What incentive do you have to place happiness value on things external to you? Why would you allow your well being to be dictated at all by things or people outside of your control?
What incentive do you have to place happiness value on things external to you...
>Outside your control
Only someone feminine and weak enough to subscribe to the spook ideology has such an inability to take hold of their life and change what they dislike into what they like. It's called perseverance, and requires intelligence and personal strength. Virtues one who invents happiness where there is none because they cannot create it out of intelligent decision making and risk-taking.
You know I never understood why people held Stirner in such contempt, but this actually puts it into perfect context. He was actually, literally retarded.
That makes it much more embarrassing that he BTFO'd Marx so hard.
I'm not going to behave how you want me to behave just because you think it's "retarded"
Why our spooksters so petty and pathetic?
I'd love for you to do another post, but next time use arguments. Or do you succeed because you use terms like retarded and btfo?
"External to you" is a nonce statement. If everything is truly your food, then act like it.
As for your "well-being", there are countless factors that are indeed completely outside of your control. This has nothing to do with spooks and whether you enjoy defending them or not.
Usually because Stirner's philosophy is presented in a way that is deliberately antagonistic. Which is understandable since it's what Stirner would have wanted. Just don't expect reasoned debate.
>le spook le spook
>What incentive do you have to place happiness value on things external to you?
They're important and I'm not a selfish autism-spectrum sack of human garbage who only cares about things which directly effect me at this exact moment.
>Why would you allow your well being to be dictated at all by things or people outside of your control?
Because I care about important things and wish to contribute in what way I can.
I don't think you correctly used the term nonce statement, did you mean something else?
Uh, I dont know how the hell to have pride for my internal self if it cannot create and excel in the external world?
>ignored the rest of the post
>focuses on a rhetorical quibble
Sounds about right. Reminder that the faggot in the OP, as well as virtually all of libertardian ideology for that matter, is valued by literal subhumans stricken with autism spectrum malfunctions.
No, I did not.
Nonsense statement, if you did not understand.
Look at this emotional trigger, ye who observe. You are one of 7.8 billion primates on this cosmic mote called earth, and you think you, one individual on a manchurian alpaca herding message board, have any say on labelling something as important universally? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
So your pride value is determined by how you value what you think other people think of your actions and time investments? Why?
Still no argument, just more pejoratives. Typical.
>Look at this emotional trigger, ye who observe.
Not an argument.
>You are one of 7.8 billion primates on this cosmic mote called earth, and you think you, one individual on a manchurian alpaca herding message board, have any say on labelling something as important universally?
Of course I do, if my arguments are logical. Nice logical fallacy though, moron.
Nice argument, you win! Oh wait, if I call you a faggot does that mean I win too?
>directly affect me at this exact moment
Literally nobody implied. Stop projecting your 16-year-old self onto Stirnerists.
The argument is present. Looks like your spooks are acting up.
Not in response to my post. I called him out on his spook and you proceed to justify it by making a generalization about my philosophy.
You haven't proven anything, you only (incorrectly) asserted that you are logical and ejaculated MUH FALLACY
OP can keep living for soulless egoism and help kikes who care about each other
Nothing in my post was a generalization.
Sorry, but you are too touchy to properly defend Stirner.
>still no argument
Make one. You do Stirner a disservice every time to make such a lazy post.
You credit a fpbp to somebody who could barely cobble together a coherent sentence? I admire your intellect
>What incentive do you have to place happiness value on things external to you?
They exist.
>Why would you allow your well being to be dictated at all by things or people outside of your control
You don't get to "allow" things outside of your control to do anything.
Pretty easy BTFO. Low-tier non-philosopher.
>b-b-but he m-meant
If he meant something that wasn't retarded, he should've said it.
>Usually because Stirner's philosophy is presented in a way that is deliberately antagonistic.
You generalizing
>Just don't expect reasoned debate.
You justifying
What more is there to say?
gr8 b8 m8
That your argument is external to him, and therefore doesn't exist? Oh no wait that's your gay ideology.
Do you deny that those two precepts are false? You're certainly acting as if they are true. Indeed, you even used the word "typical" to describe them.
So, you put value on everything that exists because it exists?
You do not? Everything has a value.
I'm describing your behavior as typical.
It's not external to him at all. I'm literally arguing ABOUT him.
wtf I love your ideology now.
seriously grow up.
Prove it
Right, the behavior you encounter when you attempt to discuss Stirner follows very typical patterns, ones that frankly you should be able to recognize. I think you do, hence why you call them typical. And yet you never change your behavior to net you a better result.
No, it's just the same type of person tries to argue against Stirner, and you all fear individualism in any form. You resort to name-calling to spook people into becoming part of your tribe, when in reality that person has nothing to gain from it.
Are you not trying to spook people into joining your Stirnerist tribe? Why are you even here arguing in the first place, if you are truly an individual?
Nah, there is no "we" or "tribe." Only myself. Only the ego, which will dissolve into the void eventually. But watching you larp is absolutely hilarious. I have no interest in converting you to anything
>the benefits of being a minimalist
I wanna drink the tears of people who surround themselves with treasures and riches just to lose it all because of a selfish decision they make to try and gain more treasures and riches.
Watching you claim to be an individual after replacing your personality with semantic bits produced by other human beings is amusing, if not a bit sad.
But watching you sperg non-arguments from your face hole is even more amusing. Observing and provoking spooked individuals is like drinking a fine wine
you didn't create any of what you just said, and yet you define yourself by it. This is the "I WUZ" of philosophies.
Stirner would be shaking his head at your spookiness.