil is to let it destroy itself. I've always been perplexed at how few people understand this concept.
you're basically doing that in and faggot
not wrong
because sin leads to guilt and condemnation. guilt and condemnation end with seperation from god. the price to pay for sin is figuratively death of spirit. and why do you deserve eternal life with god if you chose to reject him? do you think its 'unfair' that you dont receive salvation? read romans 6:23, its a hard book to stomach but it was their best interpretation of the church at the time.
That's working so well with the Jews and the migrant crisis. Why if we just keep letting people ruin our countries America might stabilize at 5% white.
>taking shit out of context
It's the wrong approach for an invasion, sure. It doesn't say to bow down and spread your buttcheeks wide open after being slapped. It says to stand up and let them try to slap your other cheek and then see what happens.
Because chr*stianity has no religious obligations, you can do whatever you feel like. Chr*stianity can't be taken serious anyway because it does whatever is trendy in the moment instead of following the word of god.
why do you deserve to be forgiven after your punishment? what have you done to earn your appreciation of life after 20 years of hell? do you decide the rules of eternity? it is only through christ that you can be seen holy in the eyes of god so you either chose salvation through christ or rejection and your fate in eternity without god. why is it just that someone who acts against gods will and denies him gets to spend eternity with god?
> It says to stand up and let them try to slap your other cheek and then see what happens.
It doesn't say that.
>That's working so well with the Jews and the migrant crisis.
It literally is though.
When white supremacists etc. organize together to 'resist' these things, they serve only as convenient boogiemen for the Jews to slander opposition with.
Take a look at Sup Forums: All we do here is sit back and laugh at evil. And yet we've made more progress in under 10 years with this approach than militant right-wing extremists have in decades with violent action.
Face it: Jesus was right.
actually whenever a tribe or nation rejects god and his teachings of the old testament they fall into disorder and destruction. god will deliver justice in full.
Yes it does. It very clearly says to turn the other cheek. What happens when they slap your left cheek?
This has historical significance.
Muslims, because at least right-leaning Atheists understand the merits of Christianity rather than trying to kill them all with nail bombs
also read Romans 1 18-32